UPDATE 10/26/14: If you missed the end of our campaign and are interested in donating for perks, please email donate@thehpalliance.org and we'll try to hook you up. We should be able to accommodate most requests received before November 1, 2014.
Equality FTW is the Harry Potter Alliance’s annual fundraiser. Your contribution helps us fund another year of fan activism working for economic, educational, and LGBTQ equality.
The HPA is an organization created by fans, serving fans and supported by fans. We are a place where Harry Potter fans, Nerdfighters, and other fandoms can come together and find practical ways to decrease world suck.
Because of your support, we've done some amazing things over the past year:
We created huge growth in our Chapters Program. We have over 270 active HPA chapters (up from 120) in 43 states and 25 countries and they are doing amazing work in their local communities.
Our Accio Books drive raised over 50,000 books - the most ever. Many of those donations helped us create an Apparating Library that opened on September 13th and gave away thousands of books in one of Detroit's most challenged neighborhoods.
We used broad cultural messaging to link the Hunger Games to the issue of economic inequality through our Odds in Our Favor campaign.
We partnered with Public Knowledge and brought over 20,000 fans and online video creators together for Net Neutrality.
We worked to build cultural awareness for Esther Day by encouraging creative projects and working with partners in the Nerdfighter community, This Star Won't Go Out, LeakyCon, Penguin Books, and even Sesame Workshop.
We established the Granger Grant for Excellence in Community Organizing that awards $5000 annually to 8 different HPA chapters to assist with innovative ideas and projects.
We undertook a year-long strategic planning process to help clarify our mission and create goals for the next 3 years.
Our co-founder Andrew Slack received an Ashoka Fellowship, recognizing him – and the HPA – as one of our world's leading social entrepreneurs.
Over 90% of our funding comes from our members and from fandom-based efforts like Project for Awesome and LeakyCon. We don't rely on the Malfoys to give us big donations. Instead we rely on people like you: Harry Potter fans, Nerdfighters, Whovians, Browncoats and supporters from all 12 Districts.
Here’s a look at some of the awesome perks you can get for supporting the Harry Potter Alliance this year.
We take a lot of pride in being an organization that exists to bring fans together and to make fandom a little more magical. Our world needs a Dumbledore's Army and, with your help, we are making that a reality.
Here’s what we’re hoping to accomplish over the next year:
This October we launch the Granger Leadership Academy: a weekend-long conference to train the next generation of fan activists with a specific focus on empowering female leaders. Yes, it’s named after Hermione.
We'll grow our chapters program to over 400 chapters making the HPA one of the largest chapter-based organizations in the world. As part of our expansion plans, we're working closely with the American Library Association and we have a pilot program experimenting with HPA chapters in over a dozen libraries across the US and Canada.
We'll continue our work on Economic Inequality with the release of the upcoming Mockingjay movie by spreading awareness through our We Are the Districts project and by connecting low-wage worker campaigns to the Hunger Games.
We're developing a Positive Fandom initiative to create resources and start conversation on the subject of healthy fandom experiences. We’re also working with YouCoalition.
We'll have our largest Accio Books campaign ever next spring.
You'll see more videos from our new spokesperson: Harry Potter, the Boy Who Vlogged.
The Harry Potter Alliance is considered the global leader in fan activism. When you support our work, you're supporting a movement that recognizes the power of fan communities to change the world. Here's how that happens:
Q: Is my donation tax deductible?
A: Yes - mostly! After donating, you should receive an email from FirstGiving confirming the tax-deductible status of your contribution. The tax-deductible portion of your contribution depends on the value of the perks you've received. Please refer to this website to determine how much of your contribution is tax-deductible: thehpalliance.org/eftw-faq
Q: Does international shipping cost extra?
A: Yes please. IndieGoGo doesn’t allow us to add any extra shipping to the perks, so it is included in the suggested donation price. However, international shipping costs our organization considerably more, so we encourage donors outside the U.S. to add $5-15 to their perk to help us defray these additional costs.
Q: I forgot to add international shipping. Will I still get my perk?
A: Yes, you will. And if you're a super nice person, you can still donate your additional shipping costs by going to thehpalliance.org/donate. Thanks!
Q: I donated for one of the shirt perks. When do I give you my shirt size?
A: We will email you shortly after the conclusion of the campaign. At that time, you’ll be asked to provide sizing details for you shirt. Please add info@thehpalliance.org to your address book to ensure that you receive this important email.
Q: I’m outside of the US and having trouble getting IndieGoGo to accept my donation. Help?
A: IndieGoGo only accepts international credit cards, not bank or debit cards. If you do not have a credit card and still wish to donate to our campaign and receive perks, email donate@thehpalliance.org to make sure the perk you want is still available, and donate instead directly through thehpalliance.org/donate.