The Advanced Seismic Warning System is the world's most sensitive and highly developed seismic activity monitoring system, capable of alerting authorities of an impending earthquake up to 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE!
Unlike traditional seismic systems which monitor the physical vibration of the earth, The Advanced Seismic Warning System triggers an alarm when the electrical activity within the earth reaches a certain threshold, the 'point of no return', beyond which the signal continues to grow in strength until finally the earth quakes! The alarm can be triggered up to 48 hours before the earthquake event, allowing authorities the opportunity to secure vulnerable infrastructure and facilities, and civilians to find a place of safety.
WHAT IS THE ADVANCED SEISMIC WARNING SYSTEM? (And why it's completely unique!) The system utilizes advanced radio techniques; seismic monitoring is achieved through listening to the electrical signals, or "sounds", produced by earth's tectonic activity. It's possible to observe the activity both visually and through literally listening to the sounds, exactly like a radio!
This is like tuning in to the earth's soundtrack. The melody becomes dramatic when the earth is getting ready for an upheaval! Whilst the system was operating more than several disasters were pre-detected by the system, including the massive Japan Earthquake that struck Fukushima and resulted in a nuclear meltdown!
Here Eric Dollard presents a chart showing electrical activity (in black) versus the mechanical seismic event (in red) and it shows very clearly there is now a successfully engineered way to predict earthquakes hours and days in advance from electrical activity but Eric needs your help to take it further and fully develop a commercial system.
The picture above shows an actual earth signal which is used by the system to detect earthquakes days in advance!
The video above demonstrates what these electrical signals from the earth and ionosphere sound like when processed and filtered into a frequency range audible to the human ear.
EPD Laboratories, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit scientific organisation run by electrical and radio engineer and scientist Eric P. Dollard ( He's supported in the lab and field by John Polakowski and Justin Miller.
Eric gained his electrical and radio engineering training during his experiences at Bell Telephone Labs, R.C.A. (Radio Corporation Of America) and the U.S. Navy earlier in life, and since the late 80's has presented and written many lectures and books on the theory of electricity, radio, and transmission structures. He has since become somewhat of a celebrity due to their spread and popularity on the internet.
EPD Laboratories is also working in cooperation with the local government agencies.
Earthquake prediction 48 hours ahead is an important technological advance and the first step in preventing repeats of events such as that at Tepco, Fukushima. Had the nuclear power station been given a sufficient warning of an impending earthquake and possible Tsunami from an instrumentation such as the advanced seismic warning system, then the nuclear reactor could have been taken offline, and more than just many lives saved but hundreds of billions of dollars could have been saved too!
We propose that this technology can prevent other serious disasters as a result of earthquakes and tsunamis. Please listen! The ongoing continuation of this project just can't happen without your help!
The above charts were recorded at Eric's Landers monitoring station in California, which unfortunately was lost due to financial difficulties. The station was put up for sale and was eventually sold off piece by piece. This is what we are working towards rebuilding and we really need your help to do it.
The technology is based on the work of Nikola Tesla and Ernst
Alexanderson, and is the culmination of three decades of research and
development by Eric Dollard. It was originally conceived as a NAVY submarine
communication system.
The earth's electrical signals are received by several large and extremely sensitive antenna fields located in the Nevada desert. Rather than being a reactive system like traditional seismographs which respond to the vibration during or after the earthquake, this system is predictive!
Instead of mere minutes to prepare or find safety, a warning can be issued with up to 48 HOURS notice!
We're campaigning for at least $77,701 in order to bring this project up to the point of public demonstration by late 2015 to early 2016. The specific costs to complete this phase of work have been determined to be as follows:
The US Department of the Interior and an university in the state of Nevada very kindly donated an underground mine fully equipped with a mechanical seismograph, offering many further opportunities for scientific research - $1,000 - Seismic Mine Insurance
The lab floor is awash with parts and equipment. We need to tidy up so we can organise our inventory and dismantle old equipment to reclaim useful parts - $3,000 - U-Line Industrial Shelving
We need to install between 20 and 40 ground rods, each to a depth of 10 to 30 metres. For this task we need special ground drilling equipment which is normally used for drilling water wells - $4,000 - Hydra-Drill from DeepRock Manufacturing
We've found an used Lines Truck, which is a truck that's specially designed for manoeuvring and installing telephone poles, as well as drilling the holes. We currently dig each hole by hand, and use a combination of ropes and Eric's 1981 Toyota Corolla to manipulate and erect the poles for the antenna field. This truck will save countless hours of work - $4,000 - Used Lines Truck
The antenna fields cover many square miles and are spread out over a large area in the Nevada desert, so getting around to do the work uses a lot of fuel. We also receive and acquire a lot of disused and unwanted equipment through donation which requires transporting back to the lab - $5,000 - 1 Year Travel Expenses
Several poles in the antenna field are damage and need to be repaired or replaced - $5,000 - Remaining Poles & Insulators
Loading networks consisting of coils and capacitors are used for the antenna line terminating hardware. There are 20 sections and 20 loading networks. The loading coils also require specialised cases to protect them from the elements - $7,500 - Loading Network
Running costs for the lab include tax, insurance and utilities - $8,520 - 1 Year Building Expenses
We need tools and many components to assemble all the equipment, as well as meters for testing and measuring parameters - $10,000 - Tools, Meters & Components
Since beginning to operate, EPD Labs has been paying rent to the original benefactor of the building, David Wittekind. By paying off the balance that remains from the $59,000 paid so far, the building will become under the legal ownership of EPD Labs and we will no longer have to pay monthly rent - $29,681 - Principal Balance Owed For The Building
A view of the antenna lines. The seismic mine is among the mountains towards the left.
Last year we successfully raised over $25,000 through Indiegogo, some of
which went towards a bond to secure the use of government land for the
project. The remainder was used to accomplish over $100,000 worth of
work on the receiving antenna fields, which included wiring up the
antenna system and erecting telephone poles on location in the Nevada
desert. We also managed to get our hands on a number of disused
telephone poles, crossarms, insulators, many miles of wire, and other
goodies essential for the project, all at no cost! We've also gained
support and interest from the local municipality and universities.
*ATTENTION!* Some of you donated last year but didn't leave your address to receive your perks. Please get in touch with us so that we can send them out to you.
Eric demonstrates reception of AM radio from the ground through a part of the Advanced Seismic Warning System antenna structure:
In the Nevada desert - Eric Dollard working on a section of the antenna field
If you would like more information or to see more pictures of progress please feel free to check out Eric's blog entries:
With your help we can save countless lives and prevent catastrophic unnatural disasters from happening as a secondary effect, causing further damage to property and the environment.
What if the Fukushima reactor could have been secured before disaster struck? What if gas pipelines and electrical transmission lines could be shut down before an earthquake in order to prevent gas leaks, explosions, and further destruction of essential infrastructure and property?
This system makes it possible, and with your support we can prevent similar disasters from ever happening again. The only hurdle is money! How much is a million lives worth?
Wrong place at the wrong time? Not with your support!
If you have any doubts about contributing to the campaign, please consider helping through sharing this page with your friends and family. Success depends on getting the word out and letting the world know that this technology exists! Together we can bring it into service for humanity. We appreciate all your support!
Looking for more information?Check the project
Get your name listed as a benefactor on Eric's official web site. Show your support for this revolutionary life-saving technology!
6 claimed
Panoramic Desert Pictures
$15 USD
Two panoramic pictures of part of the system's antenna lines in scenic desert background. One includes a common part of the landscape - Eric's car!
Medium resolution download.
2 claimed
Landers Station Image Pack
$20 USD
Complete image pack of the Landers monitoring and research facility. Includes pictures of equipment and the antenna structures. They've already been posted on Eric's web site, but if you like this project you can get the lot in this one convenient file to download.
7 claimed
Letter from Eric Dollard
$50 USD
Receive a letter from the legendary engineer and scientist Eric Dollard.
9 claimed
Autograph Photo
$100 USD
Receive the letter PLUS, you'll receive an autographed photo of Eric Dollard (different from last year's photo).
4 out of 100 of claimed
2015 Conference Presentation
$250 USD
Get the letter and photo PLUS a free downloadable copy of Eric's presentation that he will be giving at the 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference, THE POWER OF THE AETHER AS RELATED TO MUSIC AND ELECTRICITY.
5 out of 100 of claimed
Books & Videos
$500 USD
Get the letter and photo PLUS free downloads of all of Eric Dollard's books and videos published by A & P Electronic Media. That includes Wireless Giant of the Pacific, Lone Pine Writings, Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla & Alexanderson and Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity.
0 out of 100 of claimed
Free Conference Admission
$1,000 USD
Come to the 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference for free ($400 admission price) and watch Eric Dollard LIVE! Get all the books and videos listed in the $500 perk including his new presentation coming. You have to cover your own travel and lodging but the conference fee is waved.
1 out of 2 of claimed
Guided Tour Of The Facility
$1,750 USD
An exclusive guided tour of the EPD Laboratories facility in Nevada, the Tesla telluric system, a tour of the antenna substructure, grounding systems and oscilloscopes, detectors and other seismic sensors. Includes other lower level perks except the free conference admission.
0 out of 10 of claimed
Two Days With Eric Dollard
$2,500 USD
Spend two days alone with Eric Mon-Fri. Get tutored on any electrical subject that you want. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You have to cover your own travel and lodging, but the time spent with Eric will be invaluable and the memories will last a lifetime. It will be something to tell your grandkids about! Includes other lower level perks except the free conference admission.
0 out of 5 of claimed
A Week With Eric Dollard
$5,000 USD
Hang out with Eric Mon-Fri all by yourself. Get tutored on any electrical subject that you want. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You have to cover your own travel and lodging, but the time spent with Eric will be invaluable and the memories will last a lifetime. It will be something to tell your grandkids about! Includes other lower level perks except the free conference admission.
0 out of 5 of claimed
Angel Funder
$10,000 USD
Includes all the other perks PLUS honorary lifetime member of EPD Laboratories, Inc.
0 out of 5 of claimed
Guardian Angel
$25,000 USD
Includes all other perks plus lifetime honorary member of EPD Laboratories, Inc.