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Escalate Struggle to STOP Police Murder!

Stop Police Brutality and Murder, Mass Incarceration, and the Criminalization of a Generation!

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Escalate Struggle to STOP Police Murder!

Escalate Struggle to STOP Police Murder!

Escalate Struggle to STOP Police Murder!

Escalate Struggle to STOP Police Murder!

Escalate Struggle to STOP Police Murder!

Stop Police Brutality and Murder, Mass Incarceration, and the Criminalization of a Generation!

Stop Police Brutality and Murder, Mass Incarceration, and the Criminalization of a Generation!

Stop Police Brutality and Murder, Mass Incarceration, and the Criminalization of a Generation!

Stop Police Brutality and Murder, Mass Incarceration, and the Criminalization of a Generation!

Steve Yip
Steve Yip
Steve Yip
Steve Yip
4 Campaigns |
New York City, United States
$2,842 USD 56 backers
27% of $10,500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 4 Projects Mountain Filled 4 Projects

The cops who killed Michael Brown and Eric Garner walk free. This is an OUTRAGE!  Police murdered Tamir Rice, a twelve year old playing in a park; Akai Gurley walking down a stairwell, and countless more.

This amounts to America giving its stamp of approval to police murder. And the killing goes on and on... every 28 hours a Black person is killed by law enforcement.


The recent outpourings of rage have been beautiful, powerful, and sorely needed. Starting with the defiance of people in Ferguson and spreading across this entire country, people are standing up and saying NO MORE.

We in the Stop Mass Incarceration Network have as our mission bringing forward millions to continue this fight, never to back down, to draw in more and more sections of society until this slow genocide of police murder and mass incarceration is STOPPED.

This requires organization. This requires funds. This requires YOU.

You can read our mission statement crafted by Carl Dix and Cornel West and adopted by our movement here

Your funds will provide urgently needed materials to help people say "NO MORE!"  Posters, flyers, stickers, and especially 50,000 whistles to "Blow the Whistle" on police abuse & murder to be distributed around the U.S. as part of giving people a way to organize themselves, building this essential national movement.

Giving today is one of the most meaningful ways you can ensure that this becomes a winning movement, not a passing moment.

Giving today makes you part of a growing community of people who are saying NO MORE to the epidemic of police killings:

**Nicholas Heyward Jr., Malcolm Ferguson, Sean Bell, Anthony Baez, Anthony Rosario and Hilton Vega, Shantel Davis, James Earl Rivera Jr, Clinton Allen, Dante Pomar, Diallo Neal, Kenneth Chamberlain Jr., Flint Farmer, Oscar Grant, Kelley Thomas, Eleanor Bumpers, Manuel Diaz, Joel Acevedo, Andy Lopez, Amadou Diallo, Darius Pinex, Kendrec McDade, James Boyd, Vonderrit Myers, John Crawford III, Ezell Ford, Akai Gurley, Omar Abrego and hundreds of others have been killed and brutalized by police.**

Asking friends and family to give is a way to open up this conversation with many more people and brings them into this community and every single dollar makes a concrete difference.

THANK YOU for being part of a movement that can really make a huge difference for people everywhere!

#Black Lives Matter. # Latino Lives Matter.  #All Lives Matter 
Follow @StopMassIncNet

* * *

Funds for this crowd-funded campaign on Indiegogo are not tax-deductible, but we encourage you to get a tax deduction through donating directly to the work of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network:

  • Make an online tax-deductible donation
  • Personal check or money order made out to “AfGJ/Stop Mass Incarceration” Send to:  The Stop Mass Incarceration Network, P.O. Box 941 Knickerbocker Station, New York NY 10002-0900.

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Send some love

$5 USD
Thanks. Every $5 buys enough for a whole class to "blow the whistle."
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
2 out of 200 of claimed

Be a Whistle Blower

$10 USD
Acknowledgment on, social media as donor to this project. Thanks!
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
3 out of 200 of claimed

Show Support

$25 USD
Your donation goes toward our goal and is much appreciated!
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
10 claimed

Organize Whistle Blowers

$50 USD
A package of 50 whistles sent to you as soon as we receive shipment.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 out of 100 of claimed

DVD of Cornel West & Carl Dix

$75 USD
Revolution Books NYC DVD: On July 14, 2009, an extremely important and successful program, featuring Cornel West, one of America’s most provocative public intellectuals, and Carl Dix, a long-time revolutionary and a founding member of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, took place at the Harlem Stage at Aaron Davis Hall in Harlem, New York.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
1 claimed

Book: "Black Prophetic Fire"

$100 USD
In "Black Prophetic Fire", Cornel West, with distinguished scholar Christa Buschendorf, provides a fresh perspective on six African American leaders: Frederick Douglass, W. E. B. Du Bois, Martin Luther King Jr., Ella Baker, Malcolm X, and Ida B. Wells. In dialogue with Buschendorf, West examines the impact of these men and women on their own eras and across the decades. Autographed by SMIN co-founder, Cornel West.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
3 claimed

Mike, Trayvon, and Oscar

$200 USD
Framed image from the artist Vazta! Choice of one ~ Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin or Oscar Grant. Previews are available in the image gallery.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
0 out of 12 of claimed

Signed Books by Henry Giroux

$250 USD
One signed copy each of "The Violence of Organized Forgetting"; "Zombie Politics in the Age of Casino Capitalism, 2nd edition"; and "Neoliberalism's War Against Higher Education," by Henry Giroux, scholar, cultural critic, and one of the founding theorists of critical pedagogy in the United States.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 out of 1 of claimed

Framed Photo of "Resistance"

$500 USD
11 x 17 Framed Photo Print - Digital Pigment Print. Archival quality. Beautiful expression of a year of joyous resistance from the movement to Stop Mass Incarceration and Police Terror, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
1 out of 5 of claimed

Mike, Trayvon AND Oscar

$500 USD
Mike, Trayvon, and Oscar Framed images from the artist Vazta! Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin and Oscar Grant. Previews are available in the image gallery.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
0 out of 4 of claimed
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