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Essential Oil Blend Calculator

Making it easier for soapmakers to create uniquely scented soap!

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Essential Oil Blend Calculator

Essential Oil Blend Calculator

Essential Oil Blend Calculator

Essential Oil Blend Calculator

Essential Oil Blend Calculator

Making it easier for soapmakers to create uniquely scented soap!

Making it easier for soapmakers to create uniquely scented soap!

Making it easier for soapmakers to create uniquely scented soap!

Making it easier for soapmakers to create uniquely scented soap!

Kenna C
Kenna C
Kenna C
Kenna C
2 Campaigns |
Peoria, United States
$6,778 USD 199 backers
104% of $6,500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects
Easily find essential oil blends to use in your soapmaking and know what the proper usage rate is, without a ton of research or asking around!

As the owner of a popular soapmaking blog and resource, some of the most common questions I get is about essential oils: 

What essential oils go together?

Where can I find essential oil blends for soapmaking?

How do I know how much of a blend to use in a product?

I've done my best to answer these questions through articles on my blog, like this series on essential oils that explains how to use them, how to blend them, and how to calculate usage rates. I've compiled 50 of my favorite essential oil blends created with my own two hands in an ebook that has sold over a thousand of copies. 

And yet, the questions keep coming. What if I could answer them in an interactive way that helped soapmakers learn and find what they're looking for easier?

This project is that answer.

Modern Soapmaking is developing an essential oil calculator that will accomplish all of the above, and I need your help to make it come to life! Soapmakers will be able to:

  • Search a database of essential oil blends by choosing up to three essential oils to find in blends in the library (The library will include 250+ blends from my own formulary on launch.)
  • Submit their own essential oil blends to be added to the library, with full credit to their creation. (Supporters have the opportunity to submit blends in advance and have them featured in the search results!)
  • Calculate the usage rate of any essential oil blend, no matter if it's their own personal blend or one from the library. (Usage rates will be calculated based on scent load per product category with consideration to current IFRA Standards.)

It will finally be easy for soapmakers to safely use essential oils in their products, and create unique products scented with essential oil blends! And it will be available to all users of Modern Soapmaking's website, free of charge!

    Essential Oil Blend Calculator Mockups

    Want a sneak peek into the development mockups? Here's what we're working on:

    The Find a Blend interface, where a soapmaker can choose up to three essential oils they have on hand to check the library of blends. Notice the Featured Blend at the top of the page that will randomly display one featured blend from our Featured Sponsors!

    The usage rate calculator at work, showing the usage rate information for a sample blend. Notice the alert about the restricted essential oils, and the scent load options! This is an example of a blend being used in a soap, but the scent load usage rates are customized for each product type (so a lotion, for instance, would show 0.25% to 1% usage rates).

    About The Perks

    Want more information about the perks than the little snippets shown to the right? I got you:

    $5 Perk: Thanks

    Every little bit helps! I really appreciate your help in creating this calculator for the soapmaking community! I'll send you a Thank You card via snail mail, to show my gratitude! 

    $15 Perk: 50 Essential Oil Blends

    If you haven't snagged my 50 Essential Oil Blends ebook yet, you'll snag it as a thank you! This is Modern Soapmaking's bestselling ebook, and has sold over 1,000 copies. It features fifty essential oil blends that I created with my own two hands, and have tested in cold process soapmaking.

    Please note that the blends featured in this ebook will be included in the calculator's library.

    $25 Perk: 50 Essential Oil Blends + Credits Page

    At the bottom of every page of the calculator, there will be a link to a page listing all the lovelies who helped create this calculator. And your name will be right there alongside all the others!

    Plus, you'll also snag my 50 Essential Oil Blends ebook as a thank you! This is Modern Soapmaking's bestselling ebook, and has sold over 1,000 copies. It features fifty essential oil blends that I created with my own two hands, and have tested in cold process soapmaking.

    Please note that the blends featured in this ebook will be included in the calculator's library.

    $30 Perk: 100 Essential Oil Blends

    Take home double the blends! 

    You'll get your hands on 50 *unreleased* essential oil blends compiled in an ebook, plus, my 50 Essential Oil Blends ebook as a thank you! That's a grand total of 100 essential oil blends at your fingertips. 

    Please note that the blends featured in these ebooks will be included in the calculator's library.

    $40 Perk: 100 Essential Oil Blends + Credits Page

    At the bottom of every page of the calculator, there will be a link to a page listing all the lovelies who helped create this calculator. And your name will be right there alongside all the others!

    Plus, you'll land BOTH the 50 *unreleased* essential oil blends compiled in an ebook and my 50 Essential Oil Blends ebook! That's a total of 100 essential oil blends at your fingertips. 

    Please note that the blends featured in these ebooks will be included in the calculator's library.

    $75 Perk: Essential Oil Blending Kit

    I've taught hundreds of soapmakers how to blend essential oils with hands-on classes. And now, you can learn, too! This blending kit has never been independently sold, and has been used to teach classes by me for over a year. (So I know it works!)

    You'll receive a full-fledged beginner's blending kit with study materials, exercises, and resources, eleven ½ ounce samples of essential oils, disposable pipettes, fragrance testing strips, a fragrance wheel, and a notebook to keep track of what you learn & discover!

    The blending kit contains enough materials for you and a friend to enjoy learning together! Free shipping in the United States! Unfortunately, due to postal regulations, this kit is not available outside of the country.

    $100 Perk: Featured Sponsor - PERFECT for a soapmaking supplier or teacher!

    Contribute an essential oil blend of your own and have it featured at the top of the Find a Blend page of the calculator (as well as at the top of relevant search results) for three months.

    A link to your website and any information you'd like to include will be prominently displayed on the blend's View the Blend page. (See the video for mockups of the page designs!)

    Featured blends will also be shared on Modern Soapmaking's social media periodically, including Facebook (15k+ fans), Twitter (1.4k), Instagram (1.5k), and newsletter (5k).

    This perk is PERFECT for a soapmaking supplier or teacher!

    $1000 Perk: Super Sponsor - PERFECT for a soapmaking supplier or teacher!

    Sponsor the whole shebang and snag a 768 x 90 banner ad and link featured on the bottom of every single page of the calculator for a whole year. (See the video for mockups of the page designs!)

    A link to your website and any information you'd like to include will be prominently displayed above the banner advertisement, thanking you for your sponsorship.

    Where's the Money Going

    The development of this calculator is being contracted with an expert developer who is known for both security and proper standards compliant coding. This will ensure the calculator will both be secure and safe for Modern Soapmaking and it's users, as well as reliable!

    The current estimated cost for the project is $5,000 to $8,000, as well as hundreds of hours from myself to load content. Modern Soapmaking's hosting and other expenses are currently covered by our Patreon campaign (totalling to $1900/month), and waiting until we save leftover cash each month from Patreon will take several months to reach our needed funds.

    Your support of the Essential Oil Blend Calculator here on Indiegogo means that a launch date in October/November 2016 is possible!

    If we don't reach the funding goal, Modern Soapmaking will use any funds raised for the development of the calculator and will move forward with an extended timeline for launch. Meaning this will happen, no matter what! ;)

    Why This is Important

    This essential oil blend calculator will rock the soapmaking community from top to bottom, providing a valuable resource that can help everyone. Soapmakers from all experience levels ask for help in this arena, and I think that this project can make a huge impact.

    I have been planning this project for over a year, as I know how valuable it will be for the community. I couldn't be more excited to finally be bringing it to life!

    If you have ever wondered what essential oils to use, how to blend them, or how much you can use in a product, this calculator would have saved you hours of research. Think about the number of times you've seen those questions asked in forums, groups, and chats! 

    Let's gift those essential oil blending/usage answers forward to soapmakers in the future!

    Risks & Challenges

    This isn't my first crowdfunding rodeo, and it's certainly not my first time working with web developers and major website projects. (Once upon a time, I was on the other side of the table as a freelance designer!)

    Technical issues can (and do) crop up on large projects, and this calculator may not be an exception, but I'm doing everything I can to ensure it is. Full mockups have been completed, and a roadmap with detailed planning is in place. 

    The initial development will take place offline, and will be brought live on Modern Soapmaking as soon as all the kinks are worked out. With full funding, the project timeline should place launch in October/November 2016. 

    Project updates will be posted here as we move forward, so you can peek behind the scenes.

    All perks ($5 to $75) are ready to go and guaranteed, there isn't any possible way (*knock on wood*) for them to go sideways! The top tier perks that reward supporters with exclusive features on the calculator will be implemented for launch - the only issue may be a delay in the development timeline. If that does happen, we'll definitely get in touch!

    Other Ways You Can Help

    If you want to help but can't contribute, please consider:

    • Telling other soapmakers about this campaign using the Indiegogo share tools, especially via social media like Facebook
    • Sharing Modern Soapmaking with other soapmakers to help grow the community
    Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
    Need more information
    Let us know if you think this campaign contains prohibited content.

    Choose your Perk


    $5 USD
    Every little bit helps! I appreciate you & I'm going to prove it by sending you a Thank You card the good ole fashion way. :) Thanks, lovely!
    Estimated Shipping
    October 2016
    3 claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    50 Essential Oil Blends

    $15 USD
    The bestselling Modern Soapmaking ebook containing 50 proprietary essential oil blends that are perfect for soapmaking! (These blends will be freely available in the calculator on launch.)
    Estimated Shipping
    September 2016
    25 claimed

    In the Credits

    $25 USD
    See your name in bright shiny lights on the Thank You page! On the bottom of every page of the calculator is a link to the Thank You page, where your name and link will be listed. Thanks, superstar! Plus, you score a copy of Modern Soapmaking's bestselling 50 Essential Oil Blends Compilation eBook.
    Estimated Shipping
    October 2016
    13 claimed

    Double the Blends

    $30 USD
    Get your hands on new blends before everyone else! Snag both Modern Soapmaking's bestselling 50 Essential Oil Blend Compilation eBook and a brand new ebook featuring another 50 essential oil blends that haven't been released yet! (All 100 essential oil blends will be available within the calculator's library on launch.)
    Estimated Shipping
    September 2016
    35 claimed

    Super Thanks

    $40 USD
    See your name in bright shiny lights on the Thank You page! On the bottom of every page of the calculator is a link to the Thank You page, where your name and link will be listed. Thanks, superstar! Plus, you score a copy of Modern Soapmaking's bestselling 50 Essential Oil Blends Compilation eBook and a copy of the new compilation featuring another unreleased 50 essential oil blends.
    Estimated Shipping
    October 2016
    24 claimed

    Beginner's Blending Kit

    $75 USD
    Learn how to blend your own essential oils with this blending kit! Includes printed study materials, exercises, and directions created by Modern Soapmaking, ½ ounce samples of eleven recommended starter essential oils (lavender, rosemary, lemon, cedarwood, patchouli, clary sage, orange, peppermint, bergamot, tea tree, and may chang), disposable pipettes, fragrance testing strips, a fragrance wheel, & notebook. Experience the kit by yourself, or invite a friend over to learn alongside you!
    Estimated Shipping
    October 2016
    25 out of 30 of claimed
    Ships to United States of America

    Featured Sponsor

    $100 USD
    Contribute an essential oil blend of your own and have it featured at the top of the Find a Blend page and at the beginning of relevant search results for three months. A link to your website and any information you'd like to include will be prominently displayed on the Blend's View page. Featured blends will also be shared on Modern Soapmaking's Facebook page periodically to an audience of 15k+ fans. This perk is PERFECT for a soapmaking supplier or teacher!
    Estimated Shipping
    November 2016
    7 out of 10 of claimed

    Super Sponsor

    $1,000 USD
    Help me bring this resource to the soapmaking community and sponsor the development of the calculator. Your link and 768 x 90 banner ad will be featured on the footer of every page of the calculator for one year following launch. This perk is PERFECT for a soapmaking supplier or teacher!
    Estimated Shipping
    November 2016
    0 out of 1 of claimed

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