A short film about a man with a secret
A short film about a man with a secret
A short film about a man with a secret
A short film about a man with a secret
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A short film about a man with a secret
A short film about a man with a secret
A short film about a man with a secret
A short film about a man with a secret
A short film about a man with a secret
My name is Jennifer Martucci, and I'm a film student. Actually, to be more specific, I'm both a film student and a dramatic writing student at Savannah College of Art and Design. This means I like to write stories and I like to turn them into movies. This film, Eulogy, is my senior thesis project, and it will be shot in February and move right into post-production in March and April. As a screenwriter, for me, half the fun was writing it, but I'm going to be trying my hand at directing this time around, and I'm looking forward to that immensely. I've got a great crew supporting me and so far we've been having a lot of fun planning and making logistical preparations, finding locations and auditioning actors. But now we need your help to make it all happen.
As my senior project at SCAD, the film had to meet certain requirements, specifically about length. The maximum length was 12 minutes. I didn't want to make a 12 minute film. I wanted to make a true short film, something that really boils an idea down to its most basic form. I wanted to write something that didn't need lengthy, clunky explanations or special effects; I wanted to be as simple as possible while still packing a huge emotional, dramatic punch. So that's what I did.
The script I wrote should amount to somewhere between 3-5 minutes long. It's about a man giving a eulogy for his wife at her funeral. Through his speech we learn a little about her, and we learn that she was murdered. Then we see a flashback of the woman running, hiding, fighting... dying. The man gets choked up and hopes her killer will be brought to justice. But things aren't all they seem. Specifically... this man is not all he seems. Who do you think killed his wife on their anniversary night?
About $2000 to $2500 of the money raised will go to securing things like locations, set decorations, props, costumes, and food for the cast and crew during the shoot. We have two locations: one is a church, which will need to be made to look like a funeral, and one is an expensive hotel. We will need to dress our lead actor and several extras in funeral-appropriate attire, and our actress in a fancy dress. We'd love to have breakable knick-knacks to knock over and crash into during a slow-motion fight sequence at the hotel -- without breaking anything actually at the hotel. All these things will give the film the visual quality it needs to pack that powerful punch.
Whatever's left over is going to help the film reach as many people as possible. I want to submit it to film festivals beyond SCAD's showcase, and I want to be able to travel with it and talk about it in as many places I can manage. This, of course, is the area that would have to cut back if I don't reach my goal. Of course I'd like to travel around the world with this film if I had the opportunity, but it needs to get made first, and that's the most important thing.
I will also reserve a small portion of the money to pay you guys back with incentives! Things like posters, copies of the film, photos, and artwork from my storyboard artist all will be sent out using a bit of the money you contribute!
Any donation is a tremendous help for this film. Working on such a small budget, every little bit counts, even if it's just a dollar. But if you can't donate at all, that's okay too! Just click the share buttons and spread the word to all your friends and family, anyone who might be interested in supporting the project! Put it on facebook, post about it on tumblr, tweet the link and retweet it if you see it -- let everyone know! And thank you so much for taking a few seconds to spread the word.