Stand Up Productions presents
EURYDICE by Sarah Ruhl
Directed by Ellie Garvey
Hi, my name is Ellie Garvey and I'm the director of this wonderful project. I've been given the opportunity to direct Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl this December through Stand Up Productions at Pace University. The play will be a 100% student run production and we will be donating all of our proceeds to The Rainbows International Grief Support Orginization for Children. We have an amazing cast and creative team who needs your help to make this show happen!
Director- Ellie Garvey
Assistant Director- Jillian Goldstein
Stage Manager- Greg Mooradian
Costume Design- Matsy Stinson
Sound Design- Greg Mooradian
Eurydice- Lindsay Milligan
Orpheus- Joe Wood
Father- Dan Taylor
The Nasty Interesting Man- Jesse Keitel
Big Stone- Louis Chavez
Little Stone- Erin McCarthy
Loud Stone- Adam Keller
In Eurydice, Sarah Ruhl re-imagines the classic myth of Orpheus through the eyes of its heroine. Dying too young on her wedding day, Eurydice must journey to the underworld, where she reunites with her father and struggles to remember her lost love. With contemporary characters, ingenious plot twists, and breathtaking visual effects, the play is a fresh look at a timeless love story.
What We Need & What You Get
Because we are a student run production our budget is very small, so we are hoping to raise some extra money so this show will be the best it possibly can. There is an amazing amount of talent attached to this project and we're hoping to create a show that best showcases this student talent and provides an amazing audience experience.
Your donation would go towards our set, lights, sound and costume needs. We are hoping to raise $1,000 to put towards this project, but even if we do not reach our goal all of the money raised will still go towards making this show a reality!
Though we cannot offer much by way of perks, the ones we can offer are sure to make you smile. Some gifts for donating include a thank you note from a member of the cast/crew, a signed program, and a thank you video from the team.
The Impact
Why should you donate to this project you ask? Not only will you be supporting the education of a group of theatre students, but you will also be helping children all around the world!
When presenting a show through Stand Up Productions the director of the project must pick a charity to donate the proceeds to. All of the proceeds from Eurydice will be donated to The Rainbows International Grief Support Organization for Children.
"Rainbows is the largest international children’s charity dedicated solely to helping youth successfully navigate the very difficult grief process. Every day, children are touched by emotional suffering caused by a death, divorce, deployment of a family member, incarceration of a loved one, or any of a multitude of significant event traumas including natural or manmade disasters. And, while a few children are resilient, we know that most do not bounce back without help.
Children need guidance and compassion to prevent a loss event from literally defining their lives through later destructive choices. In fact, research proves that unresolved grief leaves kids vulnerable to major at-risk behaviors.
Since our founding in 1983, over 2.6 million children and teens throughout 50 United States and 17 other countries have been helped and supported by Rainbows programs."
Other Ways You Can Help
Not in a position to donate? There are many other ways you can help us out!
-Share this campaign on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media platform.
-Email this campaign to friends, family or anyone else you think may be interested in helping us out!
-Come see the show! December 8th and 9th at Pace University.
-Or you can send out some positive vibes and good energy to those embarking on this adventure. :)
Thank you so much for your support and we hope to see you at the show!