To start off by saying "this Film Project could save the world" would be to invite ridicule: but there are a few unpleasant facts I would invite all potential backers to consider before they assess just what exactly these two Documentary Feature Films might achieve.
All intelligent and literate people at this time are fully aware that a schism has opened up in Western culture. The people of the Western world no longer stand as one - they have been cleaved in half, and now exist as a culture divided between those who still take mainstream media seriously and those who don't. "Millenials" are growing up with an increasing awareness that they are a young generation who are the very first to develop a sense that their entire culture is simply one giant-sized hoax, and that the lunatics who control the propaganda machine of Newspapers, BBC, CNN, NBC, FOX and Hollywood's appalling Movies are treating them as Mushrooms who are to be kept in the dark and fed bullshit forever. They know they are not being told the truth: that conventional media is simply one Titanic lie, and it is continuing like some deranged Psychopath to tell it's lies while the one and only planet "Millenials" have to live on is quite clearly being damaged, possibly beyond repair. Few people today would argue against the notion that the Earth is heating up. Climate change is happening and we all know it. And yet at the very moment when it is obvious that mankind needs to change direction our Psychopathic rulers give us the technology of Fracking, which is poisoning our water with carcinogens and polluting this planet as never before. Clearly something has to be done. Now it is possible a cynic might say "cut the fine talk - just tell us what you are selling?" What I am selling is a unique understanding. I know that I am a man who understands history better than it has ever been understood before; and I am not alone. There are many people today who have studied the 20th Century and are aware that History is about to repeat itself. What we are now seeing becoming manifest with Fracking is actually a long-term strategy through which the Oligarchs intend to make certain that as this planet's natural resources run out it will be they and they alone who are allowed to enjoy them. Prince Phillip let slip just exactly how the Ruling Class feel about us when he said we are all "useless food eaters" and it is plain that his kind have most of us earmarked for slaughter, just as if we were Farm animals. This is why the Historians of today are quite certain that the genocides of the 20th Century will pale into insignificance against the coming genocides of the 21st Century. So in a nutshell these Movies which you are being asked to donate towards could prevent the next genocide. Is that a strong-enough selling point? Francis Richard Conolly. 2017