Exclusively Games is a space for fans of all sorts of games. Fans of gaming that want to enjoy topics related to gaming without the infection of politics ruining it. My goal is to create a website full of articles written by fans of that particular thing and a forum full of purist escapism fans.
I don't want any infection from politics or modern day "journalism" which is of course just activism parading as games journalism. I got sick and tired of reading the same BS "Hot Takes" from our existing options in terms of "video game news" websites and rather than just complain I have undertaken doing something about it myself.
Short Term
In the immediate 90 days from the start of this campaign my goal is simple. I need to pre-seed the website with interesting content as well as narrow down a pool of well qualified writers & editors for the website, adapt and grow the websites forum & build out and maintain a discord for fans. My stretch goal here is to also figure out how to best utilize video to also spread the news.
Within 90 days I hope to have a clear picture of the websites operating expenses, what it will cost to purchase the content, pay the editors and also pay moderators. I will use that data to budget 2019 operating expenses and develop a plan to cover them each month.
I currently DO NOT plan to run ads on the website, I don't want to design around it and everyone hates ads. I instead will pursue the PBS style of funding by relying on interesting Merch, Monthly Patrons & Bi-Yearly fundraising drives.
Long Term
My long term goal is to have the site stable. By this I mean to have found the websites "voice" for the articles & videos, establish a content schedule & begin establishing direct connections with game studios and industry folks, once credibility is established so we can do some more inside reporting. A goal is to also always have a warchest of 6 months operating expenses maintained so the site can continue to deliver amazing content even if funding dips from month to month.
Beyond that, beyond having a website dedicated to pure escapism it's hard to know where we will go but I hope it's an awesome place for people to hang out and have fun.
Where Will The Money Go?
Graphic Design Of The Website (I Have Pre-Funded This)
HTML Coding Of The Website (I Have Pre-Funded This)
Vbulletin Software (I Have Pre-Funded This)
Developers To Design The Forum(I Have Pre-Funded This)
Payment For Articles
Payment For Editors
Payment For Mods/Social Media Manager
Ongoing Graphic Design
Merch Creation
Server/Firewall/CDN Costs
I picked $5000 as a goal because it's all going to help. The more we raise the more we'll be able to put into the site, the longer we'll be able to cover to get our feet off the ground. I don't expect this fund to completely cover all costs, I have already invested about $5,000 and will commit some amount monthly from my Youtube Channel's income until we get off the ground. The bigger the warchest the better chance we have to survive and grow past this first year.
Huge Shout Out To Crypto.Fashion for helping me fufill the T-shirt Orders! This is a HUGE help & they have ALWAYS supported the channel so make sure you check out their site!
Stretch GOALS!
Since this is more of a warchest let's lay out some Goals. I will continue to add here with your suggestions.
10K-Will Allow To To Build Out Social Media Channels (Twitter, Facebook, Youtube) Consistent Posts. FUNDED!
15K-Will Allow Me To Launch & Pay A Moderator To Manage The Discord FUNDED!
20K-Allow Me To Hire 2 Staff Editors (Increase Article Production) FUNDED!
25K-Budgets For Graphic Design Assistance, Better Social Media Posts, Info-graphics & More FUNDED!
30K-Secure Enough Funding For 3 Months Of Consistent Content, Writers & Editors FUNDED!
35K-Design For In House Game Reviews Can Begin (to be combined with users) FUNDED!!!!
40K-Begin Development On User Generated Game Reviews Section (Will take time to roll out) FUNDED!
45K- $2500 Set aside for marketing the website! FUNDED!
50K-Content Fully Funded Operations For 6 Months, Allows us to focus on quality first for a very long time, I'll also begin producing specific video content for the website & channel as well as hiring out additional help Funded!
55K- $5,000 Set aside for marketing the website! FUNDED
60K-$7,500 Set aside for marketing the website! FUNDED!
65K-Secure Enough Funding To Complete User Generated Reviews & Site Game Reviews FUNDED
70K- $10,000 Marketing Fund! Helping Hit The Ground Running! FUNDED!
75K-Add A Video Content Section! Ala Old Day's Of Screw Attack Etc. FUNDED
80K-Video Overlay Graphic Package (improve the quality of all videos) FUNDED!
85K-AWS Server To Host Our Own Video Content & Improved Web Server FUNDED!
90K-$12,500 Marketing Fund! FUNDED!
95K-Dedicated Social Media Manager! Help Spread The Word! (6 months) FUNDED
100K-Dedicate Staff To Full Time Game Reviews (Fully polished "official reviews) FUNDED
110K Funding For 2 Full Time Editors For 6 Months
115K- Website App Design Phase Begins
120K-20,000 Marketing fund To Really Get The Forums & Discord Populated!
125K-Website App Development (Would launch in March Hopefully)
135K-Dedicated Set For Exclusively Games Videos
150K-Dedicated Video Editor For Website Game Reviews & News For Youtube Channel
160K-Expanded App Features
200K-Full Year Of Funding For Both Written & Video Coverage
250K-I'll Shave My Beard & Rock A Creepy Stash.
Some Screenshots Of Development!