Here are the FACTS.
Fact: the Maltese cinema industry is basically non-existent folks. You can count the number of Maltese film distributed abroad on Captain Hook's left hand. Meanwhile the rest of Europe has been producing world class film at the same rate that we produce dodgy legislators.
The good news is that the Limestone Cowboy team (and also a few other rogue film-makers down here, whom we humbly salute) are trying their darnest to turn this ship around.
Limestone Cowboy is 4 years (of blood, sweat, tears and abject blasphemy) in the making and now painfully close to being complete and ready for shipping!
We’ve just returned from the European Film Market in Berlin, where the trailer and OF COURSE our boyish good looks have gotten the film a lot of foreign interest. We now need the last cash injection to fuel the charge towards getting this film into the right hands within the right period of time!
* Films become outdated to the international market quicker than that blonde you took to your social that kept pouting at her own bloody phone the whole night.. That was only me?!..oh
Anyhoot! Support us in bringing international attention to Maltese film in which ever way you can! Donate whatever you can. Cash strapped? Pawn your goldfish – we guarantee this film is at least 1000000% more exciting than a blank faced chunk of organic orange matter that forgets you even exist every 4 seconds.
If you’ve enjoyed the trailer and want to know the story in a bit more detail here is a brief synopsis.
Much love
The Limestone Cowboy Team
To his mind Karist is The Limestone Cowboy – the heroic protagonist from a tale woven and told by his late father, Noel. To his mind he’s the quintessential hero and savior from the American Wild West. But this is Malta, a laid back island in the Mediterranean sea, thus to everyone else’s mind Karist is unwell, a delusional village imbecile.
The Limestone Cowboy story is a gift of inheritance from Karist’s late dad Noel – by every description a beautiful man who’d woven into the messianic gunslinger’s story a code of values that would one day make his son brilliant, a leader of men, a savior. Noel passed early however, abruptly in the mid-1960’s – too early to see his son’s brilliant becoming through. In fact the man’s passing jolted young Karist’s development into sudden arrest.
50 years on and Karist is a national celebrity – and his son John loathes it. For as long as he’d care to remember John has been scaling the corporate ladder, distancing himself from his humiliating beginnings one validating rung at a time. He was doing well too until Tommy joined the fray… Tommy, the magic maker who shot John’s mad father to his parabolic apex with a thundering boom for all to behold. The country watches in awe, applause and ridicule as Karist burns brilliantly while John despairs.
The team would like to give a big hearty thanks to everyone that's supported us this far and we'd like to take the opportunity to remind you that this movie has been supported by THE MALTA FILM FUND.