Hello! Thanks for taking the time to read this. (due to video problems the pitch will be delayed for a few days)
The ultra short summary? Two words.
Robot Skeletons.
The slightly longer version is robot skeletons of extinct animals cast from resin.That do stuff. What stuff exactly is up to you.
Resin because we won't damage anything of historical or paleontological value.
As stated in our video (doh!), the initial goal is to put on what will be called an Extinction Event. This is an interactive art show and party where people can touch, operate, examine and interact with the skeletons of extinct species that may behave in an unexpected way. Hey, it's a resin cast skeleton of an extinct animal, did you think we would stop with just animating it? Secondary and tertiary roles would be for non profit education outreach and broadening he pool of general knowledge. But mostly because it's neat. Who doesn't want to go to something like an Extinction Event?
Imagine a large warehouse space with music, drinks, and autonomous and semi autonomous creatures moving about. Sabertooth tigers, giant sloths, cave bears, wooly mammoth. Perhaps a small dino or two? Think interactive natural history museum with booze. We want people to feel free to touch and explore. All the things you never got to do as a kid in a more tradational enviroment.
Pretty much if it once lived on earth and we can reconstruct the skeletal system we can animate it.
But why stop there? Once it can be programmed, we can program it to do anything in reason just about. That's where you come in. More on that in a minute.
There are many moving parts (no pun intended) to accomplishing this.
We need to either purchase or acquire permission to make molds of a number of different species. Some can be bought on the open market, which makes this even possible in the first place. For example a short faced bear is $19,000 for a cast. Hopefully we can work out a volume discount or learn to 3D print them or some combination.
Here is a vendor of such things as current and extinct species
http://theevolutionstore.com/store/extinct-animals-skeletons-bonesThen we need to secure the services of a full time or several part time robotics experts. Since it's such a large project we can only go so far with volunteers but we will go as far as we can.
Next we need to purchase a vast array of motors, gears, wire, actuators, control systems, inputs, etc. whatever is needed to actually make each piece behave the way we want.
Naturally we need a place to put it all and work.
It's a tall order, but that's why we turned to you lovely crowdsourcers! With the power of the imagination and a kick ass idea things are possible now that never were before. This idea has been germinating for over 7 years and now is the time to make it a reality!
Now the extra good part; as a contributor not only will you get early access but we want your help in deciding what extra surprising behaviors our creations will exhibit. T-rex skull on wheels that is also a turntable? Roller skating sabertooth? Piano playing great cave bear? Articulated exoskeleton sloth skeleton? Help us out! Want to name one? Or pick an animal to resurrect? That is possible as well if raise enough.
Whatever we raise this will be going forward. A little and we will do a little one and try again. Some and we will do more and larger but it might take time. Enough and we are on a roll. Over goal and the skies the limit!
What say you, will you help make this crazy dream a reality?