Project Summary
Eyes on Unity is a short fictional film about how misplaced fear inspires hate and violence against Sikhs in the United States. I was moved to write the script for this film after I read a news article about a Sikh man named Balmeet Singh who was assaulted in a public place by a man who called him a terrorist. Fortunately, Balmeet came out of this confrontation physically unharmed, but he has been one of the lucky ones. Assaults on Sikhs have been alarmingly common in our post 9/11 United States. Many Sikhs have been injured and some have been killed in hate crimes across the U.S.
What stood out to me with Balmeet's story was not the attack itself but the reaction of those around him. What stuck with me after reading it was that even though he was in a public space, no one stood up to defend him. In his own community of Bakersfield California, no one helped him. Why was that? Were people afraid? Did people agree with his attacker and feel that he deserved the abuse? In the process of writing this script another question began to arise for me. Who was his attacker? It was easy to imagine him as a one-sided villain in this story, but what causes someone to hold so much hate for someone he doesn't even know? These are the questions I will explore in this film.
Who Am I?
My name is Hari Mitar Khalsa. I was born and raised as a Sikh here in the United States. I studied at Miri Piri Academy, a religious and yogic based boarding in Amritsar, India for my high school education and then returned to the U.S where I graduated from Film School at Santa Fe University of Art and Design.
What We Need & What You Get
- I need to raise $4000 to create this film. The majority of the money raised will go towards hiring professional actors that will give this film it's heart. Your support will also make it possible to feed these actors and our crew. The money will also go towards transportation costs, equipment rental, location fees, costumes, make up, and music licensing .
- As a way of aknowledging your support I have some great perks lined. The perks include a digital pre-release download of the film, behind the scenes footage, tickets to the first screening in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and a private screening at your local community center which would be an awesome way to raise awareness around the issues in this film.
The Impact
The hate we see tearing up our country right now can be helped if we can see through the eyes of victims of this hate. I believe that the enemy we need to be fighting is ignorance and not each other. If we understand the victims of hate we will be more ready to take action and intervene if placed in a situation where someone is being assaulted.
Our Challenges
It is not an easy task to create a short film that can stand on it's own two legs. There are numerous logistical and financial difficulties that come with creating a project that will have an impact. I have had experience with organizing logistically and artistically complex films in film school as well as in my professional career as a freelance filmmaker and video producer. With your support, I am excited and confident that we are up for the challenge of creating this film and raising awareness around these important issues.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't donate any money then please support us by sharing this campaign with others.
What Happens If We Don't Reach The Fundraising Goal?
I will continue to fundraise for the project and will adjust the scope of the film if needed. The more money we raise for the project the greater the impact the film will have.