Meet PRISM, a platform that enables precision 3D printing with an innovative Stereolithography technology.
With FABtotum PRISM you get the most flexible and advanced multipurpose manufacturing device ever conceived, capable of 3D Printing in SLA with light-curing resins or with FFF on Materials like PLA, PETG, ABS as well as NYLON, HIPS, PC, 3D Milling Foams,Brass,Wood,Aluminum and acquire 3D point clouds and models via multiple 3D scanning methods with the built-in hi-res camera, touch probe and laser.
Design and create small or big components with a huge variety of materials, acquire 3D shapes, modify existing designs and print them in multiple materials and with different technologies as you see fit.
FABtotum PRISM brings design and personal fabrication to a whole new level.
While there can be "better" manufacturing technologies. There is no "better" manufacturing technique.
With the addition of the PRISM Stereolithography manufacturing
technology you are now able to reach unprecedented levels of details and
complexity on top of the capabilities of the FABtotum Personal
FFF/FDM does not produce fine details and can only work with a limited amount of polymers. Engraving is precise and works with lots of materials but require some fiddling with CAM and CAD. DLP and SLS are precise but can be expensive for big volumes and are limited to certain Light-activated resins.
FABtotum PRISM adresses that.
The FABtotum Personal Fabricator was designed to be a flexible and expandable platform from day one. Not Just a 3D printer, not Just a milling machine, Not just a scanner. A new way of prototyping and creating objects.
With expandable heads, swappable platform and up to 5 axis of motion the FABtotum is the most customizable platform for Personal Fabrication ever conceived on the market today.
The FABtotum is capable of printing autonomously (without being connected to a computer), from cabled LAN, Wireless LAN and even remotely from the Internet (Your Network must be properly configured for this), thanks to the FAB UI, the FABtotum User Interface. Also, users and developers have access to a well known development ecosystem, the Raspberry Pi's Raspbian Linux distribution to develop more applications. The FABtotum feature a customized web management app, SSH and VNC server on the local network, so with one authorization code you can access all the functions of the machine: 3D Printing, 3D scanning, Milling, Costumizations and Maintenance.
All these function are accessible not only from anywhere in your local network, but also on any device with web browsing capabilities. print remotely from your smartphone, tablet, your windows Pc, Mac, Linux, Android, IOS. You can use touch screens devices, mouse, keyboard - you name it!
The FABtotum has been used in many fields and by different people, sometimes without any specific knowledge of Machining or 3D printing.
What is PRISMPRISM is installed inside the FABtotum
Personal Fabricator as a standard build platform, without any
modification. The FABTOTUM PRISM platform is a 6.5cm thick box composed
by a vat mount (where light-curing resin is poured) and the optical
assembly. A build platform is also mounted on the FABtotum carriage, and
provide the surface on wich the print grows layer by layer.
As with many other upgrades, Prism is compatible with existing FABtotum
Personal Fabricators, and it can be purchased separately by all Fabtotum
is a new manufacturing technology that merges the advantages of
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) with the precision of Digital Light
Processing (DLP).
Most DLP printers relies on integrating
commercially available DLP home projectors wich are expensive and are
not designed for 3D printing.
Only a small amount of energy emitted by a DLP projector actually cures the resin!
relies on a much simpler and widely available technology that recently
reached the level of pixel density required to compete with DLP systems:
the LCD matrix.
Resin is cured by shining a light with the right
wavelenght throught the liquid crystals matrix. Where the matrix is
polarized light is absorbed and radiations are absorbed, creating
Most similar systems are using a simple UV LED array which is
expensive, produces excessive heat on the delicate LCD and is only
capable of delivering a few mW/sqmm of light radiation.
In PRISM, instead, a mirror and a set of collimated light emitters are focusing high UV radiation on parts of the LCD matrix.
This reduces the energy used and decreases curing times.
can deliver more energy per unit of area at a fraction of the cost. and
it does so only where light is needed, instead of everywhere, wasting
energy and time.
Because of that, PRISM printing speeds depends on the Area cured, like Selective laser synthering systems.
bigger prints it's in line with other SLA/DLP systems, while for
smaller areas it's much faster than conventional DLP systems,SLS and
LED-LCD systems.
the energy output is much bigger, PRISM can cure very small portions in
a small amount of time, where other systems with fixed output such as
DLP require much more time to solidify smaller obbjects due to the low
energy emitted per area.
While conventional solutions are not
scalable, PRISM can virtually reach much higher radiation levels with
the same setup by increasing the number of the light emitters.
PRISM is able to produce the smallest detail at around 80 µm in XY,
while the smallest step in Z is 0.47 µm (that's 0.00047mm!).
these specs are in line with what is expected in the final consumer
version, keep in mind that small design changes in the optical assembly
may improve or lower the quality accordingly as we experienced during
the alpha prototyping phase.
Above, a Planar closeup view of the XY matrix, below: what it means.
precision of the PRISM platform is mostly due to the structure of the
FABtotum wich is capable of producing single movements of 0.25
micrometers in XY and 0.47 micrometers in Z natively, with high torque.
kind of fine control does not only help when playing with very thin
layers, but removes resonances in the Z direction, a nasty problem that
many not-so-cheap 3D printers have.
developed the FABtotum PRISM to be an extension of the FABtotum
Personal Fabricator. FABtotum Personal Fabricator PRISM bundle includes
the FABtotum Personal Fabricator and the PRISM addon. PRISM is also
available separately as an addon for existing units.
PRISM installs easily, requires minimun calibration and allows to quickly get started with SLA manufacturing.
When not needed, PRISM can be removed and the FABtotum can be used to print mill or scan as usual.
The PRISM head is mounted on top of the FABtotum carriage.
allows the FABtotum to move the build plate around and moving to the
next layer with ease thanks to 3 axis of motion and our unique COREXY
variant configuration, one of the strongest XY systems out there!
Why investing in a 3D printer nowadays?
It looks like 3D printingy technologies are changing so fast that committing to a particular one would be an error.
The FABtotum is a flexible platform that has been built with longevity in mind, because instead of the cutting edge last-month techology it's built around the concpt of multifunctionality and adaptability.
As with many other upgrades, PRISM itself is compatible with existing FABtotum
Personal Fabricators, and it can be purchased separately by ALL FABtotum
Personal Fabrication is not the act of manufacturing.
I’ts not about the tecnology or who uses it. it’s not even “the tool”.
it’s in "process and the interactions" it makes possible.
When you puth togheter more than one manufacturing technology strange things happens. you find yourself building complete objects and functional projects, you explore different design choice and fabrication approaches.
A new paradigm was needed, exposed in a device both simple to use,
solid, modular, customizable and flexible, and useful if you are a geek,
an engineer, a designer, a jewel maker, a 3d modeler, or just
interested in 3d printing .
There is more to Personal Fabrication than 3D printing alone.
That’s when we realized we needed a new paradigm: thus the FABtotum was born.
Being able to manufacture and produce things is a right.
For this reason we don't want to restrict access to hybrid manufacturing technologies and solutions.
All our products designs are open source, you can check them here.
Our commitment to open source is founded on:
- No Proprietary Spools, Materials, or DRM checks.
- Documentation and Sources available online
- User-contributed wiki available online
- Easily customizable with replicable parts.
- Powered by a Raspberry Pi Mod B+ and Totumduino, an Arduino ™ Derivate/Compatible Open Source Physical Computing Platform.
- Uses industry standards where possible and Exchange formats.
- Standard Milling bits used are 1/8th of an inch (3.75mm)
- Third party heads or parts can be built and sold freely to fit on FABtotum.
As consumers we do not accept cheap quality, As manufacturers we do not condone cheap labor. For this reason we have been constantly working on improving the quality of the FABtotum, along with keeping the working standards as high as possible.
It is calculated that up to 80% of the weight of one unit is made up of parts produced in the EU or US. The assembly is carried out in our factory outside Milan.
Starting from October 2015 all Electronics will also be completely rpoduced in Western Europe and assembled in Italy.
You can check this article for a tour of our factory.
These are the PRISM alpha prototype specifications.
Build area: 120x90x190mm (XYZ)
Resolution: 80 µm in XY, 0.47µm in Z
Printing Speed: up to 2.5cm/h (0.97 inch / h)
Layer time: (depending on area) 1-12 sec @ 100 µm layer height
Resin curing Wavelenght: 400nm
FABtotum Personal Fabricator Platform Specs:
(for more FABtotum Personal Fabricator informations: visit fabtotum.com/about)
Classification Personal Fabricator
Capabilities: Hybrid Manufacturing, Digital Acquisition
Movement: 4 axis (5th axis port available)
I/O: Usb Host, Wifi B/g/n, LAN
Control: Standalone Printer (networked web server)
Size: 366x366x366mm
Weight: ~12kg
Available Colors: Red,Black,White (Matte Finish)
Illumination : Ambient light
Additive Mode (3D printing)
Printing volume (additive) : 214x236x242mm
Z layer size: 50,100 micrometers
Auto bed Leveling : Available
Z layer increments : 0.47 micrometers
Print to size-ratio: ~25%
Supported Filaments: 1.75mm PLA,ABS,Nylon,HIPS,PC filaments
Max Temperatures: Nozzle:260°C, Bed 100°C
Nozzle : Metal Hotend
Printing Speeds : up to 300mm/s
Speeds (rapids) : up to 400mm/s
Heating Speeds : 1 Minute
Cooling : Fan/Turbine twin cooling system
Heated Bed : Glass Heated Bed (Double-face platform)
Subtractive Mode (milling,engraving)
Milling volume : 214x236x[milling bit height] mm
Milling Motor : 200W Brushless motor, Automatic RPM correction
Fan cooling : Twin fan cooling system
Working Plane : Structural Aluminum plate, with Fixtures (Double-face platform)
4th axis : 4 axis chuck: 0.0017 deg/step resolution
Illumination : Working area LED,ambient
Dust Control : printable vacuum tube holder
Digital Acquisition
Modes : Photogrammetry, Laser scanning, Z-Probe Digitizer
Scan volume :Up to 3D printing volume depending on object and used mode(s)
Camera : 5Mp, 2592x1944 Raspberry Pi Camera
Fabrication Area : Enclosed
Safety switches :Front Panel door, side panels doors
voltage control : Automatic stepper consumption control
Overvoltage protection : 120/240V Fuse
Homing Endstops : On all 3 Axis
Safety Endstops : On all 3 Axis
Safety Config : Costumizable from the FAB UI
Software, Firmware
License : Open Source (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
Interface : FAB UI, open source web panel
FAB UI Compatibility :PC,Tablet,Smartphones (Responsive web interface)
Mods & Plugins :Built in plug-in installer and updater tool
Updates : Automatic with internet connectivity (updates are not mandatory)
Board : FABtotum control board "Totumduino"
Onboard Memory :8GB SDHC (installed OS included)
I/O : Usb Host, Wifi B/g/n, Lan
Illumination :Custumizable RGB ambient lights
FABtotum has been officially founded in 2013 and was previously crowdfunded on Indiegogo.
In September 2014, with a 3 months delay, we started delivering the FABtotum Personal Fabricator.
5 months later we finished fullfilling all perks, albeit with some occasional delays occurred mainly for resupply and logistic reasons.
In october we'll release the first revision of the FABtotum, including the Hybrid head V2, and hardare revisions aimed to improve efficiency and reliability.
Our commitment is to continuously and seamlessly support the FABtotum platform with addons and upgrades in the long term.
We are located near Milan and previously at the Business incubator district "POLIHUB" of the University of Politecnico di Milano, one of the most renowned european universities in Engineering, Architecture, Industrial Design since 1863.
FABtotum was founded by Marco Rizzuto, 30 and Giovanni Grieco, 30 both with a background in Architecture and a passion for design, innovation and personal fabrication. Our Development team is composed by Engineers, Designers, Software Developers and Makers.
FABtotum, as a company, is the result of several years of CNC designing experience for personal use. The FABtotum is our dream-machine as Makers.
We constantly work with the community and engage in active discussions to move the platform to the next step.
DEVELOPMENT TIMELINEWith our previous crowdfunding experience we realized our limits and the challenges we had to face. It was an incredibly awesome, humbling and educational experience for us all.
Our timeline this time is much more strict and precisely calculated to account for supplies delays that we faced the first time.
Reliability will be a big concern as well
RISKS AND CHALLENGESFABtotum PRISM is in an early development stage and we think has potential.
As with all crowdfunding projects there is the risk of delays, changes as well as total failure.
Our experience in crowdfunding makes us less likely to face harder challenges than we already faced.
Risks however still exists and may jeopardize our efforts.
By taking part to this crowdfunding campaign you understand the risk connected with this crowdfunding campaign.
Prototyping, sampling and setting up a production is a lenghty and
expensive process.For this reason we appreciate every level of contribution.
This Campaign proceedings will be used for R&D and production of the FABtotum Prism Addon Module,
With your help we'll be able to bring PRISM to the masses!
For a donation of $35: you'll receive an awesome FABtotum PRISM t-shirt!
Your name will be listed on the project founders' page on fabtotum.com
Note: t-shirt design may change, sizes available: XS-S-M-L-XL-XXL
For a donation of $100 you'll receive the Locked Campaign Price coupon.
This coupon will grant you the chance to purchase a PRISM Addon or FABtotum Personal Fabricator PRISM Boundle on the FABtotum Store at the same campaign price. Coupons will be valid from the end of the campaign until 02/29/2016.
Shipping costs for the goods are not included. Coupon discount cannot be combined with other discounts/offers. Your name will be listed on the project founders' page on fabtotum.com
For a donation of $649 You'll receive a PRISM Addon Module. (requires the FABtotum Personal Fabricator to work, see FABtotum PRISM bundle)
Your name will be listed on the project founders' page on fabtotum.com
For a donation of $1399 You'll receive a FABtotum PRISM bundle.
The bundle includes:
1x FABtotum Personal Fabricator (Available colors: Red, White, Black).
1xFabtotum PRISM addon module
1xHybrid head v2
1xhybrid bulild plane
1x welcome kit
Your name will be listed on the project founders' page on fabtotum.com
You'll receive a FABtotum PRISM bundle with a Laser Head, Plus the awesome FABtotum t-shirt! Your name will be listed on top of the project founders' page on fabtotum.com. The hardware included in this reward:
1x FABtotum Personal Fabricator (Available colors: Red, White, Black).
1xFabtotum PRISM Addon Module
1xHybrid head v2
1xLaser head
1xhybrid build plane
1x welcome kit
1x FABtotum Prism T-Shirt
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Do I need a special Resin for PRISM?
A: No, and at this time we have no plans to resell any resin brand, you can use the one you like the most.
Q: Can I purchase the PRISM addon Separately if I already Own a FABtotum?
A: Yes, and it can be installed on any FABtotum out there!
Q: Does the “FAB+PRISM Plus – EARLY BIRDS” come with all the All-in-one
features and tools to use in the original FAB? Such as 3D scanning, PCB
Etching, Milling
A: Yes, It's a bundle with all you need to get started!
Q: Can I upgrade my perk?
A: Yes, follow this guide: