What is Factor Hunter?
Factor Hunter is an exciting mathematics card game for age 8 to adults to learn
factor and multiple.
What We Need & What You Get
What Do We Need?
We have to make this game in a factory for at least 1000 sets. We hope to share these game sets to
people all over the world. To achieve this goal, we need your support. You may:
get a perk, so you can have our game set too.
donate for us, and schools can be benefited with a free game set by you.
share this project to your friends, especially those who are students, parents and
What Can You Get?
You can get our game sets or Factor Rulers as a souvenir.
How the fund be used?
The game include 56 “number cards”, 22 “character cards”, 108 “toy
treasure”(see notes below), an A5 size instruction manual, a 9cm x 12cm bag for holding those “toy
treasure” and a box to keep all material tidy.
Notes for “toy treasure”: we add this because a hunter game can motivate boys more than
girls, so we add these element in order to attract girls to play. You know, children are attracted to concrete objects than
abstract concept.
“Factor hunter” is a great game because:
it can engage students with different ability,
it provide visualize the relationship of factor and multiple between number,
the cards in this game are good teaching aids for teacher,
it provide emotional experience (the game is very exciting, even for adult) of learning
mathematics concepts to students,
it is a relatively cheap and very effective method to drill mathematics exercises in
related topics compare to hiring a tutor.
What can “Factor hunter” achieve?
“Factor hunter” engage players in using the concept of multiplication, division,
factor, multiple, logic and number theory. We want to mass produce this broad game so that students over the world
can enjoy it.
There are still more teaching goals that “Factor hunter” can achieve:
Build up the number sense related to factors and multiples.
Familiar with the fact that 1 is the common factor of all numbers.
Practice the concept of multiple and factor.
Familiar with multiplication from 1 to 11.
Familiar with concept of intersection and union of two sets.
May use “proof by contradiction” (When prove when some player play
Use theorem in number theory "given that m and n relatively prime, if m and n are
factor of k, then mn is also a factor of k" (When they guess the character card).
Use theorem in number theory "given that m is a factor of n and n is a factor of p,
then m is also a factor of p" (When issuing number cards that will not disclose more about his character card)
Use of logical thinking to get advantage in the game (When finding the character
Who can benefit from”Factor hunter”
What we want to achieve is not just producing a card game, but also foster an environment of
pleasurable learning. With proper promotion, We hope this game can help:
About 700,000,000 Primary school Students:
showing them learning can be enjoyable,
- Their Parents: building
relationship by playing,
Low income families: help them to educating their children,
About 20,000,000 Homeschooling parents: provide a good options for,
School management of 300,000 primary
school: help schools to maintain a pleasurable learning atmosphere.
How can you help bringing this great game to children?
The most direct way to help is to take a perk. Also, you can share this project with any parents, friends with children, students, teachers and anyone who are enthusiastic about education by Facebook, Twitter or email.
Stretch Goals:
We deliver 10 sets of premium packages to public schools free of charge.
We deliver 25 MORE sets of premium packages to public schools free of charge.
We deliver 65 MORE sets of premium packages to public schools free of charge.
We put the card game into the public domain, that means anyone can make it without violating the copyright issue!
How to play:
A Figure showing game flow from steps A to D
This video demonstrate how to play Factor Hunter
A. Setting Up
Deal five cards to each player.
Stack any remaining number cards face-up in the middle of the table as drawing stack.
Deal a character card to each player.
Stack any remaining character cards face-up in the middle of the table as another
B. Start Round - Attack
Choose arbitrary player be the first attacker or the next player be attacker.
The attacker player pulls one card that is a factor of his base or he can pulls pass card
which can be reused (because he has no card to pull or he don't want to pull any card).
C. Continue Round - Guess
After attacker pulled a card, player on his left can guess the number of attacker
If a player guess wrongly, two treasure will be destroyed immediately.
If correct, that player can award number of treasure shown on the cards pulled by the
attacker and get the character card from the attacker and can use the special ability shown in the character cards
- After that, this round finished and the next player starts another round by repeating step B1.
D. Continue Round - Pass
If a player cannot guess the number of attacker, he can pass.
If all player pass, all player except attacker should give 1 treasure to attacker.
- After that, this round finished and the next player starts another round by repeating step B1.
E. Special Situation - Attacker Pass, Wrong Cards
If the attacker choose to pass, all defender can guess
If an attack pull out wrong card (say, his base is 5, but he give out 3 to attack), and if
any other player correctly Point out that, he can award 5 * numbers of attacker's card.
F. End Game
- When any player get 3 character cards, the game end. The player with most gems will be the winner.