A Family In Need!
My name is Amanda Genge I'm trying to raise money for my friend Cassie McGrath and her family as they lost there house December 2 2013 in a house fire and lost everything but the clothes on there back! We are asking for donations so the family can get back on there feet and buy things they need!
What We Need
I'm trying to raise money for the family so they can have some warm clothing and food, and also buy things that they need. We are looking for donations anything will help! or if you don't have much money because Christmas is around the corner you can email me and donate things that you no longer need! Its really close to Christmas and everyone deserves to be happy! By collecting these donations i want to show them that people in the community really do care! The goal i set it 500$ it is a family of 5 and the youngest being 9 years old!
The Impact
Here is the website so you guys can read more about the fire
Other Ways You Can Help
If you aren't able to make a donation people e-mail me if you have anything you think the family would need. It could be as small as a can of food. ANYTHING will help!
Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this!