Short Summary
I've always admired films ever since I could walk. A connection between me and what shined on the screen was always present. I could never fully explain my obsession with the pictures shown to me. I was just always hooked. No matter the subject or genre, something always caught me off guard. Even when I wasn't looking at the screen, I saw moving pictures in my head constantly. I had to take extra tutoring classes and have a teacher sit by me to make sure I was focused, but I'd say the journey through that nonsense was worth it to be here and finally take what I had inside of me and using it to my advantage.
I'm relying on this campaign, as a certified way to spread the word of our progress. A helping hand in making it into this large business, and a way for everyone to support us and the film making community as a whole.
Contributing to the production of Fang Hunter would benefit the chances of making our film certifiable for award ceremonies and other events. With elements, including professional acting, sound, makeup and so on.
What We Need & What You Get
Funding will support the Fang Hunters production in a significant way. It can be transformed from a typical thesis project, to a lesson in making ambitious low budget films.
Your donation will grant easy access to the film as well as an executive producers credit.
If the funds don't reach the required budget goal, we'll be able to improvise and deliver our film as best we can. Being creative is what were here to learn, and if the budget is low, it's part of our education to come up with a new solution. What matters is that the material is entertaining. Money isn't always the only contributor to accomplishing that.
The Impact
Beyond Fang Hunter labeled as being apart of the horror genre, it also holds deeper meaning for society as a whole. The story reflects the echoing hopelessness in our world that most of us feel today. We feel shut in and less human then we used to be in a lot of cases. Fang Hunter exploits those attributes to the extreme, adding on top of it with it's own point of view.
I've taken part in many projects, in multiple positions. In the past I've completed three of my own films including a four minute narrative, a documentary and a music video. I understand the impact underlying themes of stories tend to deliver to an audience. Film is a visual and sometimes interpretive art form, where ideas are blended with what we see as entertaining. This is the reason most of my stories are short in dialogue and rely on the pictures themselves to get the story across.
People are free to interpret what a film means however they desire, I don't seek to spoon feed the public my own take that also preaches to the choir.
Risks & Challenges
Before launching this campaign, I've been able to secure two shooting locations with two backups. I've also cast actors, have a crew, props, and a makeup designer. Whatever funding is offered for this project would be a great increase in the films quality, regarding realistic looking weapons, clothing, expensive props, lighting, and sound. For a short and extreme low budget production, a lot of elements like the ones mentioned had to be cut, in order to even the expenses. Your contribution would be able to help us get those elements in filming back, making our content feel more digestible.
I've cut down the script, erasing a large portion of extremely difficult things to accomplish on set, such as a gas explosion, firing guns, melting makeup, the list is long. With these elements only now partially minor in the script, by using the power of suggestion, we'll be able to get across the action and terror depicted in Fang Hunter.