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Fantastic Boyfriends

Mobile game app for gay people & their allies. Save a fantasy world with your fantastic boyfriends!


Fantastic Boyfriends

Fantastic Boyfriends

Fantastic Boyfriends

Fantastic Boyfriends

Fantastic Boyfriends

Mobile game app for gay people & their allies. Save a fantasy world with your fantastic boyfriends!

Mobile game app for gay people & their allies. Save a fantasy world with your fantastic boyfriends!

Mobile game app for gay people & their allies. Save a fantasy world with your fantastic boyfriends!

Mobile game app for gay people & their allies. Save a fantasy world with your fantastic boyfriends!

Lifewonders LLC
Lifewonders LLC
Lifewonders LLC
Lifewonders LLC
1 Campaign |
Tokyo, Japan
$16,892 USD 430 backers
84% of $20,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal

(2015/6/12 updated)

Lifewonders is a small Japanese company founded in 2014 to provide digital entertainment for LGBT people, starting with mobile games. 

If this is your first time hearing about us, we appreciate your interest! If you’re already familiar with us, thank you so much for your continued support. 

Our first title is an app aimed at gay men titled Shoukan Yuusha to F-kei Kareshi, which is currently on the Japanese App Store and Google Play. 

In this homage to classic JRPGs, you play as a male hero who is summoned to the fantasy world of Midearth to save it from a demon king.

As if your hands aren't full enough, you’ll also be forming bonds and falling in love with characters such as a fierce horned ogre, a monk skilled in magic, a rough Adventurer’s Guild master, and a dragon in the form of a man (all male characters!).  

For more information, please head to the official website.

While our current project was developed with the goal of targeting the specific demographic of gay men, we hope to expand our projects to appeal to players of every sex, gender, and sexual orientation.

We want to release products that we can be proud of, and that entertain as many people as possible!

This project’s success will show that there are many players who are looking for different kinds of romantic relationships in their video games. 

We believe that more and more startups in digital media such as comics and games that include various kinds of romantic relationships will only enrich video game culture. 

In addition, it is also one of our major goals to see more LGBT and ally developers in digital media. 

From genres such as RPGs, adventure games, visual novels, action games, and shoot ‘em ups, to media such as novels, comics, and art books… We hope to see all these and more delivered to as many people as possible. 

/For our friends in Japan



現在、弊社では日本のApp StoreおよびGoogle Playにて『召喚勇者とF系彼氏』という男性ゲイ向けのファンタジーゲーム作品の日本語アプリゲームを販売しております。






We believe in order to reach this goal, we must release our game not only in our home country of Japan, but to the rest of the world, as well. 

First, we announced that production had started on the English version of Fantastic Boyfriends: Legends of Midearth on our social media channels.

We received many comments and kind words of encouragement… However, due to insufficient development funds, work on the English version has not progressed at a favorable speed.

In order to get the English version out as fast as possible, we have decided to start an Indiegogo project to raise the necessary funds. 

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, we would love to hear from you! 

This campaign is set to fixed funding. In the case that we do not reach our goal, all backers will be refunded. Even if we should not reach our goal, we will continue to develop Fantastic Boyfriends. However, it may take additional time because our 
funding will be dependent on the success of our other projects.

/For our friends in Japan

上記の目標を達成する為には、当社が設立された日本国内だけではなく、国外へ向けて発信していくことが必要不可欠と考えており、まずは英語版『F彼』であるFantastic Boyfriends:Legends of Midearth(以下、FB)の製作開始をアナウンスしました。




本キャンペーンはfixed fundingとなっており、不成立の場合、返却されます。不成立の場合でも英語版の開発は続けますが、別プロジェクトの利益で予算を確保しながらとなるため、成立の場合よりもリリースが遅くなる場合があります。

If our project is fully funded, we will release up to version 2.0.0 of Fantastic Boyfriends (newer versions currently undecided), which includes:

- Making the app compatible with non-Japanese mobile environments and associated testing 

- Testing on iOS and Android devices 

- Translating over 400,000 characters of narration and dialogue from Japanese to English

- Advertising and public relations for the English version

/For our friends in Japan







We have a number of rewards prepared to thank you for your support should you choose to back our project. 

We hope you see something you like! 

/For our friends in Japan



・We will strive to release the English version in as many countries as possible, but please keep in mind that if the the game is rejected by Apple or Google Play, it may not be sold on that country’s App Store or Google Play service. It may also be possible that even if you support the game, it can not be released in your country. In addition, certain elements of the game (such as illustrations and text) may be different depending on the store due to regional regulations.

・Support will be limited to all current devices at the time of release. This includes the iPhone 5, 5s, 6, 6 Plus and a few types of devices with Android, so please be aware that your device may not be compatible. 

If you are interested in backing our project, please check out the rewards!

Update: The prologue of Fantastic Boyfriends will be released as a free download with additional chapters available to purchase. Please be aware that paid chapters are not included in any of the campaign perks. Thank you for your understanding.

/For our friends in Japan

・英語版について、出来るだけ多くの国のAppStoreおよびGoogle Playにて販売を行いたいと考えておりますが 完成後に各国Apple・Google Playのリリース審査で却下された場合、その国のストアでは販売出来ません。 従って、支援頂いた方のお住まいの国でリリース出来ない可能性があります。 また、審査により、アプリ内の一部表現(イラスト・文章など)について各ストア間で違いが発生する場合がございます。

・リリース当初は、弊社にて動作保証される端末の数が限定される見込みです。 具体的には、iPhone 5, 5S, 6, 6Plusと、android端末数台程度となる予定ですので お使いの端末が保証対象外となる場合があります。


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Choose your Perk

New Adventurer

$3 USD
-‘SPECIAL THANKS!’: your name in the Special Thanks page on our English website /For our friends in Japan ありがとうございます!Fantastic Boyfriends英語版ウェブサイトの「スペシャルサンクス」にお名前を掲載します。(名前はご希望の名義に変更可能です)
40 claimed

Great Adventurer

$10 USD
All previous rewards & An illustration card with a thank you message from the staff (digital rewards) /For our friends in Japan この金額より前の全特典+スタッフからの御礼メッセージを載せた描き下ろしイラストカードをウェブ経由で送付させて頂きます。
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
143 claimed


$30 USD
All previous rewards & mini soundtrack will be sent to you (digital rewards). /For our friends in Japan この金額より前の全特典+ミニサウンドトラックデータをWEB経由で送付させて頂きます。
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
38 claimed


$50 USD
All previous rewards & a visual book (PDF) will be sent to you (digital rewards). The book will be special version written in English, containing sections such as “Characters notes” and "Artworks" from Fantastic Boyfriends. /For our friends in Japan この金額より前の全特典に加え、英語版ビジュアルブックデータ(PDF)をWEB経由で送付させて頂きます。このビジュアルブックにはキャラクターノーツやアートワークスなどの内容が含まれます。
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
118 claimed

Mini Soundtrack(Standalone)

$85 USD
A mini soundtrack CD with an English jacket (includes digital download) and an illustration card with a thank you message from the staff. Includes international shipping. This is a standalone perk and does not include any other perks. /For our friends in Japan 以下を含みます。 -英語版ジャケット付ミニサウンドトラックCD(&データ版) -描き下ろしイラストカード印刷版($10のリワードと同じものです) -送料 これら以外のリワードは含みませんのでご注意ください。
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
0 out of 5 of claimed

Tapestry 1 (Standalone)

$100 USD
A special tapestry featuring 5 characters (knight, monk, barkeep, dragon god, & you, hero) from Fantastic Boyfriends and an illustration card with a thank you message from the staff. Includes international shipping. This is a standalone perk and does not include any other perks. (NOTE)This tapestry is not included in the '$250 Monk' perk!(NOTE) /For our friends in Japan 以下を含みます。 -タペストリー1種(勇者とその仲間たち) -描き下ろしイラストカード印刷版 -送料 これら以外のリワードは含みませんのでご注意ください。また、$250のMonkピークにこのタペストリーは含まれません。ご注意下さい
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
1 out of 5 of claimed

Tapestry 2 (Standalone)

$100 USD
A special tapestry featuring 2 characters (warrior & barbarian) from Fantastic Boyfriends and an illustration card with a thank you message from the staff. Includes international shipping. This is a standalone perk and does not include any other perks. (NOTE)This tapestry is not included in the '$250 Monk' perk!(NOTE) /For our friends in Japan 以下を含みます。 -タペストリー1種(戦士と蛮族) -描き下ろしイラストカード印刷版($10のリワードと同じものです) -送料 これら以外のリワードは含みませんのでご注意ください。また、$250のMonkピークにこのタペストリーは含まれません。ご注意下さい
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
1 out of 5 of claimed

Cushion cover(Standalone)

$105 USD
A special cushion cover with a character from Fantastic Boyfriends (cover only, does not include cushion) and an illustration card with a thank you message from the staff. Includes international shipping. This is a standalone perk and does not include any other perks. /For our friends in Japan 以下を含みます。 -特製クッションカバー(クッションは含まれませんのでご注意ください) -描き下ろしイラストカード印刷版($10のリワードと同じものです) -送料 これら以外のリワードは含みませんのでご注意ください
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
4 out of 5 of claimed

Visual book(Standalone)

$110 USD
The English visual book (includes PDF download) and an illustration card with a thank you message from the staff. Includes international shipping. This is a standalone perk and does not include any other perks. /For our friends in Japan 以下を含みます。 -英語版ビジュアルブック印刷版(&PDF版) -描き下ろしイラストカード印刷版($10のリワードと同じものです) -送料 これら以外のリワードは含みませんのでご注意ください
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
2 out of 10 of claimed


$250 USD
All previous rewards & the following: -a printed version of the illustration card with a thank you message -a mini soundtrack CD -a printed version of the visual book with limited edition cover (in English!) /For our friends in Japan この金額より前の全特典に加え、 ・御礼メッセージを添えた、描き下ろしイラストカード(印刷版) ・英語版ジャケット付ミニサウンドトラックCD ・英語版ビジュアルブック(印刷版) を郵送いたします。
6 out of 25 of claimed


$799 USD
All previous rewards & the following: -a special tapestry featuring characters from Fantastic Boyfriends -a black and white illustration from Fantastic Boyfriend artist BomBom (you may choose one favorite character from our website) /For our friends in Japan この金額より前の全特典に加え、 ・特製タペストリー ・貴方の好きな登場キャラクター1人の白黒イラストを当ゲーム原画担当のBomBomが色紙に描いてプレゼントします!(ウェブサイト「Characters」よりお選び下さい)
2 out of 5 of claimed


$999 USD
All previous rewards (not including the black and white illustration) and the following: -a special 3D mouse pad of our character -a color illustration from BomBom (you may choose one favorite character from our website) /For our friends in Japan 白黒イラスト色紙を除く全特典に加え、 ・キャラクター立体マウスパッド ・貴方の好きな登場キャラクター1人のカラーイラストを当ゲーム原画担当のBomBomが色紙に描いてプレゼントします!(ウェブサイト「Characters」よりお選び下さい)
1 out of 5 of claimed
sold out

3D Mouse Pad(Standalone)

$125 USD
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
5 out of 5 of claimed
Up Caret