Short Summary
Walk into Barnes & Noble, and you'll see half a dozen books about breastfeeding, yet not a single one of them has a faith-based perspective. Why is that important? Breastfeeding really is the way that God designed mothers to feed their babies. We see it throughout the Bible. In
Fed by God's Design you will see
- The Scriptural basis for breastfeeding
- Basic anatomy, physiology and endocrinology that makes it work -- in terms that make sense
- Great tips for avoiding and dealing with potential problems
- What you need to know to successfully feed your baby at every stage
- A chapter just for Grandmothers....unique and practical advice to help her help Mom
- Dealing with unexpected, difficult situations like prematurity, infant illness or even death
- Combining the need to return to work with breastfeeding
- Why it ISN'T breastfeeding that makes you a good mother,,,and what DOES make you a great mom!
What We Need & What You Get
In order to get this book to market, we need
- $6000 to fund the publication and basic marketing of Fed by God's Design
- Pictures of babies breastfeeding
- A national team of excited moms and moms-to-be to help us get the book into Christian bookstores nationwide
When you help us bring this book to market, you can get
- a copy of the book - either a download. or a print copy depending on your support level
- Adorable Fed by God's Design infant gifts
- The possibility of having your baby pictured in the book or maybe even on the front or back cover!
The Impact
The available resources in many Christian bookstores just do not provide the information that mothers need about breastfeeding. That's why I wrote this book. It is the culmination of 10 years of thought, prayer and waiting for the right time. I believe that this is the right time because of the resurgence of interest in breastfeeding and the focus from governmental agencies all the way down to local initiatives on helping mothers nurse their babies. I believe we will make a difference in the following ways:
- Evidence-based breastfeeding advice will take a foothold in churches that might have previously offered other less scientifically sound materials. As a pastor's wife and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant with 20+ years of experience helping mothers and babies, I am uniquely qualified to write this book.
- Christian mothers will have a resource that encourages them on multiple levels
- Mothers who read this book will be challenged to consider the importance of a personal, intimate relationship with Christ as a fundamental cornerstone of parenting.
Risks & Challenges
As a previously unpublished book author, I have to overcome the stigma that is sometimes associated with self-publishing.. However, I think we have what it takes to successfully do just that.
- I am publishing with Westbow Press, an imprint of Thomas Nelson. Several years ago, my agent actually had a deal in place with Thomas Nelson. It fell through when Thomas Nelson cut the unknown authors from their backlist.
- I had noted author Martha Sears review the book and give me her feedback. I took that feedback to improve the book.
- My experience as a writer (numerous magazine and journal articles as well as a blog) and an editor (a parenting magazine), has prepared me for this project.
Other Ways You Can Help
This book is the fruition of years of prayer and effort. I know that my work has just begun, and even if you can't help out financially, you can still be part of the team!
- Share this campaign with everyone in your sphere of influence. Let's get the word out far and wide in churches, fellowships and faith-based communities across the country.
- Pray for God's blessings on Fed by God's Design
- Use the Indiegogo share tools!
And that's all there is to it.