The Story
Fee, a transgender woman, is out celebrating with her friends on the eve of her legal name change. No longer to be Peter now, forever, she will be Fee. But a voice from the past continues to plague her.
Escaping the pub for a breath of fresh air, Fee seeks a moment of calm in a church across the road. As her heels echo in the silence of the cathedral, the voice, a person who has rejected her entire life appears: her mother.
Between August and October 2015 1,177 trans people had their first appointment at Gender Identity Clinics across the UK, and 4,532 people were still waiting to be seen. Trans visibility and acceptance has increased over the years however trans people must continue to deal with misunderstanding, discrimination, and often, sheer ignorant violent hatred.
Fee attempts to show people just one battle, but sadly a common one, that many transgender woman have to go through - rejection by her family. In a 2011 survey, almost two thirds of transgender people experienced rejection from their family.
From National Transgender Discrimination Survey -
If you help us, and we succeed in getting Fee made, we are going to get this film shown as widely as possible and to try and get people to gain an understanding of what it means to transition.
Join the conversation on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram! #feemovie
How Fee came to be
Hi, I'm Guen Murroni, the writer and director of Fee.
A few years ago, I ment a transgender woman I was instantly inspired by - and I first dreamt up Fee.
I wanted to create something that would show people a glimpse of some of the challenges that transitioning individuals can face. A story not about what the rest of the world thinks of them, but about how the attitudes of their own friends and family can change towards them completely.
Fee's story will be familiar to anyone with transgender experiences, but its themes are universal - seeking acceptance and the depth of family ties. I want this film to make the audience empathise with a transgender person, and for people to come out with a better understanding of what it means.
Who’s who
Guen Murroni’s previous experience in film includes production and writing. Her writing has received awards and participated at different festivals (Cannes Lions, Venice, Rome Creative Contest) whilst on the production side she has been part of important projects such as the latest Jim Sheridan short film, and earns her bread and butter as a production supervisor for feature films.
Producers Roland Heap and Josh Cockcroft have been working hard with Guen to develop the script and make it the best it can be. They will be over seeing everything from beginning to the end. Having worked together on a range of projects before, and with expertise across the myriad of challenges that face low budget film production, they will do everything they can to get Fee made.
Associate Producers Annais Nourry and Kay Loxley will be invaluable to the process, from casting and budgeting, to planning and executing every detail of the shoot.
We are incredibly excited to announce that Munroe Bergdorf will be starring in the lead role. Munroe is a transgender woman of colour, best know for her activism and work with fashion and makeup brands such as Uniqlo and Illamasqua. Munroe can often be seen in raising awareness of issues that affect marginalised groups. As well as working within the media to challenge stereotypes when it comes to gender, race and sexuality.
Funding & Support
The funding will support the production and distribution of Fee. We intend to shoot the film in early July, and to finish post-production and to premiere the film at a screening in September before entering it into festivals and taking it around schools in the new school year.
This film is only going to get made with you on board and helping us bring it to the screen. So please, give five, ten, twenty pounds, tell your friends about it, and help make Fee real.
Fee is supported by Trans Media Watch - below their testimonial:
"In a world where a large proportion of trans people still face family rejection, this film deals sensitively with the difficult issues around the breakdown of relationships that society tells us we can always depend on. It communicates the intense need that trans people feel to be honest about their gender, and balances this with an awareness of the fears family members can experience when pushed out of their comfort zone by such an experience."
Sound Disposition, an award winning sound post production company, will be sponsoring the project by providing sound post-production on the film.
The themes that Fee deals with are very delicate. The challenge will be to keep a delicate touch and maintain the authenticity of Fee's experience both narratively and technically. We’ve shared the script with specific organisations in order to get their feedback to and to make sure that the story is as authentic as possible.