Feral is a semi-realistic hybrid of a simulation game or virtual pet game mixed with a roleplaying game. You customize and control your own feline character and then walk them through the perils of everyday life as a wild cat. You have to hunt for food to survive, and along the way you might run into other cats and animals that you have to battle. There's always the risk that your character could die of illness, starvation, or in a fight with another animal.
Your character starts off as a kitten, born to unknown parents, and as the days pass they will grow into an adult cat, capable of taking care of itself. Your character gains levels and health points as it goes on so that it's capable of taking on greater enemies and prey. Your character will also collect points that they can spend on accessories and other useful items. Your character can also find a mate and have kittens of their own.
There will be pay-only features on the site, such as additional markings and items, the ability to create a character who starts off as an adult, and the ability to start a Colony (group of cats who own a piece of territory). Colonies are able to gain points as the characters in the Colony gain levels. Eventually a Colony may be able to gain control of even more territory and expand. Feral Tokens are the paid-currency involved in this game.
All in all it's going to be a fun adventure game with many new features that are going to be added in the future. Obviously we can't divulge everything or we risk getting our idea copied, but there will be plenty of other twists and surprises along the way. I would love it if you would donate just a little bit of money to help get this project underway. You will have my eternal gratitude -- and a reward as listed.