Short Summary
Hi, I am a mother of 5 children, I have struggled with depression and started this buisness with the hope of providing a place for mental health sufferers to access for support and to heal together as a community. This campaign will help fund and support Word Therapy which is a business that aims to bring mental health to the forefront of the world, and very importantly keep it there through our products. This will create a long term change which is required.
Our goal is to grow as big as the recent Me too movement. If there was a campaign like this available when I was still suffering with depression I am sure that it would have helped towards my recovery.
By supporting this campaign you will be helping to highlight mental health issues and could even be helping your family, friends or colleagues as you never know who is struggling with hidden mental health issuses. Please spread the word this may help people to open up.
What We Need & What You Get
£10,000 For business start Up:
Things that I will purchase to grow this business.
The amount of money that I hope to raise is £10,000. The amount raised will go towards the following purpose; a computer and desk as the computer I currently use is old and I have to share it with my children as they need it to complete schoolwork., the total amount that will be spent on this is £2500. I will also purchase the necessary designing software for creating the graphics on the T-shirt.
A business banner £250 which will be used for company advertisement in the backgroung of my videos.
£2100 for marketing and market research.
£2300 for content editing and to pay a counsellor to join me in making various videos to provide general advice about mental health and how people can help overcome it.
£1500 for a professional camera that can produce good quality videos and pictures for social media purposes.
£1350 for purchasing product samples for quality checks and topic discussion.
Our perks are special, limited edition T-shirts that were designed just for this campaign. They can be worn of kept as 2020 memorabilia or to remind yourself that you have taken part in the making of this movement which I hope will make a great impact on the world. If I do not reach my goal the money will go towards purchasing samples for quality check and topic discussion and buying an appropriate camera and computer.
The Impact
Mental health illness is common and one of the least recognised or prioritised. It is an unseen illness for most of the times unless the affected person becomes violent or emotionally and physically distressed.
There is also a massive stigma behind depression. This is preventing a lot of people from getting relevant help, and some people sadly take their own lives. There are many that desire to get help if only they could afford it.
This business is more than just a brand, our main goal is to highlight depression and to destroy its stigma surrounding it.
Many people take their own lives or become emotionally paralyzed because of stress and the state of their mental health. Due to Coronavirus, this has become worse. If we all bring it to the forefront, we can change the situation. I need all the help I can for this to be possible.
I was a person who has suffered depression myself so I have decided to take action.
I am setting up a part charitable company that creates products with positive and inspirational quotes.
2. We aim to create YouTube videos explaining the wording choice that has been used and how they can help for inspiration to others,
3. I am hoping to employ a qualified councillor to elaborate on the wording choices, and importantly give general and vital information about mental health illnesses and how people can get help or help themselves. Then the plan is to have this as a long term business structure.
4. A dedicated channel for people to go to for free motivation and inspiration or other help.
5. A Facebook channel where people can wear their shirt do a short video of support and posting it for others that are mental health illness suffers to visit and be inspired, knowing that people all over the world care.
6. 10% of profit I will donate to a mental health charity of our choice and charity that helps unfortunate children.
Risks & Challenges
You may be wondering what risks we may face:
The risks I face is not getting enough publicity and support as I don't have massive social following because I have only recently set up various social media platforms.
I will overcome this by creating regular content and learning as much as I can about the various platforms of my choice.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't financially contribute you still can help significantly by doing one or all of the following: Use IndieGoGo sharing tools, like and subscribe to my social media platforms and hit the notification bell to stay tuned for new videos and content. Share my spoken poem that was written by me to provide help to mental health sufferers and people in general, as it explain a bit about depression and some common chonel into a person life. The more we now about the topic, the more we can help ourselves or help others.
If you have struggled with mental health issues and want to share your story with others feel free to join or Facebook group and share.