IBF Charm School is an innovative program created by Model, Community Leader and Entrepreneur, Andrea Scotland. IBF Charm School workshops and camps are dedicated to inspiring girls ages 6-16 to become charming young ladies and develop the skills, knowledge, confidence and courage they need to consistently make informed life-choices from a place of self-awareness, self-respect and confidence. It stands by the motto: FIT FAB FOCUSED.
Fit- Taking care of yourself physically is an important part of leading a fabulous life.
Fab- Dressing the part is very important. How you present yourself can influence the opportunities you have in life.
Focused- F.O.C.U.S - Following One Course Until Success! Setting goals and knowing how to get there is very important.
The organization was started to give today’s young ladies the tools needed to become successful young women. Our program focuses on the importance of inner and outer beauty as well as carrying one’s self with grace, poise & elegance which is essential.
It is the goal of IBF Charm School to provide essential life skills every girl/young woman needs for healthy development, healthy relationships, health lifestyles and the opportunity to reach her own unique potential. Through art, discussion, writing, cooking, financial education, guest speakers and a variety of other dynamic activities, participants will be guided to develop tools to become well- balanced, confident & elegant members of society.
Your donation to this dynamic program is greatly appreciated and will help me bring about change in young girls lives globally.
Please spread the word by using the indiegogo share tools and assist me in helping our future leaders, to be FIT FAB& FOCUSED in all aspects of their lives.
How the funds will be utilized
$700- Uniforms
$500- Logo Bags & Stationary
$700- Educational Trips
$800- Health Nutrition and Education
$800- Operations/Location Costs