The Fivefor5 fund.
Often, as female filmmakers, we get told to "just do it!" Whilst I value that tenacious mindset, it fails to recognize the very real costs surrounding filmmaking. Even after having made Kyenvu, which surpassed all my expectations, finding money for the next shoot has been a major hurdle. Let's face it, there is not enough "just do it" to pay for a DP, LIGHTING, SOUND, etc.
This frustration led me to this fund. A fund that will give 5 female filmmakers from Uganda the chance to make a 5 minute short and truly "just do it!".
What We Need
We have the talent. I have seen it for myself. We need financial support.
Each filmmaker will get $5,000.
5forFive Fund will partner with Media256, who are giving a heavily discounted rate. The full production costs will be within a $4500 budget. The remaining $500 will go towards festival fees. Another unforeseen cost that almost halted where I submitted my work.
Why $19,000?
The total cost will be $25,000. I am donating $2,000 towards the fund. I will be raising $4,000 via Mobile Money in Uganda, giving the Ugandan community the chance to be able to contribute towards this exciting project.
My contribution - $2,000
Indiegogo - $19,000
Ugandan Mobile Money - $4,000
Total= $25,000
“Until the Lion Learns How to Write, Every Story will Glorify the Hunter”
We are in an industry where the word diversity is a catchy phrase that is ironically never caught. The African Proverb above exemplifies the blindspot in how the industry sees diversity. Just because the lion is on your screen does not the lion's story make. If the hunter is behind the camera, no amount of lions on that screen will make it the lion's story.
This fund aims to bring five lionesses behind the camera. I will alter the proverb and say "Until the Lioness is given her coins, for she already knows how to write & direct, every story will glorify the Hunter"
"Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome" - Brene Brown
I have been procrastinating launching this fund because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to raise the full $25,000 . I didn't want to fail the filmmakers that I aim to support. I hate failing but I hate not seeing our stories out there more. So here I am.
I'm showing up and I am asking for your help to be seen by more of us. Even if we just raise $5,000, that is one more filmmaker and one more new story we wouldn't have otherwise heard, it's worth the fear I say.
The Timeline
We will be fundraising from November 1st till December 5th.
Entries for submissions will open January 1st till January 31st.
The Jury will shortlist ten scripts and filmmakers.
Interviews with each shortlisted filmmaker will be conducted in mid February
Final selection of five filmmakers end of February.
Production begins in April.
Other Ways You Can Help
I am no stranger to not having the funds to always support what I want. I GET IT!! Please share this widely. The more eyes on it the more chances of it being funded.
I also implore other filmmakers to start their own Fivefor5 fund in their own countries and cities!