Betty Boo, the small cat with the big personality, was rescued in April 2013 during a trap, neuter, release programme in Deira in Dubai. Due to a nasty wound on her neck, she couldn't be released and was fostered by Dubai charity, 38smiles. Through no fault of her own, she had several foster homes before arriving at her current foster home nearly two years ago.
It has taken patience and a lot of love to help Betty trust people. She is a Dreamies addict and it is this addiction that has led to her forever home. Her foster mum used to live in England and did parkrun every week. She also listened to the parkrun show podcast, hosted by Danny Norman and Nicola Forwood. One week Danny talked about his cats being addicted to Dreamies, so her foster mum posted a picture of Betty eating Dreamies. This led to another foster cat being flown to England to his forever home. Now, Danny is going to adopt Betty! He has a stock of Dreamies waiting for her - it just needs you to help fund her trip over there.
Betty Boo is one smart cat who totally deserves her happy ever after. Please help by giving a little towards her journey.