Flying Trapeze Equipment Needed for At-Risk Kids
Flying Trapeze Equipment Needed for At-Risk Kids
Flying Trapeze Equipment Needed for At-Risk Kids
Flying Trapeze Equipment Needed for At-Risk Kids
Flying Trapeze Equipment Needed for At-Risk Kids
This campaign is closed
Flying Trapeze Equipment Needed for At-Risk Kids
Our nonprofit, Circus of Hope, is in need.
During last season we had borrowed a flying trapeze rig and were able to provide weekly classes to special needs and at-risk children. Unfortunately, we had to return our borrowed rig this month.
We would love for our volunteers and employees to be able to continue our flying trapeze program! Trapeze can help lower anxiety and increase confidence1 which is so very needed for our kids. Additionally, we are the ONLY Official Social Circus Program in Austin – in fact we have even been recognized by Cirque du Soleil!
Circus equipment has a big price tag. Please help us with a tax-deductible contribution of any amount. As an added benefit, many of our incentives will allow you to come try out the program for yourself! Our program is open to the public and all profits go right back into the program. Every $25 spent can provide one special needs or at-risk student the opportunity to fly.
Any funds raised beyond our goal will go towards the daily needs of our services, such as chalk, athletic tape, and bottled water.
Thank you!
1 source: Psychology Today