
FOCI : Wearable that Boosts Your Focus

FOCI : Wearable that Boosts Your Focus

FOCI : Wearable that Boosts Your Focus

FOCI : Wearable that Boosts Your Focus

FOCI : Wearable that Boosts Your Focus

Understand your real mind as you work and improve 4 types of focus.

Understand your real mind as you work and improve 4 types of focus.

Understand your real mind as you work and improve 4 types of focus.

Understand your real mind as you work and improve 4 types of focus.

Tinylogics Team
Tinylogics Team
Tinylogics Team
Tinylogics Team
5 Campaigns |
Cambridge, United Kingdom
$1,503,544 USD by 18,626 backers
$154,682 USD by 2,017 backers on Jul 6, 2018 with another platform
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Based on 2 decades of research, FOCI is a biometric wearable that boosts your focus. Clipped to your waist, FOCI learns your cognitive states from breathing patterns, and helps you improve 4 types of focus.


FOCI 2 is now available Here




FOCI clips to your waist, the cognitive biometrics captures your mind states through your breathing pattern, helps you understand yourself better.

Mind orbs for your cognitive states

When you're working, don't let distraction slow you down. The Mind Orb switches color when you lose focus. This added self-awareness keeps you on track and focused.

Added awareness

Added awareness

You get to know every minute of focus, distraction, stress, and fatigue. Every detail counts, helping you evaluate how you have performed and how to improve.

Know exactly when you lose focus




Monitoring is not enough, and insight matters. FOCI's AI mind coach gives you real time recommendation to boost your focus.

FOCI helps you improve focus in exactly the same way your personal trainer builds your muscles. It knows your potential by analyzing past records, and sets dynamic goals, that encourage you to achieve a little bit more.

Overcome distractions and improve focus

When you leave focus or flow, FOCI lets you know you have done well and reminds you to refocus with a gentle vibration at your waist.

When you get distracted, FOCI guides you with mind techniques. Follow the simple steps, and bounce back to focus with speed.

Improve performance with mental strategies

Improve performance with mental strategies

When attention fatigue hits you after intense work, it is already too late. FOCI suggests you take action before fatigue grows, enabling you to quickly revive your mental agility with restorative mind techniques.

Guiding you to better peformance

Guiding you to better performance

Biometric powered technology provides cognitive trainings that are tailored to you, improving the brain areas that are responsible for analyzing, planning and attention.

Tuning into 'flow'

Tuning into 'flow'


Focus is a composite of scientific concepts which is about the ability to:

Different features of FOCI are designed to tackle the different aspects of focus.

For example, real time visualization of your real mind is designed to improve focus 2 (based on procrastination equation) and also in part focus 4 (based on flow theory), but could potentially reduce focus 1 in some people. Just as mind techniques (based on positive psychology), many may increase focus 2 at the expense of focus 4 and vice versa.

The balance of probability and analysis, with many psychological methodologies, is not straightforward, notwithstanding individuality, which is why FOCI's coaching is so important in FOCI to help users make better choices and improve focus.


The human mind is the most complicated object in the known universe.

Understanding how it works is the subject of intense research. FOCI is based on two decades of some of the most interesting research into cognition - neuro-respiration.

Researchers have established that our breathing pattern is closely correlated with our subconscious, cognitive states. When we consider how our breathing changes when we are stressed or relaxed, this seems intuitive.

If you are focused, or distracted, this will be reflected in the tiny movements in your breathing that the motion sensor detects. When a research scientist finds a neuro-respiratory pattern, this requires analyzing a huge data set, and hours of processing. We applied a powerful and agile form of machine learning to do this naturally, in real time - a 10g device, for everyday use.


Replay with sound
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In this demo, our learning engine understands that a triangle sitting on top a square is likely a house with just a few examples - only a tiny fraction compared to conventional deep learning. Applied to FOCI, it reads waveforms from the motion sensor, and learns to differentiate real breathing from noise, see the pattern and match it to different cognitive states, most importantly adapting to you.

Replay with sound
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1. Respiratory Changes in Response to Cognitive Load: A Systematic Review. Neural Plasticity, 2016

2. Respiration-based emotion recognition with deep learning. Computers in Industry, 2017


Holly M. Sociology and Politics, Cambridge University

So far FOCI has been great! I really like the way it incentivises me to focus more as I want to keep getting as many of the yellow focus balls as I can. I found the cognitive biometrics most useful when I was going to sit down for a long study session, as to keep a check on how focused I was. It's been fab.

Sanjan D.  Engineering, Cambridge University

FOCI's cognitive biometrics did make me more aware of when I was focused and when not. I did try to increase the amount of focus time that it displayed every day. It tells how far behind I am in terms of focus time compared to yesterday. For example, say it was something like "12 min to catch up to yesterday”.

Eloise K. Physics, Cambridge University

The cognitive biometric was most useful to me when it showed that I had not really been concentrating well and therefore this prompted me to take a break rather than to continue to try and study. Notifications especially ones that were encouraging (even when you aren’t concentrating very well) to motivate you to work.

Alex C. Engineering, Cambridge University

I’ve been finding it most useful often as a tool to stop me getting distracted on my phone, often I’ll go to pick up my phone and the cognitive biometrics will tell me I’m not in focus and that will often prompt me to start focusing again, almost out of guilt actually! I’ve been finding the vibrations while I’m working very useful.

Natasha S. Veterinary Science, Cambridge University

More aware of how I'm working - when i am working. Useful to see 'streaks' forming so i could reassess what i was doing and how. Just the act of putting on/wearing the device to get me into a work/study mood. It'd be the first thing i'd see when i returned to work.

Florence Ion: Journalist 

FOCI connected to smartphone while under water

FOCI connected to smartphone while under water

FOCI First Batch Shipping



FOCI Tooling 

FOCI Function Automation Test

Ever felt like your focus was failing you?

Everyone gets distracted, and our team are no different. When we were at university, trying to make deadlines, we tried different productivity techniques, psychological strategies, to stay focused. But we realised the problem was much bigger.

However much we tried to focus, we couldn’t escape technology addiction. Working on a screen, communicating by smartphone, digital distraction is unavoidable, and the problem is going to get worse before it gets better. This is preventing us from achieving what we want to in life.

But the only solution we are given is to use less tech, to unplug, which is no option in a world where we work on computers.


We created FOCI to tackle the root of this problem, to refocus you after distraction, and over time to actually improve your focus.

It has been a very exciting challenge, and we are even more excited to share FOCI with the Indiegogo community. With your support, together we can help people better understand themselves and tap into their potential.

Best wishes,

The FOCI Team


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