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Focus: The First Pheromone For Productivity

Unleash Rapid Focus and Motivation- Using Only Your Sense of Smell.


Focus: The First Pheromone For Productivity

Focus: The First Pheromone For Productivity

Focus: The First Pheromone For Productivity

Focus: The First Pheromone For Productivity

Focus: The First Pheromone For Productivity

Unleash Rapid Focus and Motivation- Using Only Your Sense of Smell.

Unleash Rapid Focus and Motivation- Using Only Your Sense of Smell.

Unleash Rapid Focus and Motivation- Using Only Your Sense of Smell.

Unleash Rapid Focus and Motivation- Using Only Your Sense of Smell.

Thom Ivy
Thom Ivy
Thom Ivy
Thom Ivy
1 Campaign |
Detroit, United States
$6,639 USD 42 backers
13% of $50,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal
This campaign has been canceled and orders refunded. We designed the first aroma for on-demand productivity so more people can reach their goals without addictive and expensive medication, caffeine, or smart-drugs. Our ingredients are FDA GRAS safe, totally natural, and when you're done with your work- just wash Focus off and any effects will end.

This campaign has been canceled and orders refunded. See our updates for more information.



Explore the power of your instincts.

Transform the way you work, create, interact, and achieve, using your own nose. From revolutionary studies from Harvard and top universities1, we crowdsourced the first human pheromones for productivity: Focus.  Alpha testers used Focus, and reported powerful motivation, wakefulness, and lasting concentration for up to six hours. When you want the boosting effects to end, simply wash Focus off. Unlike pharmaceuticals or caffeine, you control when you feel the effects.



How does it work?


The active ingredients of 2-PEA and Vitamin D float into your nose, and onto the olfactory epithelium, to a particular "lock" called a TAAR. Mammals appear to have evolved some TAARs for the detection of the smell of predators.  Detection leads to the animals feeling alert, awake, and motivated. 2 We've repurposed that mechanism for productivity.  At the bottom of this page, we've got more research to share.

How to Use
Mist on your neck or wrists to trigger any sensations, then wash off when you're done. Easy.


When would I use Focus?
is great whenever you want to be "in the zone." A great alternative to pre-workouts, productivity boosting supplements or chemicals for school or work, and even for musicians, or anyone involved in creative work. 

What We're Doing


We are raising funds on IndieGogo in order to conduct a clinical study for these exciting compounds and access manufacture space and resources in our home of Detroit.  Our backers will be the first to try this new class of technology.


It's time for alternatives.


What is a Pheromone?


A scent that can alter mood, behavior, or thoughts. We all have memories that are triggered by a scent, but the ability of pheromones goes even farther: Pheromones are a chemical message from one animal to another, that helps social groups coordinate and inform one another, where the brains of other animals automatically respond by changing behavior or motivation.  Our product Focus, uses our particular combination of scent signals to help you unlock your instinctual state for productivity.


See articles on the potential applications of human pheromones:





Our Key Ingredients To Encourage Concentration, Wakefulness and Motivation


Plus a fresh, light, citrus scent in an ethanol carrier, just like cologne or perfume.  


Pheros is Just Getting Started


Focus is the first product we designed, but we’re ready to investigate more than 100 different pheromones in search of natural, safe, and controllable tools to help with anxiety, sleep, confidence, mood and social goals.


The Perks


For our core backers, we're offering three awesome rewards.

  • EARLY BIRD SPECIAL!: try a bottle of Focus (3ml). Each bottle contains 60 sprays, giving you a month of daily use. At our early-adopter level, that equals up to 6 hours of motivation, focus and wakefullness each day for $0.30. Beat that, Coffee!
  • Get Focused: a 3-pack of 3ml bottles of Focus for you and friends!
  • Pheros One (1 Year): You're ready to dive in.  Becoming a member of Pheros One means you'll be part of the cutting-edge crowdsourcing community that made Focus possible, helping push the technology farther, get early access to new products AND receive two complimentary bottles of any product we offer each month.




Learn more about the science of

TAAR and How Focus Works


“The evolutionary conservation of the TAAR family suggests a chemosensory function distinct from odorant receptors. Ligands identified for TAARs thus far suggest a function associated with the detection of social cues.”

Liberles, S.D. & Buck, L.B. A second class of chemosensory receptors in the olfactory epithelium. Nature 442, 645-650


"Chemosensory function involving recognition of volatile amines was proposed for murine TAAR3, TAAR4 and TAAR5. Humans can smell volatile amines despite carrying open reading frame (ORF) disruptions in TAAR3 and TAAR4."

Structural and Functional Evolution of the Trace Amine-Associated Receptors TAAR3, TAAR4 and TAAR5 in Primates Stäubert C, Böselt I, Bohnekamp J, Römpler H, Enard W, et al. (2010) Structural and Functional Evolution of the Trace Amine-Associated Receptors TAAR3, TAAR4 and TAAR5 in Primates. PLOS ONE 5(6): e11133.  


“Most TAARs, and particularly TAAR5, are selectively expressed in human OE (Olefactory Epithelium.) TAAR5 might play a significant functional role since it is known to be activated by trimethylamine, which is present in human secretions and has been implicated in behavioral responses.”

Carnicelli, V., Santoro, A., Sellari-Franceschini, S. et al. Chem. Percept. (2010) 3: 99. doi:10.1007/s12078-010-9075-z


If you can support us, we're ready to help you you achieve more; back this project at the top of the page.



* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 2-PEA and VITAMIN D is listed as GENERALLY REGARDED AS SAFE (GRAS) BY THE U.S. FDA.

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