We started working on Folk after failing to find a quality bag we liked at a decent price. We wanted a durable, lasting bag that had style and was suitable for everyday use. The past year we have been designing, testing, and refining. We now have a bag we are proud to brand with the Folk logo!
Our obsession with quality craftsmanship is rooted in the belief that you should only have to buy a leather bag once.
Folk Leather bags feature five custom compartments to store all your gear. There’s a place for (up to) a 15-inch laptop, tablet, notebook, phone, business cards, along with a large space for whatever else you might need for the day.
![photo Folk-leather-storage-comparments]()
![Folk Storage photo]()
Folk bags are crafted from full-grain buffalo leather, prized for its durability and unique grain pattern. Full-grain leather is the most desirable grade out there because of its tight vertical grain pattern and high density. This is the same grade of leather that horse saddles and leather work boots are made from.
Our bags are assembled using only brass hardware and high-tensile polyester thread, the same stuff used in sails. You won't find any cheap zippers, weak fibers, or ugly cloth liners here - just quality materials that are known to last.
To bring Folk to life we partnered with an established leatherworks company that crafts their bags by hand using traditional techniques and quality materials. They are talented artisans who take immense pride in their work, and it shows.
Here is what folks are saying about our bags..
It’s an honor to finally share Folk with you! We are excited to spread the word and raise funds to craft our bags on a grander scale. Your support will guaranty you receive a well crafted bag at a fair price, and backed by a 100 year warranty. Thank you for joining us on this journey!
Doing things for the first time can be a challenge. We've made mistakes in the past and have learned from them along the way. We have built a great relationship with our talented leather artisans who are committed to bringing Folk to life. They are highly skilled in their craft and understand that every detail is critical.
Even with experience, unforeseen challenges or "acts of god" can slow down the process. These delays are always frustrating. To further limit any potential issues, we have completed a small test run of bags to check for any production problems and to estimate capacity before launching our campaign. It went flawlessly and we are confident that our next round will be just as smooth.