Short Summary
My name is Hans Manzke, and I am the author of Democratizing Big Ideas. I wrote this book because I want to level the playing field with regard to the big ideas, frameworks, mental models, and insights that make the best leaders and humans so great. We all deserve equal access to what the world’s best thinkers have to offer, no matter our background, age, or profession, and we deserve it now.
My hope is that, in reading this book, you will discover that you don’t need to spend 15 years at a job accruing knowledge and research to tap into the world of big ideas. With this book, I hope to instill in you the same sort of passion and excitement that I have for big ideas and reveal how they help us grow. Ultimately, I want you to see this book as a tool to help you land your dream job, make a big life change you feel unable to access, or learn about yourself and those around you more deeply and profoundly.
In this book, you'll learn about big ideas that shift how the world thinks about itself and how we exist in it, as well as how each of us can:
- Tune in to mindsets and approaches that supercharge critical thinking and identify and minimize mindsets that discourage critical thinking
- Learn about the most valuable ideas, concepts, mindsets, frameworks, and insights that leaders from around the world would gift to their younger selves if they could go back in time
- Push your own thinking and learning to new levels via compelling stories, data, and analysis
You will love this book if you want to begin or continue your own self-awareness journey or are looking for a supercharging force to help you achieve your full potential.
Democratizing Big Ideas is a non-fiction book that speaks to the brilliant and underprivileged, the young and ambitious, and established leaders who are looking to authentically access the next version of themselves and more deeply understanding their teams and environment through the lens of big ideas.
What I Need & What You Get
I’m proud to publish my book with New Degree Press. I’ve created a pre-order structure with different tiers to help cover the costs for publishing my book. All money raised will go directly toward the following:
- The Editor I will work with to revise and publish my manuscript in December 2020
- The Cover Design of my book - the mockups you see currently are placeholders!
- The Layout Design for the interior of my book (Physical Copy, Ebook Formats)
- The Copyediting for my book - to help polish the grammar and spelling prior to publication
- The Launch & Promotion Efforts for my book - when I ultimately publish this Winter
When I pre-sell 120 copies of my book, I will publish. Since I was a young boy, I’ve dreamed of writing my own book, and now I need your help to make that dream a reality.
I am also offering some exclusive rewards for people who pre-order my book now:
- A personally signed copy of my book when I publish
- A personal, handwritten thank you note for pre-ordering my book
- Your name will appear in a Special Acknowledgements section of my book (“with Special Thanks to”)
- Early access to the Introduction of my Book and some additional sections of my manuscript, with the opportunity to review it and give me early feedback
- The opportunity to help give me feedback and be involved in selecting my cover
- A book topic/workshop seminar where I will share experience the experiences of writing my book
About the Author
Hans Manzke is a Principal at The Clearing, a small Washington, DC management consulting firm that focuses on partnerships that unlock real transformation. The company believes in, inspires, and outfits leaders to have meaningful lives and to make extraordinary contributions to causes that matter.
Hans has always been a seeker — a constant asker of “why” questions. He has turned that energy to exploring how big ideas can effect us for the good, especially through the lens of access and equity. The world’s best thinkers have much to share with us, and if we listen, our full potential and more happiness at work and in life await.
For more information you can connect with Hans at and on LinkedIn and Instagram.
Risks & Challenges
The biggest challenge with publishing a book is finishing and delivering the completed book to the backer. I have eliminated this risk by building into the campaign the mailing and shipping costs of your signed copies to you within each pre-order tier. This means that your support guarantees you a copy of my book, mailed to your best address.
I will be working closely with New Degree Press to make sure we get the earliest possible ship date of the signed book copy to you. We will keep all pre-sale backers up-to-date as my book hits each key milestone on the road to publication. You will know when the copies of my book you pre-ordered are expected to ship.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people can't contribute financially, but that doesn't mean they can't help:
- Please Share my Pre-sale Campaign on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter with your friends, family and network. Please use #BigIdeasForAll and tag me as well as my publisher, New Degree Press so they can help amplify our efforts.
- You can easily share my Pre-Sale Campaign Page via Indiegogo at the top of the page
- Please share my book with 5 friends, family members, or co-workers who you think would enjoy it. All this takes is a text message or Direct Message on social media.
Thank you for all of your love and support.