This is Mila Roncevic, daughter of our dear friend Marin Rončević and his wife Sanja. Mila is almost 2 years old and has been fighting leukemia for a year (acute myelogenous megakaryocytic leukemia AML M7) in Children’s Hospital Kantrida in Rijeka, Croatia. In Europe, a successful continuation of treatment is not possible and Mila's last chance of survival is treatment at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. The cost of treatment is estimated at about $ 2,800,000.00.
This is Mila Roncevic, daughter of our dear highschool friend Marin Rončević and his wife Sanja. Mila is almost 2 years old and has been fighting leukemia for a year (acute myelogenous megakaryocytic leukemia AML M7) in Children’s Hospital Kantrida in Rijeka, Croatia. In Europe, a successful continuation of treatment is not possible and Mila's last chance of survival is treatment at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. The cost of treatment is estimated at about $ 2,800,000.00.
Every dollar is welcomed and every minute is important due to Mila's condition.
I have been asked by Marin's family to open up the campaign as Marin is literally swamped with emails, messages and phone calls and at the same time trying to make arrangements for the trip. If you would however feel more comfortable making donation directly to the account for Mila's treatment, please make a payment to: HR3641330063110002644 to Marin Rončević (address: Marin Roncevic, Hreljin 33B, 51226 Hreljin, Croatia) payment description - "Gift for Health Care of Mila Rončević treatment". BIC/SWIFT is SKOVHR22. Bank name: Banka Kovanica d.d. , Varazdin
Thank you in advance.
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Here are links to some of the articles in Croatian medias.