Hi Indiegogo, my name is Callie Clark, I live and work
in Rome, GA, and I need your help!
Artistic crowdfunding has completely taken over my life--the first
thing I do in the mornings before emails or even making my coffee is check out the home page to see what amazing ideas and products you geniuses have put out there while I was sleeping.
Checking out and backing
your mind-blowing work has been pure joy, but thanks to nerves and down right
fear, I've been putting off starting my own project. But no more, because
I and several other artists have been
afforded the fantastic opportunity to take up residency in Brazil from December
13th to the 21st (my birthday!) to write, paint, and in my case--photograph the
city of Fortelza. Our generous patron, colleague, and friend will be hosting us
and taking on the burden of our quarters and food, but there are other expenses
I need your help in covering, which are listed below in as transparent detail
as possible so far, with more information to come as it's available.
While coming up with the perks, I tried to
keep in mind the kind of incentives I like and what I'm willing to pay for
them, so I hope it's a comprehensive list with something for everyone, but if
you have ideas or requests, please let me know, we're completely open.
Me, my family, and my friends are SO excited about this
project but we can't do it without you and would be thrilled for you to come on
board. But if it isn't your cup of tea, shoot me a message anyway so I can
check out your cool work--I'm always afraid I'll miss something!
Thank you so much for your time today and your potential support in the
future. Talk soon and best wishes. Peace!
your help and support we can all have a terrific time planning,
executing, and enjoying the spoils of this photography project!
Your investments will be spent on the following necessities:
* Round trip airfare
Rental fees for the photography equipment needed that can't be
purchased while we're trying to keep overhead as low down as possible.
* Communications cost such as wi-fi cafes and international cell service
* Logistical expenses such as cab fares, tips, bus and train tokens, and the services of a local translator if needed.
As more specific information becomes available when things start coming together, it will be provided to you immediately.
Thank you for your interest and support!
project does not yet have social media representation, but I can be
found @cleopaintra (my roller derby name) on Twitter, Instagram, and