Short Summary
Fray Bentos is a 15-20 minute short film, following the exploits of a British mark IV tank and her crew during World War 1. Fray Bentos (named after the tinned corned beef issued to soldiers at the time) took part in the Battle of Passchendaele in August 1917. After attacking two enemy positions, she became stranded in a shell hole in No Mans Land. Over the next three days and nights her crew fought off several German counter attacks and suffered overwhelming hardship in cramped, claustrophobic conditions.
Our short film will show the horror of this bloody battle and honour the men who fought for their country, but more importantly for one another.
What We Need & What You Get
Your contribution will go towards building the set, hiring costume and equipment, feeding the cast and crew and Post-production work i.e. Visual and sound effects.
As an investor you not only receive the perks listed in this pitch, but more importanly you will know that you have invested in a film that tells the story of the bravery and sacrifice of so many young men in a conflict that seems almost unimaginable today.
it is this that drives us and, we hope, inspires you to contribute.
The Impact
Experience has tought us that so much of recent history is lost through the passing of generations. Films that tell the story of past events, that impact on our present and future, are more important than ever.
We are lucky enough to have visited many of the battle fields in France that have played such an important part in recent history. This has developed a passion for history that goes hand in hand with a long established passion for cinema and filmmaking.
When we set out to make our latest film 'Fusilier' we used these twin passions to great effect. We set out to inform, educate and move our audience. We have been successful on all counts. The feedback we have recieved has been as flattering as it has been unexpected. But perhaps the most rewarding effect the film has had, is that it has made people want to know more. More about history and more about the people that make it.
We are prepared to work even harder on Fray Bentos in the hope that the finished film has a similar impact.
Other Ways You Can Help
Spread the word! If you like what you read and what you see, show other people. If you use social media then please use it to inform more people about what we do and why we do it.