Free the Power of Personal Value of 1M People!
Free the Power of Personal Value of 1M People!
Free the Power of Personal Value of 1M People!
Free the Power of Personal Value of 1M People!
Free the Power of Personal Value of 1M People!
This campaign is closed
Free the Power of Personal Value of 1M People!
Help build a free global PV metric that can measure the impact of your actions and choices on lives now and in the future – in seconds.
If you think this is worthwhile and believe citizenship to be as important as wealth – donate what you think its worth. Help us extend its capability and reach across the globe while keeping it as a free service for all.
And why not come join us and be in the first 1,000,000 to measure their PV too?
Together we can rebalance the importance of citizenship and our true value, understand and measure our Personal Value as global citizens, use the impact of our choices and actions and tap the power in our networks to build a healthier society for all.
This new free PV score is a personal ratio between wealth and contribution as a citizen.
So doing our PV allows us each to reflect on our choices and actions - and compete with ourselves to improve our personal score.
There is no compulsion to increase it - but we all like to "do better" and feel good. We measure our well being, and make changes to improve it - let's improve our citizenship too.
The important difference is that any improvement will help others now and in the future, not just ourselves. A win - win!
Our sponsors and friends are helping us too ….they want you to join them and us.
We hope you will sponsor us and enjoy the amazing prizes gifted by “Friends of Personal Value,” and perhaps say thank you for adding your support to the campaign