We have a disgusting, very ugly situation in our society and it is called the CPS/Foster Care System. And the result of that is hundreds of thousands of OUR kids abused, without family, connection, or any kind of support, fractured self-respect and self-worth, no confidence and an unbearable burden, not to meantion the ones that end up dead!
There are amazing foster parents out there; sadly they are over shadowed by, the not amazing ones, and the completely broken system.
This is our opportunity to do something radical and completely different, which is what we need! We cannot fix what is fractured beyond repair, but we can create something new and remarkable that does work. It makes me sick at my stomach that we have allowed this to happen and have continued to turn a blind eye. Are you ready to stop, pull our heads out of the sand and do something? We are and this is what we ARE doing about it! We can’t do it without you, so be a champion for our kids, our future and join us in this project!!
No youth should transition from foster care to homelessness!
I have felt a burning passion to be a safe place for youth my entire adult life. I spent eight years working with teens and young adults facilitating a transformational/experiential workshop and life coaching. I have moved through my own struggles and challenges and through all of this, this work keeps coming back to me. I believe that those that have struggled and lived through traumas are the most courageous, strongest and most committed individuals on the planet and they are the ones that will make this a better world given the opportunity to see who they are! Through all of my own shit, I have been blessed beyond words with people, wisdom and strength and I am paying it forward now. This is my calling, this is my life purpose, and I will move heaven and earth to see it happen.
Our project is a Community of loving, supportive, passionate, committed people that will do whatever it takes to make sure our youth driven community thrives.
Individual homes ( all structures made from natural and repurposed material)
Vision Center - large Training/Workshop space, several small workshop rooms, a library, kitchen and gathering space, dorm like rooms upstairs
Art Center
Fruit Trees
Six month Experiential Program
Success Partner (life coach)
and more as we grow moving towards more sustainable practices with food, water, waste, energy and the most under utilized Human power!
This is a huge number of PEOPLE that are not being cared for or supported in life and that is NOT ACCEPTABLE! It should not be okay with anyone. We are hard wired to be connected and these kids are not given the opportunity to connect with others from the start. We want to show them there is BEAUTY in the world and they are part of that beauty!
The Impact
Each year, over 27,000 youth “age out” of foster care
without the emotional and financial support necessary to succeed. This number has steadily risen over the past decade. Nearly 40% had been homeless or couch surfed, nearly 60% of young men had been convicted of a crime, and only 48% were employed. 75% of women and 33% of men receive government benefits to meet basic needs. 50% of all youth who aged out were involved in substance use and 17% of the females were pregnant. And the first year of aging out of foster care, 65% of the youth are either in jail or dead.
WE will support them in every way. First, a safe place to live, second, a safe place to emotionally heal, and third, all the support they need to move forward the way they want to go!
Nearly 25% of youth aging out did not have a high school diploma
or GED, and a mere 6% had finished a two- or four-year degree after aging out of foster care. One study shows 70% of all youth in foster care have the desire to attend college.
So the Impact is limitless! With this community in place we can reach 1000s of youth and beyond!
But we cannot do it without you!
Other Ways You Can Help
if you cannot financial contribute, you can still support our vision and our youth...
Really make some noise about this project, share EVERYWHERE! The more eyes that see us and hear our vision everybody wins!
Be sure and use all the Indiegogo tools!!
Thank you all for your support!!! We can only make this a success working together to change lives, and change the world... It really does start with our kids!