Short Summary
A docuseries going over the productions, release, and aftermath of video game adaptations, both in film, television, and animation, as well as the evolution of the medium and art of adapting. For the most part, the docuseries will focus on American released or accessible adaptation, however I will mention important Japanese and/or Chinese releases if needed, and if I can track down copies. The mission of this series is to explore and research the many different adaptations of video games through an entirely unbiased lens. The intent of the content will be to inform and breakdown, rather than review and critique, regardless of the subject. The intention is to leave viewers with a deeper and richer understanding of the Hollywood production cycle, the struggles of bringing interactive media to a non-interactive medium, and the general lack of understanding on an executive level of what fans of these franchises are interested in.
My Filmmaking Experience
Hello, my name is James Hurley. I am a 22 year old filmmaker and television producer. I am currently graduating from college, getting a degree in digital filmmaking, However, I have been in the television world for a little over 10 years, getting my start at my local cable access channel as a myriad of different roles, including helping people develop show ideas and execute them. I have hosted many different shows, including my most successful and longest running James’ House of Rock! I also have had a long history on YouTube producing regular content on my channel Fun Times with Dan and James. The most important part for the purpose of this campaign, I am a huge gamer and platinum hunter, passionate about video games and their history as a medium. This project means a lot to me as I get to combine two of my loves, gaming and films, into one project.
What We Need & What You Get
Goal Setting
The goal that the production has decided to set for its campaign is $3000. The majority of this money will be used for media acquisition, whether that be ordered from online storefronts (Amazon, eBay, etc.), or brick and mortar stores (Used Book Superstore, Bullmoose, etc.). The media acquisition budget will also be allocated for use on streaming services, as another means to access the content needed for the series. The rest of the funding will go towards living expenses, talent expenses, or other financial needs of the production. The budget will break down as follows.
Budget Breakdown
Media Acquisition (purchasing/renting/subscription fees)- $1000
Living Expenses (ability to take off work for production, without financial worry)- $500
Crew/Talent/Interviewee Expenses (If any of our interviewees require compensation, within reason, as well as crew expenses)- $1000
Incentive Fulfillment (T-shirts, Pins, Shipping etc.)- $500
Stretch Goals
Although unlikely, if the project manages to surpass its expected goal, A variety of stretch goals will be offered to the participants that choose to support the series. This will include merchandise for higher tiers, expanded episode count, among other things to be decided as the projects moves along
Note On Funding
Unfortunately, within the current financial state of Dueling Dragon Entertainment and by extension Dueling Dragon Broadcasting, if the campaign is not funded to a reasonable amount the production will be unviable to produce and will have to be canceled, reworked considerably, or have its campaign repeated or extended.
Tier List
$1- A kind thank you from Dueling Dragon Broadcasting, as well as weekly updates about production
$5- Everything from the previous tiers, plus a personalized thank you email sent by producer and director James Hurley
$10- Everything from the previous tiers, plus a “From Screen to Script” commemorative pin
$20- Everything from the previous tiers, plus name inclusion within the credits of each episode
$30- Everything from the previous tiers, plus access to a behind the scenes “making of” featurette
$50- Everything from the previous tiers, plus credit name upgraded to “executive producer”
$100- Everything from the previous tiers, plus a “From Screen to Script” crew member T-Shirt
Risks & Challenges
As a student at the end of his college career, time management is something I am currently working my hardest to build up as a trait. However, I have purposefully oriented this project and campaign within a time frame where my studies will be wrapping up, and more time will be free to make sure I give this project the attention it deserves. Secondly, Some of the material I plan on covering is either old, international, or rare. Some are all three. So one of the risks I anticipate running into is the ability to find and acquire the necessary media to fully cover the topics I would like to. Hopefully, I won't have to worry about this too much, as the current age of the internet makes it far easier to find just about anything you're looking for if you're looking hard enough. Lastly, one of the challenges that I am currently working out is how to fit all of the information I'd like into the show without having to compromise any one piece of media or trivia. This will be solved by careful writing and revisions, as well as having other crew members to look over and read scripts to ensure they flow as best as they can.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't contribute, there is absolutely no stress. We are happy you're here regardless. If you'd like, you can share this campaign or its videos with a friend or a loved one you think might also be interested! Otherwise, it is more than enough to simply watch the show when it releases this summer!