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Fundraising for 'Two': An original Fringe play!

Help us bring the haunting world of "Two" to the Metro this summer

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Fundraising for 'Two': An original Fringe play!

Fundraising for 'Two': An original Fringe play!

Fundraising for 'Two': An original Fringe play!

Fundraising for 'Two': An original Fringe play!

Fundraising for 'Two': An original Fringe play!

Help us bring the haunting world of "Two" to the Metro this summer

Help us bring the haunting world of "Two" to the Metro this summer

Help us bring the haunting world of "Two" to the Metro this summer

Help us bring the haunting world of "Two" to the Metro this summer

Kat Taddei
Kat Taddei
Kat Taddei
Kat Taddei
5 Campaigns |
Victoria, Canada
$519 USD $519 USD 16 backers
107% of $485 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 5 Projects Mountain Filled 5 Projects

We reached our goal!

Stretch Goal

Thank-you so much to everyone who has helped us reach our goal of $700. We are so humbled by the amount of support, financial and otherwise, this project has received so far. 
But we're not stopping yet. We still have 20 days left in our campaign-- so, we've decided to set stretch goals to help us make "Two" even better of a show.

At $850 - We can build our set!

We will have all the extra money that our set designer needs to build his vision from scratch. 
At $1,000 - We can pay our artists!
All of our production costs-- costumes, sets, and print media-- will be 100% covered, which means we will be able to pay our student artists directly from box office revenue.  

Photo by Kate Loomer 

About the Project

“Ever wondered if out there, in a faraway universe, lives another you? This haunting new work presents two dramatically different versions of one life. Set in parallel worlds, manipulated by a chorus of mysterious figures, Two blends the unsettling surreal with the familiar hyper-real. Written by local playwright Kat Taddei and directed by Colette Habel.”

Two, a new stage-play, was an exciting challenge to write for emerging playwright Kat Taddei. The first full draft of the script was completed just this spring, for a third-year workshop at the University of Victoria, under the mentorship of award-winning playwright Charles Tidler.

At the end of her spring workshop, Kat received an e-mail from Charles encouraging her to submit the script to local producer Catador Theatre, who were seeking an original play for production at the 2015 Victoria Fringe Festival. Anxiously, Kat did so... and a week later, Two was selected!

Soon, Colette Habel, a fifth-year UVic student wrapping up her double-major in Theatre and Creative Writing, was on board as Two’s director. Together, Colette and Kat were lucky to find and cast a group of talented young people just as excited as them about bringing Two to life-- a group almost entirely made up theatre students, an amazing mixpot from the Victoria Academy of Dramatic Arts, UVic’s Phoenix, and Capilano University in Vancouver.

Two balances themes of choice versus coincidence, parallels, and gender bias. Our intention with this production is to create an honest work of art that is not only aesthetically innovative, but which also stimulates conversation.

What We Need 

Producing a full-scale Fringe show isn’t cheap-- and, as a creative team made up of mostly students, we aren’t exactly rich! However, whether we reach our fundraising goal or not, the truth is that every generous donation really will help make this project the best it can be. Here is a breakdown of our basic costs:

  • $600 Festival application fee

  • Marketing Materials (Posters, business cards, etc)

  • Advertising Space (We’ve purchased a space in the Fringe program worth $200)

  • Costumes (We have an amazing cast of 8, but it does mean more people to dress!)

  • Set pieces

On top of our basic costs, we are hoping to be able to pay our amazing and devoted team of actors and designers an honorarium for all the hours of volunteer work they are lovingly pouring into this project.

Who Are We? 


Catador Theatre’s mandate is Total Artistic Freedom.We work directly with innovative playwrights to produce exciting new theatre in Victoria, British Columbia. We know it’s a lot of work getting a play off the ground. That’s why we offer total artistic freedom and support to playwrights. Founded in 2014 by playwright and lawyer Laura Simons, Catador Theatre launched with a successful run of the comedy Yule Bleed in February 2015 as part of Intrepid Theatre’s YOU Show series.


Kat is going into her fourth year at the University of Victoria, with a major in Creative Writing and a minor in Journalism. Before she had even memorized the alphabet, Kat would wander around her house “reading” aloud from her mom’s Agatha Christie novels-- really, just making up stories as she went along. Locally, her work has been presented at the Belfry Theatre’s SPARK Festival, Epiphany Theatre’s Interplay Festival, Intrepid’s YOU Show Series, and Intrepid’s brand new queer theatre festival, OUTstages. Kat also acts as Drama Editor for The Warren Undergraduate Review and writes short fiction, which has been published in This Side of West and soon-to-be in Luna Station Quarterly. 


Colette is a director, playwright and sound designer pursuing a double major in Theatre and Writing at the University of Victoria. Select sound design credits include: "Enter Vodka" (Intrepid Theatre New Play Reading Series, 2015), "Lion in the Streets" (UVic Phoenix Theatre, 2015), "Unity (1918)" (Uvic Phoenix Theatre, 2014), "Picnic" (UVic Phoenix Theatre, 2013). Colette also sound designed and directed her adaptation of "Goblin Market" for UVic's Student Alternative Theatre Company (SATCo) in 2013. Most recently, Colette was the Production Designer for Theatre SKAM's "The Lab", version 2.0. In addition to writing plays, Colette has written guest blog entries for arts organizations such as Theatre SKAM and the Belfry Theatre. Up next, Colette's devised theatre piece, "SCAPE": Victoria" about life in an urban centre, will be presented in September as an Intrepid Theatre YOUShow.



Show Dates & Times: 

August 29th - 8:30pm

August 31rst - 6:30pm

Sept. 2nd - 8:15 pm

Sept. 3rd - 10:15 pm

Sept. 5th - 10:45 pm

Sept. 6th - 4:00 pm

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Choose your Perk

The Affordable Student Perk

Currency Conversion $7 USD
$10 CAD
Personalized shout out about how cool you are on our social media, complete with a terrible paint art drawing from Colette, like this: or this: or maybe even this:
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

The Student Gold Perk

Currency Conversion $14 USD
$20 CAD
Receive your own "Two" Candy Special! What is a "Two" Candy special? You'll have to see the show to find out! We'll also throw in a complimentary ticket.
0 claimed

A Night on the Town

Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
Receive two complimentary tickets to the show, a signed poster with our thanks, and a night at Fringe Club with our cast and creative team, with your first drink on us!
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Be An Official Sponsor!

Currency Conversion $52 USD
$75 CAD
Receive three complimentary tickets to the show, a signed poster with our thanks AND we will promote you/your business at the end of each performance as one of our main sponsors! We’ll also give you room to put out any signage or business cards you have near the entrance of our venue, the Metro Studio.
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

A Home-Cooked Meal!

Currency Conversion $69 USD
$100 CAD
Receive four complimentary tickets to the show, a signed poster with our thanks, social media AND post-show promotion of you/your business as one of our main sponsors! *And,* if you so choose, a special evening of entertainment with the cast and creative team, wherein we will cook you dinner and teach you how to ballroom dance!
0 claimed
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