Hi, there!
My name is Carlos Mazal and I am a 29 year old aspiring writer and film enthusiast! Just like you! I attended the University of the Pacific were I graduated with a degree from the Department of Theatre and Arts. Now, pleasantries aside, I wanted to take this special opportunity to explain to you what my fellow enthusiastic colleagues and I here are trying to accomplish with this project. As all young and aspiring creative artists we too have a deep desire to be able to create something special and unique that we can call our own. However, sometimes circumstances may not always be conducive to such aspirations. For example, the lack of actors, writers, filmmakers coming together at the right time and place can be a problem or like in this case lack of funding. We have an incredibly talented and capable group of people who have come together to work on this film with YOUR help. With your financial assistance, you could help us leave our cinematic mark on the world!
We estimate that about 2,000 USD would help us accomplish our objectives.
The money would go towards,
- Paying the Actors
- Production Costs - things such as acquiring or tailoring costumes, accommodations, etc.
- Production Design.
- Transportation
- Visual Effects
- Creating Sets
In addition, all backers will be featured in the credits of the film!
We have a talented Colombian film director, some gifted actors with previous film making experience and a crew that possesses a variety of skills. Your potential contributions to this project will allow for this group of talented people to produce a film on par with contemporary horror classics, given the chance. It'll be tough but we welcome the challenge!
Here are some of our previous film projects,
Showreel Clip:
Music Video
If you can't chip in money, don't fret!
Please just share this campaign to your friends and family! It'll mean the world to us!