We need your help!
Flyers and binders and zines...oh my! Neatly filed folders and snacks piled so high! Bus tickets for those who don't live so near, and those little devices to look in your ear! All of these things that we wish to provide, to help our community and clinic continue to thrive!
We are a community driven wellness space in Vancouver, BC, serving trans* and gender diverse people. We receive no government funding and depend largely on donations to stay up and running! (For more info, go to cwhwc.com!)
Making a donation this month will help us to continue to provide volunteer medical & nursing care, hormone and surgical support, counselling, nutrition advice, legal advice, peer support, yoga, nutrition support and nutritious community meals to our trans* communities.
This holiday season, consider showing some love on behalf of trans* and gender diverse folks in your life and make a donation! Here is where your funding will be used:
What We Need & What You Get
Basic wish list:
$ 20 - $ 40 buys books of transit tickets (one package lasts about 2 months)
$ 20 - $ 40 covers the cost of a cab ride to/from clinic or to/fro hospital for clients
$ 25 pays for our medical billing costs for one month
$ 35 pays for one clinic's worth of snacks
$ 50 pays for one month of medical supplies from REACH
$ 50 pays for 2 months worth of printing educational materials for our clients (including zines like Fucking Trans Women)
$ 100 buys one year of website registration
$ 150 covers the cost to rent sound equipment for one fundraiser
"Dream-big" wish list:
$ 250 Electrolysis booster package for our clients in need
$ 500 Cost of food and supplies for one large community kitchen event
$ 10,000: Approximate cost of Electronic Medical Record to improve our clinic's efficacy and organization & better meet the needs of our clients!
$ _______ : Our very own health centre space! (one day...)
Every little bit helps &
All funds raised will go directly to the clinic!
The Impact
Our clinic is run by and for our trans and gender diverse community. We aim to celebrate all forms of gender identity and expression, and build wellness from all perspectives: physical, emotional, and social! We try to break down institutionalized cis-sexism and transphobia in our health and community spaces. Each donation will help keep our clinic space up and running!
Other Ways You Can Help
Please share this link wherever you can! Help get the word out about our services!
Also: are you a trans* community member who wants to give back to the community? Have skills or general fabulousness to contribute? Contact us at: contactus@cwhwc.com and let us know!