Oxygenation Isn't Magic.
It's Skincare Science.
And it's way better than Instagram filters.
Geneo Personal Testimonials
We gave Geneo Personal to these lovely ladies. Here's what they had to say.
Most Beauty Products Don't Work.
They make big promises that don’t make sense and they don’t even deliver on them
You can’t really look 10 years younger. But also, let’s face it- you really don’t need to.
So Here's the Deal with Oxygenation
Oxygenation really is as great as beauticians claim. It gives you an amazing glow and super soft skin. The problem is, a lot of companies are exploiting the term and calling other stuff oxygenation when what they’re really doing is basically rubbing air bubbles on your face.
It’s not just weird, it also just doesn't work.
Oxygenating through the skin's surface is biologically impossible.
Real Oxygenation Can Only Come from Within
Geneo Personal uses TrueO2™, real oxygenation. It doesn’t just work, it’s actually amazing.
And we’ve got over a decade of high-end beauty clinic appointments and stunning results to prove it.
TrueO2™: How Real Oxygenation Works
TL;DR: For real oxygenation results you need to go below the surface
We say that Geneo Personal is REAL oxygenation because it is. Our TrueO2™ method utilizes something called the Bohr Effect, a known biological process. It’s a process of using CO2, which in turn stimulates a release of oxygen from your blood cells up to your skin’s surface. This physiological response is what makes your facial skin REALLY level up. AKA REAL oxygenation.
The Bohr Effect: Carbon dioxide causes oxygen to react and enrich the surface from within
Have a question about Geneo Personal or the science behind oxygenation?
Click here or the button above to open our Messenger chat
A Complete Super-Facial in 6 Minutes
Dead skin cells suck, so the first step is
getting rid of them and getting that face
of yours ready for oxygenation.
TrueO2™ Oxygenation
REAL oxygenation releases oxygen stored
in your face’s blood cells directly into your skin.
Based on a clinically proven technology
from Pollogen's professional devices.
AfterCare: Nourishment
With exfoliation and oxygenation
your skin is now super ready
to absorb nutrients in creams.
Get ready to face anything in just under 2 pop songs
(around 6 minutes once a week)
How To Use Geneo Personal
Geneo Personal doesn’t cake anything on or try to put a younger face on yours or temporarily
blur lines, it’s a full rejuvenation cycle that gets rid of dirt and toxins and enriches your skin
with pure oxygen, enhancing your pores and skin surface to make you look your very best.
It's only Like Photoshop for your face. Here, the Results are Real.
When not in use, just place your Geneo Personal in the dedicated charge pod to juice back up.
A full facial rejuvenation, right at home.
Why It Works... A Short Video
Get an un-ignorable glow on your way out the door
For ALL Skin Types
Geneo Personal is the latest from Pollogen, an International beauty company that creates and sells industry leading products like this professional oxygenation system providing treatment in thousands of beauty clinics all over the world.
Already in Production
It's been a crazy past little bit, but since we've already seen the demand it's stirring up and so we've decided to put the wheels in motion already and get things going. Below is just 2 images from our first production run.
With worldwide recognition and dozens of successful products
We’re Pollogen, a leading beauty device company,
and part of the Lumenis group - one of the largest medical device companies in the world.
We’ve been developing, designing and selling innovative beauty devices for clinics
and home-use for years with amazing results. In fact, we’ve been selling them for over a decade in more than 60 countries worldwide.
We adapted our world-famous OxyGeneo technology into a personal beauty device for home use, Geneo Personal. And now we’re going on Indiegogo to reintroduce ourselves to the world.
We’re a bit nervous- but mostly really excited.