She's not as innocent as she looks
She's not as innocent as she looks
She's not as innocent as she looks
She's not as innocent as she looks
This campaign is closed
She's not as innocent as she looks
She's not as innocent as she looks
She's not as innocent as she looks
She's not as innocent as she looks
She's not as innocent as she looks
$5.00- A warm Hearted Thanks
$10.00- Digital Poster
$25-Pen with film name
$50 Extra in Film and Name in Credits
$100 Digital Promo Stills
$250 Ticket to Premiere
$500 Autographed Copy of Script
$1000 Associate Producer
$2500 Executive Producer DVD Copy of productionThe greatest risk is not finishing a project due to lack of funding, and the challenge is not having the personnel you need to achieve a goal. As with any project, no funds means no project.