The End: the final issues of DUMB
Exciting news everyone! This November I've been invited to stay at a friend's cabin for a few months in the wilds of Ontario, and I'm using it to complete my comics series about vocal disability: DUMB.
Without Toronto at my doorstep, under my feet, throwing light and sound and smog into the air, I can finally dig deep into the conclusion of this experience. For the printed editions, I'm pouring everything in. There will be more introductory prose pieces from people like multi-lingual French comic artist Julie Maroh, Sound Studies Phd candidate Ely Rosenblum, commentary from Toronto's thriving deaf community, and more!
I can't wait to share it with you.
My last campaign ran exceptionally well and my schedule and deliveries were met without any problems. It was the perfect way to launch my career in comics. I'm looking forward to doing it all again with a little experience under my belt.
The Backstory
In October of 2012, I confronted the worst of an injury I had been strategically ignoring since that spring. After consulting a doctor, I was told that the intense and enduring pain around my vocal cords was a very bad strain and in my case, the severity of the injury would determine the length of the recovery—six months, if not more. It has now been two years, with no end in sight.
DUMB is the story of living day to day without a voice. I spent almost three months speaking less than 30 minutes a day, sometimes going for a few days or a week at a time without speaking at all. Since then, I’ve been increasing my painless speech time every day, little by little, and now find myself able to speak normally for up to three hours at a time before I need to rest.
My recovery continues, but the comics will end. If you want your copies before anyone else, this is your chance!
Get your copies of DUMB before they're available anywhere else
Issues 1 - 5 are currently available in stores, and online at my storenvy.
The remaining issues, 6 - 10, will launch at TCAF 2015 -- HOWEVER: If you want your copies BEFORE they're available in stores, you can get them RIGHT HERE.
If you preorder, you'll receive all your comics in one batch in April, with PDF's and buttons to boot!
If you order current issues AND preorder issues, you'll receive the current issues in a batch in October, as well as a second batch in April to complete the set! Is it too early to mention Christmas/holiday gifts?
These are the basics of getting the series done, but keep an eye out for a blog post that delves into the more complicated details of my situation. I am looking forward to baring all on a taboo subject.
Printing and Production per issue, 250 copies: $725
Printing and Production for 5 issues, 250 each, 1250 comics total: $3,625
Shipping, 5 issues in one envelope: $8 in Canada, $10 to the US, $17 International (round estimate: $725)
Materials (for making comics and for shipping): $350
Indiegogo and Paypal fees: $200 (Indiegogo) + $100 (Paypal)
TOTAL: $5,000
I'll update with stretch goals if we make it further -- rest assured, I've got some plans for that :)
Scheduling and Challenges
The only obstacle here is me. I'm thrilled to be spending the next few months with minimal contact to the outside world -- which is the opposite of how I normally live. The schedule is as follows:
September Run this campaign, get writing and drawing.
October Continue writing and drawing, fulfill campaign orders.
November - January Move into residency in Perth, Ontario with two of my closest friends. I have a room for almost no rent (and I'm subletting my apartment in Toronto to cut my costs), with a beautiful studio from which to work all day every day in the beautiful Ontario countryside. I'll stay there until the end of January, when I'll resume my busy life.
February - April Print the final issues of DUMB, prepare for TCAF, mail out orders. DONE.
Praise for DUMB
"In Dumb, the feeling of powerlessness to express oneself is expressed
in a completely articulate and powerful cartooning voice. It's a totally
fascinating and meaningful comic."
-- Dash Shaw,
creator of Doctors, Cosplayers, and New School
"Dumb is a passionate recount of a painful, frightening and very
human experience."
-- Eleanor Davis, author of Stinky and How to Be Happy
"Georgia Webber's Dumb has an interesting subject matter
that ropes you in and I'm here to tell you that it delivers. Dumb is a pleasure to read and I bug
Georgia about the next issue whenever I see her."
-- Ed Piskor, author of Hip Hop Family Tree
"Georgia Webber’s DUMB is an excellent example of how
comics can do things that other mediums can’t."
-- Glyn Dillon, author of The Nao of Brown