Get to our gravely ill sister and escape Phoenix
Get to our gravely ill sister and escape Phoenix
Get to our gravely ill sister and escape Phoenix
Get to our gravely ill sister and escape Phoenix
Get to our gravely ill sister and escape Phoenix
This campaign is closed
Get to our gravely ill sister and escape Phoenix
I'm Emily, hello! This campaign is two connected needs.
My dear sister has been quite ill for the past 3 months. Her in home help is leaving soon and she still requires in home care. My daughter, two pups, bunny, and our necessary belongings need to get there to help. She has suffered brain damage from fungal meningitis, mostly affecting her memory but also has depleted her physical health. We need to cook, clean, make sure medications are taken, and ensure that she (remembers) takes care of all her -being alive- and recovering needs.
The second part: I've recently lost my job, no reason given, though work I for a registry as much as I can, and I create and sell art through my website and gallery; a blessing and a curse: allowing me the ability to go to her but reduces my financial ability to get there.
The long third part that I write while people choose to stand in judgement of lives they do not live (which is ok, we've been trained to do so, but it only causes damage): I left town during the fall and winter. I shut off all social media and changed my #. I did this because my -truly- ill partner would not leave me alone. I had zero support from those I thought were friends, and I'm sure they just didn't know what to do or how to do or maybe they just threw their arms up and said "it'd your fucking fault, deal with it". I dunno, but I packed my car with my kid and my elder dog, and put everything in storage and left in October with $900 in my account and praying my car wouldn't explode. We drove to California where we've always places to stay. We ended up staying in the car for a week, less the last night where a dear friend got us a hotel room. I called about 50 shelters everyday while we were there. Each full, everytime. It happened that while we were there, there was a huge protest about the severe lack of housing/shelters. I asked over and over again on couch surfing. Nothing. I couldn't keep my kid homeless with me in the car. And I felt a failure. I had to come back to the valley. I didn't come downtown, I was still hiding. Only 4 or so people I remained in contact with. I ran out of money, was staying in way east mesa and work was in dt Phx, so the commute was horrendous. I tried to find places to stay. The first one, he found. I had to go. The second, I was sexually assaulted. I went back to way East mesa.
I got a full time job where I'd been working for a year. They fired me less than 2 months later. No reason given. I still have a part time gig and am working.
I healed a bit, being in pretty much complete isolation for 3 months, going to therapy, still am, and I've been a bit more public the past 2 months. People have seemed to be confused by my presence. I'm confused too.
But look: I've been in love with this man who is clinically unwell. (I've not my phd, but have been working in the psychiatric field for ten years and attended 9 years of schooling, I've incredible insight and knowledge). He is psychotic at times, dangerous at times, is unrelenting, is a pathological liar, and has damaged many things, aside from his drug addiction which exacerbates any underlying mental health issue, he is, underneath and mixed with all the terrible things, a soul that is attached to mine, and I am have not been good at ignoring that connection. I HATE that I have to give up hope. I let him back and back and back again. Hoping that this man I love, this unwell fucked up wonderful magickal person can change. I hoped. I fucking hoped. I cannot be blamed for hope. I've struggled with the idea and belief that "you never give up on someone you love".
But I have to give up. He can be kind and loving and sweet, and at the flip of a switch become erratic, delusional and painfully verbally abusive (only became physical once, aside from the breaking of things).
I take responsibility in this. My Indiegogo is not about "oh poor me" it is about "I know I need to get the fuck away because it is too hard to be constantly near him and know it's a ticking bomb." I need to go. I need help, because I tried to do it alone 6 months ago and I failed. I was homeless for 4 months.
Indie wants me to pick whether these funds are for me or for someone else. It officially says "myself" but it is for my daughter, and my sister. We set sail at the end of April with your help!
>Thank you from our hearts and souls