Short Summary
I thought of Ghost Town while in my freshman year of college. It all started when I asked the question: What if a ghost made someone draw a dick on a board in front of all their classmates? Then I laughed because I thought the image was super funny. How I got to the full story I couldn't tell ya. But I recently graduated college and I finally have time to make this thing. Before I go into the "real world" and get an entry level job in showbiz where all my time will be spent slaving for some exec, I want to make something that is MINE, where I'm the creative head and I am my own boss. I want to be a Showrunner in the future so your contributions will allow me to get a head start on that and bring my daydream of ghosts forcing a kid to draw a dick on a blackboard come to fruition.
What We Need & What You Get
We're asking for $4500 to fund two episodes that will serve as proof of concept on our larger Indiegogo campaign that we will launch at the end of April that will have a goal of $25,000. The funds will be split between the two episodes. Most of the money will be going to makeup, costume, and special effects. I (Ameerah) have a personal belief system that ARTISTS DESERVE TO BE PAID. So factored into the budget is payment for our producers, actors, and head of departments. Most of our crew will be young college kids and those of them that are soon to enter the enterainment biz deserve some pennies for thier trouble don't you think?
The Impact
Ghost Town will obviously focus on death. As someone with a very dark sense if humor I’ve always found death to be a little hilarious. However I am aware that this is a very real subject, mortality. Ghost Town aims to look death in the face and smile about it. Suicide, depression and grief are all explored within Ghost Town but also issues of life. Death is scary but Life is hard. Kevin and his friends bond over Life and the struggles of getting through it. For those that struggle through life, which is everyone, I think this series will be one of those shows you can point to when you talk to your friends at 3am and say “that’s how it feels” and be understood.
There is also a theme of self acceptance that is unique to Kevin’s arch. Kevin is Chinese American and although being Guide is not unique to Chinese people in this universe, his ability link him to his grandmother and the rest of his family line who have had this gift. It draws him back to his family and an aspect of himself that he struggles to accept. So there is a general element of self-acceptance but also the embracing of heritage and culture from the perspective of a person of color in America.
And the show is just gonna be a laugh.
So share and donate. And don’t die.