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Gift Hope

Come together and Give the Gift of Hope to the affected Children of Fukushima.


Gift Hope

Gift Hope

Gift Hope

Gift Hope

Gift Hope

Come together and Give the Gift of Hope to the affected Children of Fukushima.

Come together and Give the Gift of Hope to the affected Children of Fukushima.

Come together and Give the Gift of Hope to the affected Children of Fukushima.

Come together and Give the Gift of Hope to the affected Children of Fukushima.

Gift Hope
Gift Hope
Gift Hope
Gift Hope
1 Campaign |
Tokyo, Japan
$2,531 USD 50 backers
101% of $2,500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Landed Entertainments is proud to announce its partnership with the Japanese charity, Gift Hope (Japanese site also available). Through the IndieGoGo platform, Landed Entertainments and Gift Hope are launching a t-shirt fundraising campaign in support of children affected by the Fukushima disaster.

The t-shirt design is based on concept art for a future film Landed Entertainments will be producing.  In July, our team travelled to Fukushima to see firsthand the effects this disaster has had on the lives of the families of Fukushima.

The Gift Hope/Fukushima Rain team in a meeting discussing radiation testing for children.

We took this time to assess the families’ needs and determine where these funds would have the greatest positive impact on the lives of the children affected. Your contribution will not only help to improve children’s lives in the physical but will allow them to heal and grow psychologically by giving them hope for a brighter future through project-based learning and building workshops. 




A map of radiation levels in Fukushima

Please read through this page as well as visit our social media links below for more information about our campaign, to contribute to this cause and to make a difference in the lives of children.

Thank you for your support.

Kota Tateuchi

Tateuchi, based in Sendai, Japan represents the charity Gift Hope. Gift Hope is a non-profit corporation that contributes to organizations in need through design. They facilitate workshops to provide mental support to the children affected by the Fukushima disaster. Over time, as the Fukushima nuclear plant has become stable, there has been less attention and support for the survivors and those affected that still reside there today. Lest the accident should be forgotten, and to collect donation to give support, Gift Hope is starting a new project which includes affixing the Gift Hope logo to the products and services of various companies and organizations. The licensee will be able to make profits in their usual course of business activity as well as donate one portion of the proceeds towards the support of children affect by the Fukushima disaster.These children have still a long way to overcoming the Fukushima nuclear plant accident, but you can help them by sharing your courage and strength. Together let’s make a world where children can hope for the future.


Ali Mashayekhi

Ali cultivated his interest in filmmaking during his academic years at the University of Toronto. Thereafter, he founded Landed Entertainments in 2003, growing the company into an international, independent production company. Since its inception, with Ali at the helm, Landed has produced feature films, shorts and music videos, all under budget. Over the last two years, Ali has produced seven music videos for Japanese pop music stars, so impressed with Landed they flew all the way to Toronto for their shoots. These videos were made collaboratively with Japanese producer, Yumiko Kawamoto and her company, Seven Note. He also produced the comedy pilot Comrades, which was picked up for a first season distribution and is poised to go back into production later this year as well as the short Americanistan. Since completing the Let’s Rap short, he has also begun developing international feature film co-productions with South Korea and Japan. Lastly, he will be leading production on a documentary called Alam High School which tells the story of an international school during the 1970’s in Iran.

アリ マシャイエキ



この2年間で、日本のSeven Noteと一緒に日本人の歌手のミュージックビデオをトロントで日本人プロデューサー川元弓子と制作もしている。

今年はコメディー映画Comrades(コムレデス)や、ショートフィルムAmericanistan(アメリカニスタン)、Let's Rap(レッツラップ)といった北米映画のプロデュースまたは制作をしたり、またAlam High Schoolというイランに1970年代のインターナショナルスクールの物語りのドキュメンタリー等も手がけている。日本や、韓国と北米の合作映画も手がけている。

Candice Shantz

Candice Shantz has had several years of experience in the world of eventand project management and as a result has traveled all around the world. A graduate of University of Guelph she also loves cycling and hates scary movies. Candice joined Landed Entertainments as Executive Assistant to Ali Mashayekhi in 2013 and has been spearheading several global initiatives, including the GiftHope/Fukushima Rain project. Her extensive experience dealing business abroad has not only made her a perfect ambassador for Landed Entertainments, but also a company leader in creating and managing new global relationships.



世界的なプロジェクトや今回仙台のNPO GiftHope/映画Fukushima rainプロジェクト、また他にもいくつかの世界的な取り組みを先頭に立ってしております。


Kawamoto Yumiko
Yumiko is a singer and producer based in Tokyo, Japan. A savvy businesswoman, Yumi pursued her passion for singing, proving her talents when she beat out 5000 competitors to win a opportunity to record a duet with chart topping recording artist Toshi. In 2013 she combined her producing skills and recording experience in order to collaborate with Landed on seven Toronto-filmed music videos, including videos for Mika Matsubara and Megumi Hara. She also produced a video for her own debut single "Still of the Night" which hit the Top 9 in the Japanese iTunes charts. She also worked with the Landed team to host an entertainment themed business seminar in Japan for those in the arts industry seeking tips and information on North American practices. She extended her producing roster to include film, with Landed's short "Let's Rap" and will continue to assist in the development of upcoming projects and the expansion of the production company's footprint in Asia.

高校卒業後渡米、アメリカのロス、サンフランシスコ、ハワイなど海外に4年間住み、海外で映画制作会社に1年間勤務その後帰国して音楽活動等始める。 歌姫オーディションで5000人の中から選ばれ曲をリリース。東京でイタリアンレストラン経営等もしており、3.11の後は福島第一原発の30km県内に住んでいた人達を自身の経営するお店に招き、スポーツメーカーReebokと一緒にボランティアランチを開催。お店で自ら集めた寄付金を手渡しで被災者に渡す。Seven Note Musicを立ち上げ歌手、ミュージックビデオ、映画のプロデュース業を開始し、FM浦安 夢BANにレギュラー出演中。ワーナーミュージックジャパンよりコンピレーションアルバム『The Gift』の中の1曲「Ave Maria」を歌う。NHKファミリーコンサート担当しまじろうの歌のお姉さん松原美香や昭和のアイドル原めぐみのミュージックビデオをプロデュース 松原美香とは童謡とJPOPの融合デュエット曲「さくら~月に願う~」弓子&松原美香をリリースし ソロ曲「SAKURA~君への想い」YUMIKO 同時リリースしている。カナダトロントの日本文化センターで行われた日本フィルムフェスティバルで松原美香のファミリーコンサート企画プロデュースし開催。 2013年8月北米で活躍するエンターテイメント業界のランデッドエンターテイメントと一緒に北米のエンターテイメント業界で活躍する為のセミナーイベントを日本人向けに東京で行い新聞やラジオ、インターネットテレビ、雑誌で取り上げられる。2013年10月カナダでワールドプレミア公開されたショートフィルム「Let's Rap」のアシスタントプロデューサーを務める。 シングル「Still of the Night」リリース 発売日翌日iTunesダンスアルバム ベストセラーTOP9になる。同曲は2014年8月北米で撮影のLET’S RAPの挿入歌に抜擢(同映画のアシスタントプロデューサーもしている)新曲Romeo& Giuliettaも同映画の挿入歌となっている。 来年撮影予定の北米&日本の映画のプロデュースをしている。 日本文化や日本人アーティストを世界に広げる為の企画、映画プロデュースをしている。

Julian Samuels

Born and raised in Toronto, Julian began his academic training in Economics at the University of Toronto. After graduation, he began a career trajectory in banking. Though this combined his skills, he could not ignore his interest in the arts. During his tenure at U of T, he met and befriended Ali Mashayekhi and Nabil Badine, discovering they too shared his passion for filmmaking. A founding member of Landed Entertainments, his role in production management has allowed Julian to parlay his talent for organization and business into the film industry. He also trained as a grip and gaffer and has become proficient in these technical roles.


芸術へすごく興味があったジュリアンは在職中にアリ マシャイエキとナビル バッディン(映画監督)に出会い、映画製作への情熱を彼らと共有し北米の映画制作会社ランデッドエンターテイメントの設立のメンバーとなりました。


We need your support. You get to not only be part of a movement that brings hope to children in need affected by the Fukushima disaster, but you will receive a specially designed t-shirt with the official cover photo of Landed Entertainments upcoming film, Fukushima Rain.



また参加して頂く事で、北米の映像会社ランデッドエンターテイメントの新作映画Fukushima RainのオフィシャルデザインのTシャツが届きます。

T-Shirts can be bought in various sizes (S, M, L, XL) and we have fits for both men and women.  When you purchase a perk that includes a T-Shirt, be sure to include the size and cut that you need as well as your mailing address so that we can complete your order.





The Gift Hope/Fukushima Rain team displaying the specially designed T-Shirt.

GIFT HOPEと映画Fukushima Rainのチーム。


The profits from the money raised will be used by Gift Hope to administer programs in Fukushima for the affected Children and and their family.  The programs are not only health-based, but psychological treatment as well.

このキャンペーンからうまれる利益は仙台のNPO GIFT HOPEを通して、福島で放射能の影響を受けた子どもとその家族のために使われます。


The Gift Hope/Fukushima Rain team sit down with a charitable organization that puts together outdoor activities for children.

GIFT HOPEとFukushima Rainのチームと福島の子どもたちの為のNPO「

南相馬こどものつばさ」の西道典代表と。寄付金は仙台のNPO GIFT HOPEを通してこちらの南相馬市のNPOにも寄付され、子どもたちのワークショップにも使われます。

The film is about a race against time - fix the reactors before the rain floods them and the toxic waste spills into the ocean. The idea for the poster was to showcase that idea of "stopping the rain". It’s meant to be a pair of human hands that stops this force of nature before it causes any more damage.




Mayor Katsunobu Sakurai of Minamisōma, Fukushima holding the Gift Hope/Fukushima Rain T-Shirt.  One of the first to speak out about the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Mayor Katsunobu was named one of Time Magazine's most influential people in the world for 2011.

南相馬市の市長 桜井勝延市長。


The Fukushima Rain team with Mayor Katsunobu Sakurai of Minamisōma, Fukushima.
北米と映画Fukushima Rainのチームと南相馬市の桜井勝延市長

Donations are the best way to show your support, but we also need your help spreading our message.  Check out our links below and follow us, like us and post about us on all your social media.  The more people that know about this campaign, the more hope we can spread across Fukushima.



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Choose your Perk

Social Media Shout Out

$10 USD
Purchase this perk and we will send out a personal thank you note on our social media (Facebook and Twitter). ♡10ドル Social Media Shout Out ソーシャルメディアでお礼の言葉をお伝えさせて頂きます。(FacebookやTwitterなど)
7 claimed

T-Shirt (N. American shipping)

$35 USD
Purchase this perk and get the specially designed T-shirt Fukushima Rain T-Shirt. Please specify the T-shirt size (S, M, L, XL) as well as cut (Men or Women). Shipping within North America included! ♡35ドル T -Shirt (N,America Shipping) (北米配達限定)北米からカナダで人気があるアーティストのデザインTシャツ(映画FUKUSHIMA RAIN)が送られて来ます。※Tシャツのサイズと種類をお選び下さい。(送料込み)
5 claimed

T-Shirt (shipping to Japan)

$50 USD
Purchase this perk and get the specially designed T-shirt Fukushima Rain T-Shirt. Please specify the T-shirt size (S, M, L, XL) as well as cut (Men or Women). Shipping within Japan included! ♡50ドル T-Shirt(shippingto Japan) (日本へ配達可能)北米からカナダで人気があるアーティストのデザインTシャツ(映画FUKUSHIMA RAIN)が送られて来ます。※Tシャツのサイズと種類をお選び下さい。(送料込み)
4 claimed

Thank You Video!

$100 USD
You will get a personalized thank you video from a member of the team! It will be sent to you and posted on our social media. You will also receive a T-Shirt! Please specify the T-Shirt size (S, M, L, XL) as well as cut (Men or Women). Shipping within North America or Japan included! ♡100ドル Thank you Video! 北米と日本のコラボ映画FUKUSHIMA RAINのチームのメンバーの1人からお礼のメッセージが届きます。ソーシャルメディアを通してメッセージを送らせて頂きます。(FacebookやTwitterなど)北米からカナダで人気があるアーティストのデザインT シャツ(映画FUKUSHIMA RAIN)が送られて来ます。※Tシャツのサイズと種類をお選び下さい。(北米、日本への送料込み)
1 claimed

Swag Bag

$250 USD
Purchase this perk and you will receive a T-shirt, sweater, hat and pins from both Landed Entertainments and Gift Hope. Please specify the T-Shirt and sweater size (S, M, L, XL) as well as cut (Men or Women). ♡250ドル Swag Bag Tシャツ、セーター、帽子とピンが北米の映画制作会社ランデッドエンターテイメントと仙台の東北支援専門の通販会社GIFT HOPEから届きます。 北米からカナダで人気があるアーティストのデザインTシャツ(映画FUKUSHIMA RAIN)が送られて来ます。※Tシャツのサイズと種類をお選び下さい。(北米、日本への送料込み) Shipping within North America and Japan included!
1 claimed

Mystery Box

$1,000 USD
This special perk is reserved for our most generous contributors. Purchase it and we will contact you within 48 hours with the detail and how to claim. All we can say is that the available perks are valued at over $2000. Act fast, this perk is limited in number! ♡1000ドル Mystery Box ミステリーボックス。 48時間以内に内容をお伝えするご連絡を致します。
0 out of 5 of claimed
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