Give Me Thunder is a capstone project for Montana State University, written and directed by Kate Burney. After four years of studying filmmaking, a group of students is collaborating to tell an untold Montanan story about 90s rocker chicks, rough nights, and facing your demons. This is a coming-of-age story with teeth.
While touring in Bozeman, Montana-born drummer Marley Dormer gets swept up in her bandmate's overnight crisis and ultimately decides to confront the demons of her past.
We want to make a film about vulnerable and irresponsible young women navigating an unforgiving world together. And there’s no better aesthetic to represent womanhood’s trademark blend of edge and raw emotion than rock.
Help us tell the story of a girl rocker who faces the underbelly of rock’n’roll and the shadows of her past over the course of one fateful night in 1992 Montana.
By contributing to Give Me Thunder, you are not only supporting a student thesis but also our insistence on women’s place as both kickass rockers and compelling protagonists. Give Me Thunder is a thank-you to the rocker chicks and riot grrrls that came before us, who broke down the doors we now get to walk through.
You are supporting a majority-women crew, and thus the young female filmmakers entering the industry of tomorrow. Thank you!
We are looking to raise $6,000 in order to make Give Me Thunder. Each dollar is directed towards an aspect of filmmaking; this ranges from feeding our hardworking crew to renting the right equipment and locations to tell the story.
Mostly, though, this money allows us to pull off a period piece, with all the intricacies and details that come with 1992 Montana. Spoiler Alert: it will take a lot of hard work and money to get this right! We don’t want any errors to interrupt your viewing experience, which is why we are committed to crafting every scene with care and precision.
Every cent you donate to Give Me Thunder is sincerely appreciated and will be used responsibly.
Here’s the fun part: when you donate to the project, you are also signing up to receive some sick Give Me Thunder merch. This includes gorgeous glossy stickers, beautiful postcards, original soundtrack EPs to play for all of your friends, Give Me Thunder t-shirts, special thank you credits in the film itself, and even Executive Producer credits! Don’t miss out on the coolest merch around — donate today!
Psst... if you are donating $500 or greater to this project as a company/organization, in addition to crediting you as an Executive Producer, we will also include your logo on the back of our T-shirt design as one of our generous sponsors.
Even if you can’t donate financially, we so appreciate all efforts to spread the word and help us reach our goal. Thank you!
NOTE: Our music team will be giving a concert in April to play some original Give Me Thunder tunes and rock classics in downtown Bozeman (more info to come). Come rock with us!