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Gnostic Mass Video Project

Anahata Chapter of the O.T.O. Rose Croix in Seattle, WA is raising funds to sponsor a full length video presentation of Liber XV, The Gnostic Mass.

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Gnostic Mass Video Project

Gnostic Mass Video Project

Gnostic Mass Video Project

Gnostic Mass Video Project

Gnostic Mass Video Project

Anahata Chapter of the O.T.O. Rose Croix in Seattle, WA is raising funds to sponsor a full length video presentation of Liber XV, The Gnostic Mass.

Anahata Chapter of the O.T.O. Rose Croix in Seattle, WA is raising funds to sponsor a full length video presentation of Liber XV, The Gnostic Mass.

Anahata Chapter of the O.T.O. Rose Croix in Seattle, WA is raising funds to sponsor a full length video presentation of Liber XV, The Gnostic Mass.

Anahata Chapter of the O.T.O. Rose Croix in Seattle, WA is raising funds to sponsor a full length video presentation of Liber XV, The Gnostic Mass.

Jon Sewell
Jon Sewell
Jon Sewell
Jon Sewell
1 Campaign |
Seattle, United States
$7,086 USD 90 backers
76% of $9,250 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Aleister Crowley’s Liber XV

Gnostic Mass DVD



Anahata Chapter of the O.T.O. Rose Croix, with the sanction of the United States Grand Lodge, O.T.O., is proud to sponsor the making of a professionally produced, high quality video of Liber XV, The Gnostic Mass.


When completed, this video of Liber XV, The Gnostic Mass, will serve multiple purposes. It will be a US Grand Lodge-sanctioned representation of the central ritual of the O.T.O. for reference and teaching purposes all over the United States.


It will serve as an historic document of the celebration of the Gnostic Mass in the early years of the 21st Century and, it will serve as a worthy introduction and provide continuing access to the Magick and mystery of the O.T.O., even in areas of the country and the world where there is not a local O.T.O. body immediately accessible.


We believe the staging and content of this video presentation will be of great interest and value to both O.T.O. Initiates as well as those interested in Magick, Thelema, and Western Esotericism, and we invite all interested people to support the completion of this project by contributing through this Indiegogo page!



The Mass will be celebrated by Dr. David Shoemaker, and his wife, Anna Tsu, as Priest and Priestess, and with Scott Wilde as Deacon.


Priestess - Anna Tsu
Anna Tsu was initiated into O.T.O. in 2003 EV.  She currently serves as Master of 418 Lodge,
after several years as Secretary.  Anna takes great pleasure in her work as an ordained Priestess and as an Initiator, and is active in organizing local and national events, notably the
Mystics, Mothers, and Magicians conference in 2008.  Her writings have been published in Cheth and Agapé, and she is a popular speaker at local and regional O.T.O. events.  She is particularly interested in creating, on the material plane, a suitable environment for the expression of the Thelemic current.  To this end, she constructed one of the first structures expressly built from the foundation up as a Thelemic Temple.  She also enjoys working to build the strength and numbers of her local body, and the Order as a whole.  Anna works as a licensed acupuncturist, and is working to form an O.T.O. Acupuncture Guild.  She has a great interest in issues of social justice and environmental sustainability, and lives with her husband, Brother David Shoemaker, in Sacramento, along with various cats, chickens, fish, and assorted other critters.


Priest - Dr. David Shoemaker

Dr. David Shoemaker is a clinical psychologist in private practice, specializing in Jungian and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. He is a longstanding member of Ordo Templi Orientis and is recognized as a leading author and lecturer on Thelemic magick and mysticism. He is also a consecrated Bishop of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica. David is the founding President of the O.T.O. Psychology Guild, and a frequent speaker at the bi-annual O.T.O. national convention and other regional and national events.  Dr. Shoemaker is a widely published author and editor on both psychological and magical topics, and his popular Living Thelema instructional segments are featured monthly on the Speech in the Silence podcast. In addition to his work in magick and psychology David is a composer and musician. He lives in Sacramento with his wife (Priestess for this project), Anna Tsu and his son.


Deacon - Scott Wilde

Scott Wilde is an ordained priest and has been serving as deacon for over 10 years. He is a member of the Electoral College of the O.T.O. in the United States. He also regularly lectures and writes on the topic of Enochian magic. Scott lives in Seattle with his Priestess Onyieh Jewel.


Production and Direction - Jon Sewell and Bob Jones

Staging and production of this video presentation will be managed by Jon Sewell of Eleusyve Productions, and directed by Eleusyve Alumni Bob Jones.


Commentary - Frater Sabazius & Soror Helena

We are also honored and delighted that the Grand Master General of the O.T.O. in the United States, Frater Sabazius, and his wife and Priestess, Soror Helena will be providing an illuminating optional audio commentary for the mass as a part of this video project.


Sponsored By - Anahata Chapter

Rose Croix Anahata Chapter is composed of O.T.O. members of the Fifth Degree, who are responsible for all that concerns the Social welfare of the Order per Liber 194. Anahata Chapter is located in Seattle, Washington and is currently linked with three local O.T.O. bodies. The Chapter has held a charter for ten years and is active in the local area sponsoring social events, classes, and rituals.

More Information


The Gnostic Mass is a joyful magical working presented by the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (E.G.C.), or the Gnostic Catholic Church, the ecclesiastical arm of Ordo Templi Orientis. The O.T.O. is an initiatory, fraternal organization, which offers a structured approach to the knowledge and practices of the Western Occult traditions.


The E.G.C. is dedicated to the advancement of Light, Life, Love, and Liberty, through assisting celebrants to identify and follow their True Will.  It has been said with authority that every important secret of the O.T.O. is revealed, in symbol and in ceremony, within the Gnostic Mass.


The Gnostic Mass offers an ideal introduction into the Mysteries and Magick of the O.T.O.

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DVD of Liber XV video

$150 USD
Those who donate between $150 or more will receive a DVD of the full length Liber XV video upon completion.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
26 out of 100 of claimed

Signed Missal

$25 USD
Those who donate between $25 and $74 will receive a Liber XV Missal signed by members of the cast and crew.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
31 claimed

Digital Copy of Liber XV video

$75 USD
Those who donate between $75 and $149 will receive a digital copy of the full length Liber XV video upon completion.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
14 out of 100 of claimed

Be a congregant in the video!

$1,000 USD
Those who donate between $1000 or more are invited to be a congregant in the video production. You must be willing to follow direction, arrange for your own travel and accommodations and be available for all productions dates during June of 2013.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
0 out of 8 of claimed
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