Our Story
While working for a trucking company, a computer generated the username "GOST" for our Founder, Tahric Gosley. He really liked it because it looked like the word "ghost." By adding the word "life" to it, it created GOST Life. From GOST, he thought of his four core concepts to come up with his company's name: Goals Objective Strategy Technique.
The company was formed on 09/15/2016 as a limited liability company under Pennsylvania state laws and headed by Tahric Gosley.
In a negative society that's filled with killing, Gost Life is here to bring a positive note to all the craziness in the world. Through our stylish lifestyle apparel, we want to keep people focused on what's important, especially with all of the turmoil and upheaval. Our company is about family and being successful for your future and keeping things positive.
What We Need & What You Get
Gost Life plan to achieve our goal to start off with filling the proper paper work to operate in the state of Pennsylvania. Then purchase the equipment to produce t-shirts to print the name brand and logo, to create a buzz for the company. A website and Facebook business page will be implemented as well, for advertisement and marketing. The steps just mentioned are in play as of right now, all but the equipment that is needed.
The machines that Gost Life is aiming for are, the DTG M2 (DIRECT TO GARMENT) two heat press DK20, and Spider mini pretreat machine. DTG M2 starting at $24,780.00 + shipping $537.00 for one heat press DK20 starting at $1,345.00, spider mini pretreat starting at $3,999.00 + shipping $200.00. Whole sale t-shirts starting at $3.50 a piece. At this point in the project I have been dumping every check from my day job into this idea getting it this far. With prayer and help from backers like you we can take Gost Life to another level. Possibly making it the best and most meaningful clothing brand ever. To get Gost Life to the next level we are seeking $50'000. Thank you for your support and believing in the vision. You are truly appreciated.
The Impact
In order to be successful, you have to have a goal, an objective, a strategy, and a technique to present yourself to the world. Our T-shirts will have GOST Life printed on it that will bring to mind these concepts. We're not just selling lifestyle apparel; we're selling a recipe for success in life. With more than five years of experience, we are working to promote Goal Objective Strategy Technique across the nation.
Risks & Challenges
The risks and challenges that come with completing this project, are choosing the wright colors for the logo and the proper logo that matches the concept of the company and it's name. Another risk is getting the consumers to believe in the vision for GOST LIFE. Building a brand with a compelling vision, that is different and relate with consumers, while giving inspiration to the employees. The concept of Gost Life is easy to implement in every situation, in every market place and help build more then just brands. The concept for Gost Life is ( Goal, Objective, Strategy, Technique).
We at Gost Life are qualified to overcome all the risk in completing this project because our concept is adaptable to all contexts. We at Gost Life thrive off great ideas with exceptional strategy and technique to execute whats necessary to bring the brand and vision to life.
Maintaining the company's relevance might be one of our most critical risk to face. In order to refrain from loosing relevancy, we must keep our customers buying what Gost Life has to offer, by giving them reasons to buy apposed to not buy, and maintaining a high energy level for the brand. Also being objective and willing to invest in change.
we believe in GOST LIFE and stand behind the brand 100%. We became emotionally attach treating it as if it were a child of ours, and will sacrifice even after the moment it becomes successful. We will promply communicate any problem that may cause a delay or changes with the production of plans for GOST LIFE in a timely fashion. GOST LIFE is an limited liability company and has one owner and as of this moment is free from oweing anything to anybody. And is free to give reward without asking any permission to do so.
Other Ways You Can Help
It's great when people can help donate. But if you can't donate at this time, it doesn't mean that you can't help. Please share our campaign via social media, email and word of mouth to tell your friends Gost Life. Thank you in advance! Ps. Don't be afraid of the indiegogo share botton.