Horror, Fantasy, & Drama meet in this groundbreaking series - the 1st to star deaf actors using ASL. Fully captioned & with sound!
Isolation. Slience. A group of deaf friends becomes enmeshed in a series of bizarre circumstances, unresolved conflicts… and bloody murder.
As their dear friends die horribly, they search the past and present to unravel the secrets of ‘why’ and ‘who’. On their journey, religion, philosophy, bias, and the supernatural will lead them to question what they believe, and why… and so will you.
Oh – and it’s all told in American Sign Language.
"He said the dead had souls, but when I asked him
How that could be - I thought the dead were souls,
He broke my trance. Don't that make you suspicious
That there's something the dead are keeping back?
Yes, there's something the dead are keeping back."
“Two Witches” - Robert Frost
We all know that the art form of the web series embodies the future of entertainment; the likes of Netflix and Hulu have already begun narrowing the gap between television and computer. That future is well within sight – so I want to speak about another Undiscovered Country…
When was the last time you saw a movie which catered to the deaf and hard-of-hearing (HOH) viewer? When was the last time you saw one that was exciting, bold, and original?
GOD LOVES YOU will star six deaf actors - All using American Sign Language (ASL)! But don’t think hearing audiences won’t enjoy it, too – this series will have full sound, be fully scored, and the viewer will have the choice of viewing it with or without captions.
The directorial challenges of filming actors using ASL ALONE guarantee this will be a visually stunning and unique cinematic experience. Hearing audiences will be engrossed by the story and transported to a world they know exists, but have likely never experienced. Deaf and HOH will be equally engrossed, and hopefully gratified that there is FINALLY a cinematic work that has been made FOR Deaf & HOH audiences, STARRING Deaf & HOH actors..
We think it’s about time content is made which all audiences can enjoy EQUALLY!
This project is not being made as a means to a television of film deal – it is a means unto itself… and just the beginning.
Hillary Baack
Ty Giordano
Troy Kotsur
Guthrie Nutter
Alexandria Wailes
Creative Team:
David Aron Damane Creator
Alexandria Wailes Creator
PLEASE help us bring this project to life - even $1 will help immensely... and MAKE SOME NOISE!! Spread the word about this series! The more eyes, the closer we get to giving this project birth!