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… a worldwide project for more light and love … the art of empathy… connects Art with Soul, and so people, nature and cultures.

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… a worldwide project for more light and love … the art of empathy… connects Art with Soul, and so people, nature and cultures.

… a worldwide project for more light and love … the art of empathy… connects Art with Soul, and so people, nature and cultures.

… a worldwide project for more light and love … the art of empathy… connects Art with Soul, and so people, nature and cultures.

… a worldwide project for more light and love … the art of empathy… connects Art with Soul, and so people, nature and cultures.

Smoenjala Golden Lifetree
Smoenjala Golden Lifetree
Smoenjala Golden Lifetree
Smoenjala Golden Lifetree
1 Campaign |
La Gomera, Spain
$857 USD $857 USD 11 backers
1% of $44,937 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

welcome to the garden of... golden lifetree, a worldwide project for more light and love

the first force giving painting of the golden lieftree project by smoenjala

for the world

About The Golden Lifetree

a worldwide project for more light and love

The Lifetree is a map that helps people to get through the maze of life, right to their deepest core and their own highest truth. Throughout the project "Golden Lifetree" Smoenjala paints this very map around the world – branch by branch, root by root.

This way over 500 paintings are composed together like dominoes to a giant Tree of Life, and thus universal love takes on the form of the “Golden Lifetree”. In addition, everywhere, where the caravan of the Golden Lifetree is welcome, Smoenjala paints a personal Tree of Life for the country. This way, expressed by the pictures, a light-grid of universal love embraces the globe.

By purchasing these paintings, as well as by any other type of alternative support, you become a conscious co-creator of this light network, contribute to the growth of the tree of life as well as future projects. One of the fruits of the Golden Lifetree is to be a living “Healing Art Park”, with seminars, concerts, exhibitions, meditations, a holistic place of transformation, a "Garden of Eden" from the future in the NOW.

In this garden, an integrated platform is created for children, on which they are supported in different ways to save and evolve their own divine creativity.
Another fruit in the "Garden of Eden" is the Golden Pomegranate, a new kind of education space of new age consciousness and creativity through the art of empathy.

… and so the Golden Lifetree always brings new flowers to bloom and new fruits to ripen …


into the world

Behind the scenes

the Initiator Smoenjala and the Golden Lifetree team

To make the Golden Lifetree blossom and ripe, for the last year, we, a small team of three people, have been dedicating all our love and energy, in volunteer work, have self-financed the project and brought it, to where it is now.

The first fruit that has come to ripen is our internet presence.

¡¡¡ came to see the light of day on April 25 2013!!!

The second fruit is what you are seeing here – the Golden Lifetree fundraising campaign. Presenting a worldwide project for more light and love requires a lot of light and love, thought and dedication, creativity and implementing capacity.  All this has been flowing into our campaign.   

The next flower that is already blossoming and eagerly waiting to be manifested and turn into a fruit is the first Golden Lifetree exhibition from July 4th - 26th 2013 in San Sebastian de La Gomera (Canary Islands) which initiates the project of the Golden Lifetree.

So this is where we are at the moment. The Golden Lifetree Team has been working voluntarily and so did some of our helpers, from the bottom of their hearts, without anything in exchange. Some artists forgo the payment of their fees but need bed and breakfast. And some work will simply have to be paid. Until now, as we´ve already mentioned above, we´ve self-financed the project in endless hours of volunteer work but now we are about to take the next step, where the Golden Lifetree is to grow into and rise to its true greatness and full potential.

by the world supported

How you can support the project

and help spreading the seeds

You, of course, will want to know, where your money goes to, what it is used for so we have been creative to make it as easy as possible for anyone who wishes to support the growth of the Golden Lifetree and collected a list of ways to do so...

golden leaf you can support the project through purchasing one or more of our exclusive perks here on indiegogo

golden leaf you can browse through the galleries on, purchase paintings and other kinds of art, like music and there’s much more to come, so stay tuned!

golden leaf you can help us in many different ways. on we created a list of areas in which we will need support on our journey to embrace the light-grid of universal love throughout the globe. Go check it out!   

And you can always help to spread the seeds of the Golden Lifetree project throughout the world by sending a friendly link to this indigogo project to your friends and family or even organisations within your reach who you`d think might be interested in collaborating with us!






Just as unique as our project

and in three languages to make it as global as possible :-)



Smoenjala says a heartwarming THANK YOU with a nicely designed digital postcard


Smoenjala sagt ein herzliches DANKESCHÖN mit einer schön gestalteten digitalen Postkarte


Smoenjala da las GRACIAS con una postal digital, designada con mucho cariño



A “Golden Lifetree” wallpaper for your screen will fill you with light and love while you are browsing and spreading the word


Ein “Goldener Lebensbaum” Desktophintergrund für deinen Bildschirm wird dich mit Licht und Liebe füllen während du surfst und die Nachricht verbreitest


Un „Árbol Dorado de la Vida“ fondo de escritorio para la pantalla te va a llenar con luz y amor mientras navegas y corres la voz


preview of a digital wallpaper for yor screen of the golden lifetree in uv-light20€ … TWIG / ZWEIG / RAMITA ...

Day and night - two different expressions of the “Golden Lifetree” mother painting – open up new dimensions on your screen and in your soul


Tag & Nacht – zwei unterschiedliche Ausdrücke des Goldenen Lebensbaum Mutterbildes eröffnen neue Dimensionen auf deinem Bildschirm und in deiner Seele


Día & noche - dos expresiones diferentes del cuadro madre del “Árbol Dorado de la Vida" - abren nuevas dimensiones en la pantalla y en tu alma


30€ … BRANCH / AST / RAMA ...

Dive into a deeper understanding of your own divinity … 3 pictures will take you on a journey into the universe just by sitting in front of your pc


Tauche ein in ein tieferes Verständnis deiner eigenen Göttlichkeit ... 3 Bilder werden dich auf eine Reise ins Universum mitnehmen und das, während du einfach nur vor deinem PC sitzt


Sumérgete en una comprensión más profunda de tu propia divinidad ... 3 fotos te llevarán en un viaje por el universo con sólo sentarte frente a tu PC



Visit the birthplace of the “Golden Lifetree” through the eyes of Smoenjala. 10 digital photos invite you to let your soul wonder through the wonders of La Gomera.


Besuche den Geburtsort des “Goldenen Lebensbaumes” durch die Augen von Smoenjala. 10 Fotos laden dich ein, deine Seele wandern zu lassen durch die Wunder La Gomeras


Visite el lugar de nacimiento del "Árbol Dorado de la Vida" a través de los ojos de Smoenjala. 10 fotografías que te invitan a dejar vagar tu alma por las maravillas de La Gomera


70€ … LEAF / BLATT / HOJA :::

… from heart to heart… 4 printable postcards from Smoenjala´s “heart collection” to send two your loved ones. The photos will inspire you to open up your own heart and see that love is all around you, in every aspect of your life


… von Herz zu Herz … 4 ausdruckbare Postkarten von Smoenjalas “Herz Sammlung”, um sie an deine Lieben zu versenden. Die Fotos werden dich inspirieren dein eigenes Herz zu öffnen und zu sehen, dass Liebe überall um dich herum ist, in jedem Aspekt deines Lebens


... De corazón a corazón ... 4 postales para imprimir de la "colección de corazónes" de Smoenjala para enviar a tus seres queridos. Las fotos te inspirarán a abrir tu propio corazón y a ver que el amor está en todas partes, en todos los aspectos de tu vida


100€ … BUD / KNOSPE / BROTE ...

Sounds of a loving heart to relax your body and your mind and to bring healing to your soul

Smoenjala´s heart frequencies are recorded and turned into music by a fascinating technique and made available to you as a download file


Klänge eines liebenden Herzens, um deinen Körper und deinen Geist zu relaxen und Heilung zu deiner Seele zu bringen

Smoenjala´s Herzfrequenzen werden aufgenommen, durch eine faszinierende Technik in Musik umgewandelt und dir als download file zur Verfügung gestellt


Los sonidos de un corazón lleno de amor para relajar el cuerpo y la mente y sanar al alma

Frecuencias cardíacas de Smoenjala están grabadas, convertidas a música a través de una tecnología fascinante y puestas a tu disposición como un archivo de descarga


preview of a cd of smoenjala's heart tuned in to the golden lifetree and it's frequency translated into a symphony300€ … BLOSSOM / BLÜTE / ESTAMPITA ...

A CD where Smoenjala connects to the “Golden Lifetree” and lets its frequencies flow through her heart and become music

In addition we are happy to send you a 15x15 postcard of the “Golden Lifetree” mother painting which was the inspiration for this music, both hand signed by Smoenjala


Eine CD wo Smoenjala sich mit dem “Goldenen Lebensbaum” verbindet und seine Frequenzen durch ihr Herz fließen läßt, um zu Musik zu werden

Zusätzlich gibt es eine 15x15 Postkarte des „Goldenen Lebensbaum“ Mutterbildes, welches die Inspiration für diese Musik war - beides handsigniert von Smoenjala


Un CD donde Smoenjala conecta con el "Árbol Dorado de la Vida" y deja fluir sus frecuencias a través de su corazón para convertirlas en música

Además estamos encantados de enviarte una postal de 15x15 del cuadro madre del “Árbol Dorado de la Vida”, que fue la inspiración para esta música – los dos firmados por Smoenjala


500€ … FRUIT / FRUCHT / FRUTA ...


The world is sound, rhythm and frequency, is information – and so is a painting. Smoenjala tunes into the information of her painting so its frequency is expressed by the rhythm of her heart and turned into sound. A CD of this symphony, accompanied by two A4 prints of Smoenjala´s paintings will give you a holistic, meditative experience.

The CD and prints are hand signed by Smoenjala.


Die Welt ist Klang, Rhythmus und Frequenz, ist Information – genau wie ein Bild. Smoenjala tuned sich ein in die Information ihres Bildes und so wird dessen Frequenz durch den Rhythmus ihres Herzens ausgedrückt und in Musik umwandelt. Die CD dieser Symphonie, zusammen mit zwei A4 Drucken dieser Bilder werden dich eine ganzheitliche, meditative Erfahrung machen lassen.

Die CD und die Drucke sind von Smoenjala handsigniert.


El mundo es sonido, ritmo y frecuencia,  es información - tanto como una pintura. Smoenjala sintoniza con la información de su cuadro, así la frecuencia se expresa por el ritmo de su corazón y está convertido en sonido. Un CD de esta sinfonía, acompañado de dos impresiones A4 de esas pinturas de Smoenjala le dará una holística experiencia meditativa.
El CD y los impresiones están firmados por Smoenjala.



Four hand signed and numbered fine art prints (42x60) , certified to the name of the backer … this is the unique opportunity to welcome the full potential of all four force giving pillars of the “Golden Lifetree” project in your home, your heart, your soul.


Vier handsignierte und nummerierte Kunstdrucke (42x60), ausgestellt auf den Namen des Bieters … dies ist die einzigartige Gelegenheit das volle Potential aller vier kraftgebenden Säulen des „Goldenen Lebensbaum“ Projektes in deinem zu Hause, deinem Herzen und deiner Seele willkommen zu heißen.


Cuatro impresiones artísticas de alta cualidad (42x60), numeradas, firmadas y expedidas a nombre del postor ... está es una oportunidad única para dar la bienvenida a todo el potencial de los cuatro pilares que dan la fuerza al proyecto "Árbol  Dorado de la Vida" en tu casa, tu corazón, tu alma


preview of a stretched canvas print of a digital collage of the first two forcegiving paintings of the golden lifetree project2000€ … TREE / BAUM / ÁRBOL ...

The connection of heaven and earth, of human being and divine source finds its expression in a fine art collage of the first two force giving pillars of the “Golden Lifetree” project on stretched canvas (50x70).

The prints are hand signed, numbered and certified to the name of the backer. They go together with an invitation to an event where you can meet Smoenjala and where she´d be happy to express her gratitude personally.


Die Verbindung von Himmel und Erde, von menschlichem Wesen und göttlicher Quelle findet ihren Ausdruck in einer Kunstcollage auf Leinwand (50x70) der ersten zwei kraftgebenden Säulen des “Goldenen Lebensbaum” Projektes.

Die Drucke sind handsigniert, nummeriert und ausgestellt auf den Namen des Bieters. Sie gehen Hand in Hand mit einer Einladung zu einem Event wo man Smoenjala treffen kann und wo sie sehr gerne persönlich ihre Dankbarkeit ausdrücken möchte.


La conexión entre el cielo y la tierra, entre el ser humano y la fuente divina se expresa en un collage de bella arte sobre lienzo (50x70) de los dos primeros pilares que dan la fuerza al proyecto del “Árbol Dorado de la Vida”

Las impresiónes están firmadas, numeradas y expedidas a nombre del postor. Están acompañadas por una invitación a un evento donde se puede conocer a Smoenjala y donde ella sería encantada de expresar su gratitud personalmente.



Our highest and most precious reward for you is a hand signed original painting (50x50). A “Blessing Picture” full of light, love, beauty and roses, the symbol of purity. This is hand signed, numbered and certified to your name.

This is also a one-of-a-kind opportunity to meet Smoenjala for a peaceful, heart to heart get together (according to prior agreement)


Unsere höchste und wertvollste Gratifikation ist ein Originalgemälde (50x50). Ein „Segen Bild" voller Licht, Liebe, Schönheit und Rosen, dem Symbol der Reinheit. Es ist handsigniert, nummeriert und ausgestellt auf deinen Namen.

Dies ist auch die einzigartige Gelegenheit, Smoenjala zu einem friedvollen, Herz-zu-Herz-Miteinader zu treffen.


Nuestra gratificación más valiosa y más preciada es una pintura original (50x50). Un "Cuadro de Bendición " lleno de luz, amor, belleza y rosas, el símbolo de la pureza. Está firmado, numerado y expedido a tu nombre.

Eso también es la oportunidad única para conocer a Smoenjala en un encuentro plácido, de corazón a corazón.



All the love, energy, money and heart of us from the “Golden Lifetree” team flows into this project. So while preparing thiscampaign we also put a lot of heart, thought and work into the rewards we wanted to offer. So just as unique as our project are our rewards. They are not available anywhere else and only during this campaign.

For all the perks regarding invitations and meetings: travelling & accommodation is not included and they are subject to prior agreement


Alle Liebe, Energie, Geld und Herz von uns vom “Golden Lifetree” Team fließt in dieses Projekt. So haben wir, während wir diese Kampagne vorbereitet haben, auch eine Menge Herz, Gedanken und Arbeit in die perks getan, die wir euch anbieten wollten. Deshalb sind sie so einzigartig wie unser Projekt. Sie sind nirgendwo anders und nur während dieser Kampagne zu erhalten.

In allen perks, die sich auf Einladungen und Treffen beziehen, sind Reise- und Unterbringungskosten nicht beinhaltet und sie bedürfen vorheriger Absprache.  


Todo el amor, la energía, el dinero y el corazón de nosotras del equipo del "Golden Lifetree" desemboca en este proyecto. Así, durante la preparación de esta campaña también poníamos una gran cantidad de corazón, pensamientos y trabajo en las recompensas que queríamos ofrecer. Por lo tanto, nuestras gratificaciónes son tan únicas como nuestro proyecto mismo. Ellos no están disponibles en ningún otro lugar y sólo durante esta campaña.

Con respecto a las invitaciones y encuentros: los costes de viaje y alojamiento no están incluidos y requieren un acuerdo previo.



thank you!



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Choose your Perk


Currency Conversion $5 USD
€5 EUR
Smoenjala says a heartwarming THANK YOU with a nicely designed digital postcard.
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $10 USD
€10 EUR
A “Golden Lifetree” wallpaper for your screen will fill you with light and love while you are browsing and spreading the word.
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $21 USD
€20 EUR
Day and night - two different expressions of the “Golden Lifetree” mother painting – open up new dimensions on your screen and in your soul.
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $31 USD
€30 EUR
Dive into a deeper understanding of your own divinity … 3 pictures will take you on a journey into the universe just by sitting in front of your pc.
2 claimed


Currency Conversion $52 USD
€50 EUR
Visit the birthplace of the “Golden Lifetree” through the eyes of Smoenjala. 10 digital photos invite you to let your soul wonder through the wonders of La Gomera.
1 claimed


Currency Conversion $73 USD
€70 EUR
… from heart to heart… 4 printable postcards from Smoenjala´s “heart collection” to send two your loved ones. The photos will inspire you to open up your own heart and see that love is all around you, in every aspect of your life.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
1 claimed


Currency Conversion $105 USD
€100 EUR
Sounds of a loving heart to relax your body and your mind and to bring healing to your soul. Smoenjala´s heart frequencies are recorded and turned into music by a fascinating technique and made available to you as a download file.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $314 USD
€300 EUR
A CD where Smoenjala connects to the “Golden Lifetree” and lets its frequencies flow through her heart and become music. In addition we are happy to send you a 15x15 postcard of the “Golden Lifetree” mother painting which was the inspiration for this music, both hand signed by Smoenjala.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $523 USD
€500 EUR
The world is sound, rhythm and frequency, is information – and so is a painting. Smoenjala tunes into the information of her painting so its frequency is expressed by the rhythm of her heart and turned into sound. A CD of this symphony, accompanied by two A4 prints of Smoenjala´s paintings will give you a holistic, meditative experience. The CD and prints are hand signed by Smoenjala.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $1,045 USD
€1,000 EUR
Four hand signed and numbered fine art prints (42x60) , certified to the name of the backer … this is the unique opportunity to welcome the full potential of all four force giving pillars of the “Golden Lifetree” project in your home, your heart, your soul.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $2,090 USD
€2,000 EUR
The connection of heaven and earth, of human being and divine source finds its expression in a fine art collage of the first two force giving pillars of the “Golden Lifetree” project on stretched canvas (50x70). The prints are hand signed, numbered and certified to the name of the backer. They go together with an invitation to an event where you can meet Smoenjala and where she´d be happy to express her gratitude personally.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $5,225 USD
€5,000 EUR
Our highest and most precious reward for you is a hand signed original painting (50x50). A “Blessing Picture” full of light, love, beauty and roses, the symbol of purity. This is hand signed, numbered and certified to your name. This is also a one-of-a-kind opportunity to meet Smoenjala for a peaceful, heart to heart get together.
0 claimed
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