Everyone loves a Dachshund is launching the world's first print magazine for dachshunds.
Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund is cover dog for good hooman magazine
It's the first of its kind: a lifestyle magazine for dachshunds who want to make the best of their life and relations with their dear but misguided humans.
And as you can see, Crusoe is our cover dog! Plus it's got all the famous wieners you already know - like Sam, Matilda & Henry the savvy dachshunds; Maya the Sausage; Ammo the Dachshund; and Obie, whose weight loss transformation reached the news all over the world.
Yes, it is as much fun as it sounds. Can you imagine having this magazine lying on your living room table? It is practically guaranteed to bring lots of laughs and raise eyebrows with guests who will ask, ”What is THIS?"
You can casually reply, "Oh, that's just HIS magazine," and point to your doxie.
If you love doxies, it goes without saying that this would probably be the ultimate prop and humorous addition to your home. Not only that, it's great fun in itself and will provide hours of entertainment for you and your and guests. It's fun for kids too and provides a way to make our little ones think about dogs and what they mean to us.
Don't miss out - pre-order your early bird copy of good hooman magazine now for just $10.
Printing is expensive and by backing our campaign you will not only receive good hooman magazine you also help us print the first 500 copies. We are working with a high-end printing company that produces magazines printed on thick, coated, glossy paper - just like the magazines you see on newsstands.
We also hired world class writers to help us give the magazine that final touch of professionalism. If you help fund this project, it means we can:
•Pay for printing and postage
•Pay our outstanding writers
•Hire a world class designer to help make every page spectacular
If our goal is not reached we do not receive a dime and your money will be refunded to you automatically.
Sorry, there are no tote bags or t-shirts - just a fabulous dachshund magazine. To pre-order your copy right away for the early bird price of just $10, please choose the box labeled "Featured" at the top right side of this page.
You will have our endless gratitude for helping us making the world’s first print magazine just for dachshunds come to life.
We have received a ton of positive feedback from the dachshund community and pet media already.
Martin Brock: Grew up with a dachshund named Hazel and is co-founder of “Everyone loves a Dachshund”. For more than a decade, he has worked in the digital marketing field and have years of experience with web-based projects and campaigns. Although based in Denmark, most of his work activities revolve around the United States.
Peter Gerstenzang: Peter is known as one of the finest humor and pet writers in the business. He has previously written for both Dog and Cat Fancy magazine plus a wide range of popular publications in the US. He has won 4 National Humor Awards for his comic dog pieces.
Kellie B. Gormly is a veteran journalist and writes for publications including Lucky Puppy and Dogster / Catster. She loves all things pet, and works in animal rescue. Kellie has a cat household, but cheats by snuggling with her family's Dachshunds during visits.
Mary Shimshea is owned by Boston and Peanut and after rescuing both of these doxie boys from bad situations, she became involved with dachshund rescue. Besides being an editor on Everyone loves a Dachshund, she gave their own little page, Doxie Duo Boston and Peanut, to spread awareness about this important cause.
Pre-order your copy of good hooman magazine for the early bird price of just $10, please choose go to where it says "Featured" at the top right side of this page.