On 10/26 I turn 40, and I've got everything I need - good health, food, shelter, safety, and a fantastic family that includes a superduper husband and wonderful friends.
I'd like to use this milestone as an opportunity to raise a little money for people who don't have enough - or any - of all that. I was hoping that, amongst everyone I know, 40 people would contribute $40 to each of these 10 charities as a birthday gift to me. The total now exceeds $40 x 40 but I'm hoping the contributions will continue! CharityNavigator.org is a good resource if you want to learn more about any of these organizations.
Each organization is listed here as it's own "perk." Now that they've all "sold out," I will evenly split the total amount raised amongst all ten charities. So if you want to participate, please make a general donation.
I know you might not otherwise buy me a gift, but maybe you like this excuse to make a donation. Maybe you'd buy me a drink, but not spend $40, in which case you can donate a smaller amount. Or if you'd be happy to spend more than $40, please donate whatever badass amount you have in mind.
Watching the total surpass my initial goal has been wonderful, and I'd like to see how much we can all pool together. So please pass along to anyone that you think would be interested in participating, and thank you for considering a donation.